Dear Friend of Freedom,
What if there were a way to pay back a great America hero and health freedom leader right now, and help to save his life in the process?
General Stubblebine urgently requires those services, including dialysis, following total renal failure following septic shock, which he miraculously survived. He has also survived two bouts of pneumonia and other complications, I believe, in great part because of the high level of natural nutrients Dr. Rima has been permitted to add to his feed tube. He can recover fully if he has the necessary support.
Tragically he cannot receive the inpatient and rehab services he needs to survive the grave and complex medical condition for which he has been hospitalized for the past 47 days, because of erroneous information provided to him 20 years ago at West Point by Tricare 4 Life General Bert and Dr. Rima were told they did not have to enroll in Medicare Part B. We now know this was a disastrous error.
Medicare is now demanding “back premiums” of more than $30,000 so they can “enroll” in Tricare 4 Life to receive the services he so urgently needs. Because General Bert and Dr. Rima have devoted all of their resources to the Natural Solutions Foundation, supporting your Health Freedom, they simply do not have these funds.
Without the services provided by Tricare 4 Life, his survival is unlikely; just yesterday (16 Oct 2016) he was rushed back to the ICU for an emergency regarding his tracheotomy.

Dr. Rima — Gen. Bert — Counsel Ralph
Maj. General Stubblebine (General Bert to his friends), a second generation West Pointer and Viet Nam combat veteran, retired from the US Army in 1984 as the Commanding General of the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) and is the recipient of the nation’s highest service award. He continues his service for the public good, serving as President of the Natural Solutions Foundation, which he established in 2004 with his wife, Rima E. Laibow, M.D.
You can help this loyal and devoted protector of our nation. you will also be helping the people who love, respect, in deed, revere this warrior. We look to you for your help.
Make a generous donation here and then tell your circles of influence that you are supporting General Bert. Urge them to join you in assisting him through his Fund for the General . This is the time for us all to repay General Bert’s devotion and leadership.
What we need now is your generous support.
I cannot urge you more strongly to assist this valiant soldier in what is literally a fight for General Bert’s life. It is shocking that the US government abandons its heroes once they no longer fight wars, but instead, fight for freedom.
I am prepared to appear on any media to support the Fund for the General. Please let me know that you can help.
Yours for health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
Link to information page:
PS – Dr. Rima has chronicled the harrowing details of their hospitalization experience. Read Dr Rima’s blog reports from his bedside, for the gripping details of how holistic medicine and emergency “standard” medicine interact, collaborate and clash, over the life of one 86 year-old retired warrior, here: