(Updated Dec. 10th, 2021)
By Dr. Ariyana Love
I compiled all the evidence we have into this article that prove Graphene Oxide, Graphene Hydroxide and other Graphene variants are in fact being injected into people by governments and Big Pharma, with intent to kill.
This evidence was discovered and proven numerous times already by independent research teams, scientists, Biotech whistleblowers and the few ethical Journalists remaining.
There’s a concerted effort by the pharmaceutical cartel funded “fact checkers,” Big Tech platforms and mainstream media, to hide the evidence and slander the people bringing this to light.
Once you go over the evidence provided here, you must take action for the safety of you and your families. Serve all war criminals participating in this COVID death jab program with a Notice of Liability for the murders they are committing. This is definitive action that any person can take, worldwide. The notices are already drafted by legal teams so why not use them and let our enemies be on the defensive. The criminals will be reminded of the Nuremberg trials, and informed that they will be brought to justice. They need to cease and desist from acting knowingly and willfully in mandating “vaccine” death jabs and enforcing them. The evidence to the danger is clear and deaths have been proven. Anyone administering or mandating these “vaccine” kill shots are doing so without Informed Consent.
On November 2nd, a prominent Professor at the University of Almeria, Dr. Pablo Campra, revealed his detection of Graphene in multiple Covid-19 “vaccine” vials, using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. The Dr. Campra’s University of Almeria report demonstrated the detection of Graphene and Graphene Oxide in 8 samples from various “vaccine” manufacturers.
In response, Dr. Andreas Noack released a scathing video commenting on Dr. Campra’s report. Dr. Noack is a chemist and the world’s leading expert in activated carbon engineering and GRAPHENE. Dr. Noack did his PhD doctoral thesis on how to turn Graphene Oxide into Graphene Hydroxide.
The video is of crucial importance. Dr. Noack said that two of the frequency bands that Dr. Campra detected were of Graphene Hydroxide. Graphene Hydroxide (GHO) is a mono-layer activated carbon, 50nm long and 0.1nm thick (an atom layer thick). Thus, the injections contain nano-razorblades of exceptional stability, which are non-biodegrable (a fact that every chemist knows).
In effect, these nano-razorblades cut up and destroy the heart, brain and cardiovascular system. The epithelial cells become rough so things stick to them. He says that toxicologists cannot find them in a petri dish by normal methods as they do not move and they don’t expect to discover nano-sized razor blades. Moreover, any doctor who injects them with knowledge of this issue, is a murderer.
Graphene Hydroxide is a new material and toxicologists aren’t aware of it yet. This is why people are dropping dead from these lethal shots, especially athletes, Dr. Noack explains. This is a “highly intelligent poison”.
What’s even more horrifying is that if you perform an autopsy you will not find anything. This stealth weapon is even untraceable after death. The Graphene Hydroxide nano-razerblades cause people to bleed to death internally.
“Even if people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the blood vessels little by little… I can say as a chemist that we are absolutely certain that the Graphene Hydroxide is in there… as a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer.”
Dr. Noack died the next day, after blowing the whistle on Graphene Hydroxide in the COVID kill shots. His wife made an announcement that it was a “brutal sneak attack”. She pleaded with us to have the courage to BELIEVE in Dr. Noack’s message about nanoscale razorblades and to ACT NOW! She said her husband is a kind soul and he did this for us, he died for all of us.
That same evening Dr. Noack released his dire warning, there was strange electrical activity at his house and an electrical outage at the same time he developed “stroke-like” symptoms. These are both indicative of Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) radiation which is what his wife thought had killed Dr. Noack. Also see link here.

Dr. Noack’s widow believes he may have been attacked by a radiation beam because he has said in the past that radiation weaponry exists and this technology can be used by “them” to take people out. She mentions the radiation in her full interview in German.
The mainstream media is ever silent about Dr. Noack’s death and his grave warning that Graphene Hydroxide is in the COVID shots. There were a few independent media publications about his untimely death and there are others who expressed belief that he was murdered, possibly by rays from afar.
Here’s Dr. Noack’s widow’s latest update in English subtitles. Some say he died of a stroke. We may never know. But what we do know is that Graphene Oxide, Graphene Hydroxide nanoscale razorblades and other Graphene variants are indeed in these shots and the pharmaceutical cartel and world governments want to inject them into every man, woman and child!

Send out this video and my article to all doctors, experts and world leaders now. Governments are already injecting 5-year-olds with Pharma’s kill shots containing Graphene Hydroxide razors. This technology will cut up their insides and delivery a gruesome, painful death to our kids!
Last year the Austrian police busted down Dr. Noack’s door and arrested him in an attempt to stop him from speaking out. The incident was recorded on camera. He was clearly a target.
Dr Pablo Campra was the first to deduce that the Pfizer serum contains Graphene Oxide flakes using Transmission Electron Microscopy in July, 2021. His techniques of detection also included infrared spectroscopy combined with optical microscopy.
Prior to Dr. Campra’s discovery, another Spanish research team named La Quinta Columna, released their discovery in June, that the COVID serums in all their variants, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., contain a considerable dose of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles, reported by Global Research.
Dr. Ricardo Delgado a biostatistician and founder of La Quinta Columna, discovered that 99% of the Pfizer contents are Graphene Oxide. His team was smeared by fact checkers who provided no evidence of their libelous claims.
In my article entitled, “Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide,” I explain the chemical process involved in reducing Graphene Oxide to a clear liquid serum by reducing its oxygen content. By doing so, Reduced Graphene Oxide (RGO) is more lethal. So yes, it’s scientifically possible that COVID serums can be 99% Graphene Oxide.
Dr. Delgado’s team released a scientific report of their optical and electron microscopy analysis showing Graphene Oxide was found in four “Covid-19 Vaccines”. Orwell City broke the news in English. Then La Quinta Columna requested an Interim Report from the University of Almeria entitled, “DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN AQUEOUS SUSPENSION SAMPLE”.
La Quinta Columna’s report was originally published in Spanish on June 28, 2021.
Source: ambassadorlove.wordpress.com/2021/12/02/graphene-covid-kill-shots-let-the-evidence-speak-for-itself/
just wonder how much of it is in the daily geoengineering sprayings accompanied by the surrounding 5G radiation??? NON-genetically modified HUMANS are getting sick with similar symptoms the NOW PATENTABLE injected have..