Solution? Nano Silver!

Medical Opinion by Rima E. Laibow, MD
Antibiotic Resistance is real and a growing problem of epidemic proportions all around the world, says a new article in The Guardian*. Antibiotic resistance is caused exclusively by the use of … WAIT FOR IT….. antibiotics.
While trying to pin the problem on reckless antibiotic use in developing countries, the fine print later in the article admits that developed countries like the EU, UK and US, use these dangerous – and, if you know what to do instead, unnecessary – drugs, far more than the 3rd World.
While saying that sanitation and clean water would help a lot (and they would for people who do not already have them available) the article goes “shill” when it irrationally says that although antibiotics do not work for viruses and most of their use is against viruses, the “cure” there would be more vaccination (!) since flu (caused by a virus) and intestinal viruses are major problems in most of the world.
Hold on there! Vaccine science is junk science: if you look at the reality, not the ceaseless hype, there is, to my mind, absolutely no reason for using vaccines since they weaken the immune system, do not prevent disease and increase incidence and severity of disease.
What’s the solution? The amazing nutrient — Nano Silver 10 PPM Solution which I most heartily recommend.
Why? First of all, unlike EVERY antibiotic, it is non-toxic. Absolutely and totally non-toxic to anyone, mother, child, baby, granny, puppy, kitty. NON-toxic.
The article states, horrifyingly, “Of particular concern, the report states, is the steep rise in global use of antibiotics of last resort, such as colistin, a drug that has been reintroduced despite being all but abandoned in the 1970s because of its toxicity. Colistin has been used to treat infections that cannot be shifted with other drugs, but in the past decade bacteria with colistin-resistant genes spread around the world after they emerged in a Chinese pig in the mid-2000s.”
FDA prohibits us from calling Nano Silver 10 PPM an “antibiotic,” which, it turns out, is a good thing because we certainly do not want this near-miraculous nutrient confused with toxic drugs. And unlike antibiotics, when the immune system encounters a disease-causing virus, bacteria or parasite, and that immune system is supported by Nano Silver 10 PPM, the course of events is just what you would want, and just what an antibiotic cannot provide: a vibrantly normal immune structure and function. There is another name for that, it is called “health.”
The article admits that it was sanitation and hygiene that reduced the infection rate in developed countries and that such infrastructure is needed in the rest of the world: “Without fresh interventions to curb overuse, the number of antibiotics handed out globally could rise more than 200% by 2030, from 42bn doses per day in 2015 to 128 billion, the researchers predict. ‘In high income countries, the most important thing that reduced mortality from infectious disease in the 20th century was infrastructure,’ Klein said. ‘Separating waste from drinking water and chlorinating it was one of the most important things we did.'” As I’ve always said, sanitation, hygiene and better nutrition, are essential parts of a healthy lifestyle.
But somehow vaccination gets introduced as a solution (full shill) because, well, you know…. Vaccine worship, you see, is part of the economic religion of the ruling class.
The reality is that neither bacteria nor viruses nor parasites like malaria develop immunity to Nano Silver 10 PPM because its mechanism of operation is very different from that of antibiotics. It is a nutrient that supports both normal cell membrane integrity and normal immune system function.
It is estimated that antibiotic resistant organisms will kill 50 million people world wide within less than 2 years.
But if your immune function is supported and protected by Nano Silver 10 PPM I know of no disease-causing agent that can stand against it — and it is non-toxic.
Remember, if a resistant organism is circulating in the community, or the hospital, or the school, or the airplane, or the restaurant, it will make people very sick, possibly killing a great many of them. Unless….
That is why I urge you strongly to take this warning seriously and make sure that you, personally, and the people you care about, have an adequate supply of Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10 PPM on hand. Our warehouse told me yesterday that we have fewer than 90 bottles left. And we never know when our manufacturer can make more for us.
With a shelf-life of pretty much forever, having Nano Silver 10 PPM in reserve is a very safe, and a very smart move to make. Even smarter and even safer is to make sure that you get a regular serving of this remarkable nutrient on a daily basis.
I know I do: I never miss my cap-full in the morning.
One 16 oz bottle provides 96 adult servings.
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