Greenpeace Remembers:
“Five years on and the Fukushima crisis is far from over”
As the March 11, 2016 Fifth Anniversary of the earthquake, tsunami and explosions that destroyed several nuclear reactors on the Pacific Coast at Fukushima, Japan approaches, various international organizations are engaging in commemorative events. Memorials are planned in Japan. Greenpeace has its sailing ship in the area. Natural Solutions announces a Global Commemorative Marathon for March 9, 2016.
In a copyright article* on Greenpeace International dated 24 February 2016 Shaun Burnie recalls,
“I remember waking up to the news on March 11, 2011. Though I was at home in Scotland, I’ve never felt so connected to the people of Japan. Having spent decades with Greenpeace actively campaigning against nuclear power in Japan, I knew deep down that a catastrophic accident was only a matter of time. With media requests coming in thick and fast, I recall appearing on BBC World News live. In mid-interview, as I was talking about the specific threat at Fukushima, I was interrupted as the news crossed to Japan where Reactor 3 exploded.”
Returning to the coast off Fukushima, Japan the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior brought former Japan Prime Minister Naoto Kan to view the scene of the disaster. Greenpeace is studying the continued release of radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean.
The author reports,
“Nearly five years later and I’m in Japan on-board the Rainbow Warrior – this time with the famously anti-nuclear former Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Naoto Kan. It’s truly an honour and privilege to hear him describe the first hours and days of the accident in March 2011, as well as show him the research that we are carrying out. As we sailed within 2km of the nuclear plant the feelings are both profound and surreal. From the deck we’ve seen steel tanks holding hundreds of thousands of tons of contaminated water; the four reactors now shielded behind temporary structures in an effort to contain some of the radioactive material from being released into the atmosphere; and inside the reactors themselves lie hundreds of tons of molten reactor fuel for which there are no credible plans to deal with.”
As the fifth anniversary of the tragedy approaches various organizations and concerned individuals are preparing for the commemorations.
Natural Solutions Foundation’s President, Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army, Ret.) announced a four hour Fukushima Fifth Anniversary Marathon planned for March 9, 2016, featuring “The Conscience of Fukushima” former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, M. Murata. More information here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/fifth-anniversary-of-fukushima-disaster-approaches/