Lost Arts Radio Show #47 – Guests Elana Freeland, Wayne Hall and Michael Murphy

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Paris Climate Conference/Geoengineering Supershow with Elana Freeland, Wayne Hall and Michael Murphy

Lost Arts Radio Show on Saturday 12/5/15

Elana FreelandThis week’s show is a special treat, a different format from most, with three world-class guests, all on together, to talk about the Paris Climate Conference (“COP 21”) and all that it implies for our future.

Joining us for a relaxed and unscripted discussion in our virtual electronic living room will be Elana Freeland, Wayne Hall and Michael Murphy, all on the show at the same time.

Elana Freeland, a former guest on Lost Arts Radio, is the author of Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, and an expert on the bigger picture behind HAARP, geoengineering and other interconnected projects leading toward the total surveillance and enslavement of humanity.  This depth of understanding gives her a valuable and unique perspective on the Paris conference and other connected developments currently underway around us.

Wayne HallWayne Hall was one of the first pioneers in anti-geoengineering activism in Greece. He has appeared in numerous video interviews and features (e.g. https://youtu.be/kX52VTYTAj0), and has written articles carried at www.geoengineeringwatch.org, and on a variety of other platforms and blogs.  Wayne is well situated to give us an up to the minute European viewpoint on the Paris conference.  He can  also address what can be done in European countries like Greece, where contact with officials is generally more direct than is usually the case in large countries like the U.S.  All too often, those of us in the U.S. encounter staffs of our representatives that can make direct contact between them and individual citizens much more difficult.  Wayne’s experience as an activist and his interaction with various levels of power in Greece gives us the context to better understand the worldwide accelerating impact of geoengineering and what is possible for individuals in European countries to achieve with the sincerity and commitment to make a difference.

Michael MurphyMichael Murphy (www.unconventionalgrey.com), also a past guest on Lost Arts Radio, is well known around the world for his two movies, What In The World Are They Spraying? and Why In The World Are They Spraying? and is now working on his third and potentially most powerful film, which will deal with actual aerial collection of samples for proof of what is being sprayed on us, and supply the basis for injunctions he hopes will be the first practical means to actually get geoengineering stopped for good.  Michael will explain the relevance of his movie work to achieving this goal, what is so important at this moment about the Paris conference, and the ominous agreement that those attending hope will be signed, and will lead us much farther into actual world tyranny.  Michael gives us his point of view on what are our options for averting this fate at this late stage of the game.  All three of our three guests will interact freely on this spontaneous discussion, and the outcome is expected to be a rare treat of real education for those that want more understanding of epic events unfolding right now on the world stage.

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Richard Sacks, Host

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