Important Announcement Regarding FDA vs Natural Solutions Foundation

Your Urgent Support Needed Now!

As you are aware, the United States brought an action on behalf of the Food and Drug Administration based on its belief that the Foundation’s communications about nanosilver amounted to the promotion of an unapproved drug. The action was brought against the Foundation and also against Mr. Fucetola and me personally.

We are pleased to announce that we have now entered into a consent decree resolving that dispute, without any admission of wrong-doing.

You may review that consent decree at this link:

In consequence of that consent decree, we may modify some of our procedures and activities, but the Foundation will continue to operate under the protection of the First Amendment.

We remain committed to the Mission of Natural Solutions Foundation: To discover, document, develop and disseminate natural solutions to the problems with which we are faced.

In fact, now, more than ever, we need your committed support.

Use this link to make a generous year-end gift to keep Informed Consent and Health Freedom Strong: 

[1]  PayPal:  Easy to use.

[2] Shopping Cart:

Please consider setting up a regular monthly gift to support health freedom and Informed Consent.

Let me remind you that before his untimely death General Bert, the Founder of the Foundation, warned us all that “Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century”. We will continue to bring you information and tools to support your informed consent.

I wish you all a just, healthy, happy and FREE New Year.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

22 thoughts on “Important Announcement Regarding FDA vs Natural Solutions Foundation

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  2. Hello Sir,
    I must say I am completely astonished by the goodwill of your organization. Please how can I get Nano Silver to buy in Ghana, West Africa.
    Counting on your usual response. Email:
    Thank you!

  3. “Silver” by Walter De La Mare
    Slowly, silently, now the moon
    Walks the night in her silver shoon:
    This way and that, she peers, and sees – silver fruit upon silver trees:
    One by one the casements catch
    Her beams beneath the silvery thatch
    Couched in his kennel, like a log, with paws of silver sleeps the dog,
    From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
    Of doves in a silver-feathered sleep:
    A harvest mouse goes scampering by, with claws of silver and a silver eye
    And moveless fish in the water gleam,
    By silver reeds in a silver stream.

    Thank you for all you do. Silver is incredible !

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