International Tribunal issues Cease & Desist Orders banning genocidal bio-weapons COVID vaccines in Pandemic Pariah nation Canada and its four vaccines bio-weapons war crimes Provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, and Ontario.




International Tribunal issues Cease & Desist Orders banning genocidal bio-weapons COVID vaccines in Pandemic Pariah nation Canada and its four vaccines bio-weapons war crimes Provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, and Ontario.

The Tribunal’s Cease and Desist Orders can be accessed at these Tribunal links:

# Download All CEASE & DESIST ORDERS Served by the Tribunal

New Brunswick, Canada – Premier Blaine Higgs – May 14, 2021


Ontario, Canada – Premier Doug Ford – May 14, 2021

Download ONTARIO *ORDER TO CEASE & DESIST – “COVID VACCINATION” [GENETIC BIOWARFARE]—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare.pdf

British Columbia, Canada – Premier John Horgan – May 14, 2021

Download BRITISH COLUMBIA *ORDER TO CEASE & DESIST – “COVID VACCINATION” [GENETIC BIOWARFARE]—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare.pdf

Alberta, Canada – Premier Jason Kenney

Download ALBERTA CANADA *ORDER TO CEASE & DESIST – “COVID VACCINATION” [GENETIC BIOWARFARE]—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare.pdf

Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Dr. Theresa Tam, Dr. Supriya Sharma, Chief medical adviser for Health Canada

Download CANADA *ORDER TO CEASE & DESIST – “COVID VACCINATION” [GENETIC BIOWARFARE]—covid-vaccination-genetic-biowarfare.pdf

The International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice, a private Tribunal of Conscience, with representatives from nations on 3 continents, has engaged in a process of indictment, trial, and judgment against various international actors for the foreseeable harms generated by the COVID-19 Declared Pandemic and the rushed-to-market gene-altering “vaccines.”

The Tribunal’s action banning COVID “Vaccine” functional bioweapons in all provinces of Canada comes on the heels of public disclosure that “Vaccine” bioweapon manufacturer ““Pfizer’s own documents that state both inhalation and skin contact will transmit whatever is in the vax from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. Here is what just this small portion of [official PfizerCOVID “Vaccination” medical bioweapon document is saying:  “(1). If a man who was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman, or breathes any of the air she breathes, (in other words, walks by her in the office) and he then has sex with his wife, his wife can have an adverse event and she should avoid having children. (2). If a woman who was never vaccinated gets exposed to a woman who was vaccinated, she can: (A) miscarry, (B) spontaneously abort, (C) poison a baby via her breast milk, (D) Have babies that have cognitive difficulties.”[References: See page 14 forward of Tribunal’s Cease & Desist Order at links above.]

These are the important scientific sources of information about the spiked protein retransmission of spiked proteins by “vaxxed” persons turning them into walking bioweapons that the Canadian genociders: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Premiers Jason Kenny [Alberta], John Horgan [British Columbia, Doug Ford [Ontario], and Blaine Higgs are systematically unleashing upon their Canadian people as crimes against humanity, in violation of Treaties such as the International Criminal Court Statute that Canada and 123 nations solemnly ratified.

Vaccinated are ‘transmitting artificial intelligence synthetic ‘affliction’ to the unvaccinated’ with multiple effects including menstruation/fertility issues – a must watch as doctors speak out – David Icke

Nurse warns: Stay away from those who’ve been ‘vaxxed’

World Doctors Warning: Stay Away From The Vaxxed!

Stay Away From The Vaxxed, It Is Official, From Pfizer’s Own Documents

Miami school bars vaccinated teachers from seeing students

COVID-19 Injected People Becoming a Threat to Public Health and Safety

BOMBSHELL: Gates Foundation, DARPA funding self-replicating, weaponized vaccine technology that began under Apartheid, to exterminate Blacks… and now it’s powering the covid vax

Wednesday, May 05, 2021 by: Mike Adams

As a Tribunal of Conscience, the International Tribunal is duty bound to prosecute these Canadian governments, officials, health care providers, mainstream media, vaccination companies for genociding the Canadian people in violation of multiple international laws. As soon as an international or national civil law court or law enforcement agency intervenes to enforce the Tribunal’s Cease and Desist Orders, these officials will go to prison for their actions, comparable in many ways to the actions of the defendants before the Nuremberg Tribunals of WWII.

See, for example:

“Private Tribunals of Conscience
Their History and Why They Matter”
By Ralph Fucetola, JD




Skype: peaceinspace
Mobile: +1-604-600-9203

May 14, 2021

13 thoughts on “International Tribunal issues Cease & Desist Orders banning genocidal bio-weapons COVID vaccines in Pandemic Pariah nation Canada and its four vaccines bio-weapons war crimes Provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, and Ontario.

    1. Thank you Sue for your comment! As you may know, our Tribunal is a Tribunal of Conscience. Here is a description of our Jurisdiction.”Private Tribunals of Conscience
      Their History and Why They Matter”
      By Judge Ralph Fucetola, JD
      Of our Tribunal of Conscience

      Our Tribunal of Conscience is working in collaboration with Common Law Courts in Canada that are enforcing our Judgments and Cease and Desist orders and have arrested Canadian elected public officials after common law public trial. One such common law court is http://www.Stand4THEE.COM and you can contact them through their website email.

      1. I just found this website! How do we get this going here in the U.S.? Those states with Democratic ‘leadership’ are suffering & need relief.

      2. How can we follow along with who is arrested when? I am trying to find more details of these orders and haven’t been able to do so.

  1. Have the judgements and the Cease and Desist Orders been served to all the groups being charged? If so, they do not seem to be taking any notice. Furthermore, can the judges and courts be trusted?


    1. You can access all of the Cease and Desist Orders served at this link:Download All CEASE & DESIST ORDERS Served by the Tribunal

      Here is a useful article on Tribunals of Conscience and our Jurisdiction:

      “Private Tribunals of Conscience
      Their History and Why They Matter”
      By Judge Ralph Fucetola, JD
      Of our Tribunal of Conscience

  2. Et nous au Québec, rien. Nous sommes là seule Province de Amérique du Nord et du Sud. A avoir un couvre feu. DEEPSTATE profond ici .

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