#DontYouDare Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering


Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 9, 2021

Dr. Andy Wakefield is a British physician who got caught in the cross-fire of orchestrated pro-vaccine propaganda at all costs to truth. I urge you to listen carefully to the information in this important video in which Dr. Wakefield  makes it clear that

  1. The mRNA pharmaceuticals are, in fact, not vaccines since they do not present the body with antigens, stimulating an antibody (protein) response
  2. They are untested genetic alteration devices which capture the body’s immune capacity forcing a response to the inserted material which forever changes the cell
  3. Once inserted, vast numbers of people will face the unknown effects of these untested devices
  4. There is no known way to neutralize, cancel, remove or correct the effects of these untested devices
  5. Fatalities and other serious adverse events are already occurring around the world following the injection of these untested devices
  6. Every country in the world except Brazil has given the makers of these devices full financial and legal indemnity from any liability of any kind, no matter what damage is caused by these untested devices

Dr Wakefield does not point out that the authorization of these dangerous devices in the US on an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means that the devices are, by definition, experimental and that anyone is free to exercise his or her right of Informed Consent, according the FDA’s information page on this topic.

Furthermore, we at Natural Solutions Foundation believe that the EUAs given for the Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna devices are illegal since such authorization cannot be given to a product if there are other available treatments for the condition. There are several and they have ruthlessly and lawlessly squelched by unscientific, politicized attacks employing public relations and faux-scientific and medical journals.

But then, why would we be surprised when we consider the massive financial conflicts of interest between the government regulators and so-called “experts” like Fauci and the money machine known as the pharmaceutical industry?

We at Natural Solutions Foundation know that Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century and have long predicted that the battle for control of society would be fought on the battleground of your body. That is precisely what is happening now with the push to inject experimental novel gene-editing technology into your body as if it were good for you.

Because we saw this coming, we developed the Advance Vaccine Directive Card which provides you with a valid way to assert your right of Informed Consent and refuse all vaccines. These wallet cards are available here: https://NSFMarketplace.com/product-category/vaccine-exemption 

Dr Wakefield predicts that the toxic results of the vaccine will be evident in 6 months and the entire global vaccination push will fall apart at that point. I have made similar predictions, offering my guess of 6-12 months.

Be careful.

One thought on “#DontYouDare Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering

  1. Excellent video Dr Wake is spot on. In fact through my own research into the HIV/AIDS controversy I was struck by the fact that HIV is a retrovirus and that HIV IS A RETRO-VIRAL component in the new vaccines. This is incredible especially when the blue-print for false positive HIV diagnosis via PCR is what is being executed like for like with all the implications of the prescribed solution, DEATH.

    I have a channel PLannedilLusion hosted in Australia where I produce documentaries https://www.bitchute.com/channel/PLannedilLusion/

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