Fullscript Membership

Goodbye, Wellevate, Hello Fullscript

Wellevate dumped us. Fullscript is even better!
Here is What You Need to Do For Your
Professional Quality Supplements at a Discount: Register (No Charge), 


All supplements are not created equal.  That’s why I opened my private dispensary to health freedom supporters. You need access to the same high quality supplements I use myself and I recommend to my patients. When you shop through Fullscript, you are also supporting the work that we do to support your rights and mine to make our own health choices – at a discount!

What’s not to love.

We talked about this when we were using Wellevate and it worked pretty well.  Until they dumped us – with no reason! That, of course, was bad news!

By the way, I had been a decades-long customer with Wellevate’s parent company.  They dumped me, too. Again, no reason. Because they cancelled me, they cancelled all of our Wellevate accounts.

Of course, the same day I went online to find a substitute for us both. And I found Fullscript. Turns out it’s even easier to use than Wellevate and has an even wider array of professional products for us.,

Turns out that Wellevate and its parent company were bought by Fullscript and they have absolutely no problem with my account, or with yours.

In fact, once you set up your free account at https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/rlaibow you’ll immediately be able to shop a larger, easier-to-navigate Dispensary. And, to tell you the truth, it’s a lot easier to use than the previous option.

And, for even greater news, for the month of May you’ll save 10% off everything you purchase at https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/rlaibow.

Greater news yet? Share the link on social media and help support Health Freedom!

Remember, the professional quality supplements, nutrients, personal care, pet and other products you need are all available at https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/rlaibow — but you must renew your account by going to that link and entering a new password.

Here is further information to share with those you care for who were not Wellevate members, so they can join Fullscript: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/hilarious-and-useful-too/

Thanks for your continuing support,

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

PS — Please note, I do not prescribe, diagnose, treat, mitigate or claim to cure any medical condition through Fullscript.