Lost Arts Radio Show #120 – Special Guest Dr. Paul Thomas

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Dr. Paul Thomas: Informed Consent and Customizing the Vaccine Schedule

Lost Arts Radio Show on Wednesday 4/19/17

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Dr. Paul Thomas

On Wednesday April 19, we have the privilege of hearing from another great speaker from the Revolution 4 Truth event that took place March 31st in Washington, D.C. Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. (www.drpaulapproved.com) is an extraordinary pediatrician who believes in real science and informed consent. This may not sound unusual for a medical professional, but compared to the corrupted science and forced medical treatments that are currently becoming more common in the United States, it becomes clear that Dr. Thomas is a reall-life heroic figure, doing all he can to protect our rights to freely make health decisions for ourselves and our children.

Informed Consent means that medical treatments cannot be done to you or your kids unless you are in full possession of the information about the pros and cons of the treatment, and then make a voluntary decision whether to accept that treatment or not. Informed Consent is also a basic guaranteed right that was affirmed by the Nuremburg Code, and by Supreme Court precedent as recently as 2013 (discussed in detail on our show with guest Ralph Fucetola, J.D., available free on www.lostartsradio.com). However, due to the special status given to vaccines, which contradicts both real science and Informed Consent, there is a legal assumption that they are part of the “legitimate police powers of the state.”

Dr. Thomas is taking the time to educate his patients to make their own decisions on vaccines in spite of this trend. Other doctors and scientists need to follow his example of bringing back real unbiased testing to show what is truly safe and what helps or harms our health. America is supposed to be based on the idea that each of us is free to live as we choose, as long as we respect the rights of others to do the same. That right to make your own decisions is under attack, and Dr. Thomas is demonstrating that it doesn’t have to be lost.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support the work of Lost Arts Research Institute, please donate to our efforts at www.lostartsresearchinstitute.org, and tell others about the show.  Also, even if you don’t have money available to donate to our work (and I don’t want you to donate money you need for yourself or your family), we have a new way now for you to help us if you want to. When you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to smile.amazon.com. You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose “Lost Arts Research Institute” in Sedona, Arizona. It won’t cost you anything, and it will help us keep going.

The Institute website is still being developed, and deals with the work and larger project of the Research Institute, which we hope those with sufficient resources will support with donations that are now 100% tax deductible. The Institute is the entity that will build and run the educational facility where principles of health and consciousness can be demonstrated and experienced.

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Thanks for being part of our family and we look forward to being with you on our next show. Feel free to communicate your comments and suggestions to me any time – I will read them all and respond as time permits.

Richard Sacks, Host


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