Huge WIN! WHO withdraws 12 Biden ‘sovereignty’ amendments amid fierce opposition

Biden proposals cede authority to U.N. agency during health ’emergencies’

Amid charges of ceding U.S. sovereignty to the World Health Organization, 12 of the 13 amendments submitted by the Biden administration for a vote in the World Health Assembly this week in Geneva have been removed from consideration.

The amendments were publicized only last month, and it was the advocacy of independent researcher James Roguski that alerted the public to the implications for U.S. sovereignty, prompting a groundswell of popular opposition, largely in the past week.

Roguski, who has been monitoring the WHA proceedings, which began Sunday, said the withdrawal appears to be the result of “the massive response from people all over the world in opposition to the amendments to the International Health Regulations, along with legal actions in the U.K. (and a whole lot of prayer).”

Along with the fact that the amendments can be resubmitted in the future and WHO’s ultimate objective is for the leading nations to sign a global pandemic treaty, “now is not the time to relax,” Roguski wrote on his Substack page dedicated to the issue.

The news of the removal of a dozen amendments came through legal action filed in the United Kingdom by a physician, Zac Cox. After his May 17 request for judicial review was rejected, Cox filed an appeal last Friday.

The U.K. Government Legal Department of the Secretary of State for Health and Social care replied to Cox that the appeal was without merit because 12 of the 13 proposed amendments had been removed from consideration. That was due, the government said, to the fact that the WHO’s Working Group for Pandemic Response was “unable to reach a consensus.”

The one remaining Biden amendment reduces the period of time in which a nation can withdraw its vote on an amendment to the International Health Regulations from 18 months to six months.

In an interview Tuesday with “War Room,” Roguski explained that opponents of the move to give the WHO more power shouldn’t rest, because the Working Group for Pandemic Response “will never give up.”

“They will keep trying to do this again in the future,” he said. “We’ve got to stay vigilant.”

Last week, in interviews with WND, acclaimed health reformer Dr. Peter Breggin, mRNA technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone and former Congress member Michele Bachmann warned that the Biden amendments amounted to a handover of U.S. sovereignty over health care.

Breggin argued “the U.S. is the one power that stands in the way of globalism.”

Malone described the Biden move as the U.S. giving the China-controlled WHO “the keys to the kingdom.”

Bachmann urged Americans to “melt the phone lines” of their elected officials.

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