#Don’tYouDare Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!! Says CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower

Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation January 27, 2021

This is a video you must watch and an article you must share. James is a whistleblower telling us the truth rather than the official narrative: Older people are dying like flies after vaccination. We must stop this.

And all of us have the right of Informed Consent to refuse these (and other) vaccines IF we assert it correctly. The Advance Vaccine Directive Card is available here: Advance Medical Directive Cards

This brave man is bringing us his truth and his conscience as a moral man.  “To be quiet on this issue is deadly”, he says, as he tearfully shares the slaughter oi the seniors in the nursing home where he works (or worked) following the vaccine.

James tells us that none of the patients who refused the vaccine got sick. The majority of those who accepted the vaccine are either very ill now or dead.

I believe him not only because he appears absolutely sincere, and he does, but because everything he is saying about the rampant senior slaughter is consistent with the reports of vaccine related deaths, especially in older people. The same genocidal disaster is being reported from Norway, Finland, Malta, etc.

He clearly says that during the month of December, 2020 the nursing home, indeed, for the entire year of 2020, there were zero COVID deaths.  They had 5 cases among the residents and all of them survived. Now, in less than 3 weeks, 14 patients are dead and many others have been incapacitated. He says it is the vaccine.  I believe him.

On December 22, 2020 or thereabouts, the vaccine was administered to the residents and some of the staff. As of three weeks following the vaccination date, the major reactions and deaths are nothing short of horrifying. He reports that he is seeing people who were walking but now are no longer able to walk, people who were able to talk but now are no longer able to talk, people who were rational now have delirium.

“Our residents are dying”, he tells us, but no one is talking about it.  When you ask questions, you are told “We had a super spreader” but he tells us that answer makes no sense.

He is right. “I am not the wisest man in the world, but I am not stupid. How are you going to tell family members that we had not a single death in all of 2020 but now, in the middle of January,2021, more than 14 patients have died!”

“Why,” he asks, “Are our residents dying the way other nursing home residents are dying all over the world.”

The answer, from my point of view, is simple: these are untested, dangerous vaccines and are doing their job effectively: they are killing people.

Bravo, Sir.  You are a brave and honorable man.

Thank you for your service to us all.

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!! (healthimpactnews.com)

2 thoughts on “#Don’tYouDare Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!! Says CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower

  1. I pray that God keeps him safe! He’s got such a great heart and is strong in spirit, God bless him. Working at a nursing home is such a hard job, and he’s such a caring person, God bless him!
    I told a family member who’s stuck in a nursing home not to take the vax, hopefully they won’t do it.

    They picked nursing home residents precisely because they are more vulnerable and older, age discrimination is legal, and the satanic communists running things want to kill off old people first, because it’s easier to kill them since they are old, it’s easier to get away with it.

    I’m sharing this video, thanks for posting this!

    And how did they create a vaccine when they haven’t even isolated this ‘covid 19 virus’?

  2. This is about the pension funds. The funds are bankrupt. We need to ask ourselves why is this happening. it is much more diabolic than you think. The so called governments don to want to pay pensions or social security to the elderly. It is all bankrupt. This scamdemic is a means to an end.

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