If All Else Fails, Just Fool Them: How One Clinic Tricks Families Into Getting HPV Vaccines

How one clinic got a big boost in HPV vaccination rates

Trickery And Danger: How One Clinic Fools Parents Into Getting HPV Vaccine For Their Daughters

There is a long history in the U.S. and elsewhere of arrogance and high-handedness on the part of doctors.

Some doctors, of course, not all. But still. There is a real risk of course of intelligent people who excel in the medical field lacking the people skills to properly interact with and explain themselves to patients; and sometimes patients are no doubt just as stupid as the ones portrayed on “House M.D.”


And there is a self-perpetuating, two-way-street aspect of this arrogance on the part of doctors; some patients treat their medical practitioners with a deference that can only be termed “reverence,” as if every word that comes out of a doctor’s mouth is a pronouncement from god.

Well, one clinic in Aurora, Colorado is putting their medical staff back up on that pedestal when it comes to treating their patients as if they were children to be led, not clients or customers to be worked with as individuals until an amenable solution that fits them personally is found.

In order to increase the rates at which parents allow them to administer the HPV vaccine to their daughters and sons, one Denver clinic, as part of a research program conducted by the University of Colorado in Aurora, simply didn’t tell the parents that this was one of the bundle of vaccines and boosters they were giving to their 11-year-olds–or at least they deliberately obfuscated its presence in the bundle.

They found–unsurprisingly, given that parents and their kids weren’t warned about the specific concerns people have with that particular vaccine–that HPV vaccination rates jumped some 90 percent.

“The program is simple and low cost, and something that can easily be rolled out at other institutions,” said lead researcher Dr. Anna-Lisa Farmar, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado in Aurora.

Well, yeah, it generally costs nothing to lie to people.

The sheer hubris of this “program” is hard to truly fathom.

It subjects girls and boys unknowingly to a vaccine that has proven so dangerous it is no longer recommended in Japan and is under scrutiny by a number of other nations, one that was hastily and clumsily forced through the CDC approval process despite myriad problems with the research supporting its safety and efficacy, and which has netted the former head of the CDC several million dollars as Merck’s vice president of vaccines upon her retirement from the agency and which has made that company billions.

This Aurora study is not legitimate research at all. It is something more akin to the Tuskeegee experiments or Nazi research on unwitting Jewish subjects. It should not only be halted immediately, and subject to a wave of lawsuits, it should also spawn criminal charges.

If one of the kids being given Gardasil does get sick, you can bet heads will roll in Aurora.

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