Health Freedom is Essential But It isn’t Free


Help us keep the lights of Informed Consent burning with your most generous donation and we’ll say “Thank You!” with an Advanced Vaccine Directive Card (a $20 value) for each gift of $50 (or multiple thereof).

This vitally important assertion of you Right of Informed Consent, the basis of your exemption, makes a perfect gift for those you care about, starting with yourself!


For each additional $50 we’ll thank you with an additional Advance Vaccine Directive Card!

For your Thank You gifts, use our donation link,, or send a check or money order made out to ‘Natural Solutions’ to

Natural Solutions
3769 E Calle Fernando
Tucson AZ 85716.

Thanks for your support of the important Health Freedom work of Natural Solutions Foundation. We are there for you. Thanks for being there for yourself – and for us!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

11 thoughts on “Health Freedom is Essential But It isn’t Free

  1. This is so serious, we need to organize with the best and most honest lawyers, doctors, and scientists. The intention is to secretly cripple and kill as many of as as possible, with autism and the adverse effects from deliberate hot shots. They can remove any person they target by pretending to care for our health,

  2. British Control of America. laroucheorganization dot nationbuilder dot com —- can save you time. Also see: archive dot larouchepac dot com/1932 and: larouchepub dot com. Thermonuclear War ahead ???? That will surely solve our covid problems won’t it ?

  3. I have the silver and the gold directive cards. I recently had to take my nephew to the ER, who staff met me at the door with a ask and required that I put it on. I showed them my card and they smirked and said the6 had never seen those before so they would not accept them. I refused to mask and went on back to the room where they took my nephew. A few mins later, a large burly male Dr. came into our room and said I understand you were asked to put on a mask and you refused. I answered yes that I’d correct. He then to.d me that he was there to make sure that I do. I just told him that I would not be staying then. I walked out into the front lobby. The front desk called the security guard and I had to leave. My nephew said the staff was still standing outside his door talking about the fact that I just wouldn’t put the mask on. Why are these not recognized by the medical profession?

  4. To ware a mask or not is your definition of freedom. Doctor or hospital worker do not know whether or not you suffer from covid. It is their duty to safeguard the hospital personnel and patients. They have to observe hospital protocol; you have no right against it.

    I’m recent Republican convention covid vaccination certification was checked and those without it were not allowed till negative result received. Most of the leaders who are against masks and vaccination mandate have taken vaccines.

    1. Just plain not true. MOST of these very well educated health professionals have NOT been vaxxed. You have been lied to over and over again, and whoever told you this is just manipulating you. If you have the motivation (and intelligence) to do your own research, you would know. I beg you to turn off your television. You are just the kind of person who is targeted. It’s COMMON KNOWLEDGE now that a large percentage of vaccines given to the authorities on camera were placebo. Bill Gates’ doctor came out and said NOBODY in his family ever received vaccines. (he was fired of course, and the story has been removed from the internet so you won’t find that one). But for heaven’s sake, Mr Vish (hoping you’re not just a simple troll who receives payment for your false comments), do YOUR OWN RESEARCH before you post falsehoods. Otherwise you’re no better than the plastic journalists vetted (and well paid) for their service to the pharmaceutical companies.

  5. Well, the video is no longer available… The heading that I saw mentioned,Mr. that youtube terminated the account..

  6. We are being cut everywhere. They want us dead or crippled. YouTube is among them. They don’t know what they are doing for just money, but God is in control and I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes..

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