Welcome to the Deep State (Data) Mine
Is Alex Jones the “Canary in the Coal Mine”?
The Latest News: YouTube Will Run Pro-Vax Messages During
Vaccine Freedom of Choice Videos
The Deep State Wants to Provide “Corrective Information”
AKA Soviet Style Censorship – And They are Doing a Pretty Good Job of It!
Alex Jones was “de-platformed” over a 24 hour period on August 5/6, 2018 by the following “independent” corporate media” —
- YouTube/Google
- Apple
- Spottify
Perhaps thereby proving Alex Jones’ “conspiracy theories” by targeting him.
[ September 11, 2018 Update: Twitter joined the rest of the crony corporate media in banning AJ a couple days ago. AJ had just confronted a crony corporate shill CNN reporter (whose complaint to social media sites triggered the original Bannings) in the halls of Congress and live streamed the confrontation over Twitter’s live stream platform. That powerful use of live truth apparently was deemed “harassment” by Twitter’s controllers.
Since the start of the Bannings Alex Jones’ website — www.InfoWars.com — has gained over 1,000 positions in global web site ranking, according to industry source Alexa. Just look: https://www.alexa.com/
To join the Friends of Alex Jones at the uncensored, blockchain-friendly alt to Facebook, Minds.com, go to: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/873597137366351872]
Facebook deletes unpopular/challenging/unacceptable ideas. They [allehgedly] have the “right” to do that: they are [allegedly] a private company. YouTube/Google remove anti vaccine and other unpopular/challenging corporate-control-averse and, at their whim, edit contrary thought with “corrective” intrusions. They maintain that they have the “right” to do so because they are a[n] [allegedly] private company.
They use our public airways, have massive contracts with public sources (that is, get paid with YOUR dollars by NSA and the like) and benefit from a government-maintained monopoly status. And what used to be the constitutional protection of our foundational concepts has vanished into an electrosmog haze of privatized tyranny and censorship.
The government does not have to do a thing but sit idly by while its tax-subsidized, defense contract enhanced corporate “partners” do its dirty work in exactly the same way that hospitals and schools have institutionalized totally illegal vaccine mandates in violation of Informed Consent.

Part of the trick is to create structures that seem to be protecting our freedoms while they actually destroy them.
Control over most humans had been maintained for millennia through the use of religious and, later, political ideologies inevitably justifying the dominance of the few over the many, even when the controllers pretend to speak for, and protect, the “majority”.
But in more modern times the structure of bureaucracy itself has been redesigned to become, not just to serve, the control system. Consider, for, example, how the regulatory structure of the Deep State’s Military Draft was used in the USA during the 1960s and ‘70s to “channel” students into certain fields, such as science, engineering and weapons design, which were considered of benefit to the state.
Now we see the same process at work with the incessant demands for ever more vaccines, and for forcing adults and children to receive all the vaccines that crony corporatist-tainted science can concoct without regard for either scientific validation or personal rights.
However, in 2009, during the Swine Flu Vax Panic, the would-be tyrants, who planned to vaccinate every American “starting with the volunteers” with unsafety tested vaccines (with the supply “stretched” by adding the adjuvant Squalene, at levels shown to cause irreversible infertility in Patents held by the US government) found themselves stymied by a population that refused to cooperate and who, in the millions, told their “representatives” so. The plan collapsed and even the first responders were able to escape state vax mandates unharmed, though that took a law suit. There was no pandemic.
The incipient tyrants learned an important lesson from the power of our Push Back: overt Federal mandates will be resisted.
That is when we began to see the authorities passing off the mandates to allegedly private actors for enforcement. While this privatizing of tyranny works to increase censorship and impose unlawful financial controls, the vax mandate gambit remains a primary example of this political process.
It is, as I said, an old trick. Very old.
During the early centuries of the Roman Empire the old forms of the Roman Republic also remained, with annual Consular elections and traditional magistrates. But that state had in fact been turned over to the Imperator who had life and death power over all others. “I am the only free person in Rome.” said the Emperor Caligula. “I am the only game in town” says YouTube…
The ancient city had no room for liberty. Fustel de Coulanges, observed, in The Ancient City,
“The city had been founded on a religion and constituted a church. Hence its strength; hence, also, its omnipotence and the absolute empire which it exercised over its members. In a society established on such principles, individual liberty could not exist. The citizen was subordinate in everything, and without any reserve, to the city; he belonged to it body and soul. The religion which had produced the state, and the state which supported the religion, sustained each other…”
That ancient order was supposedly overthrown in recent centuries by the great liberal (in its original sense) revolutions which established the primacy of individual freedom,
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” – Declaration of Independence of the United States of America.
In 2017 I wrote about this issue in an article published on the news aggregation site, www.OpenSourceTruth.com , and warned that by privatizing censorship we were institutionalizing tyranny, allowing the Crony Corporate State to destroy our liberty. Unfortunately, I was all too right.
It is reported that Marc Zuckerberg personally de-platformed Alex Jones on his own, but that hardly explains the rest of the de-platforming.
When Governor Jerry Brownshirt of California signed SB277 into law in 2015 he gave California parents an unconstitutional choice between their child receiving the so-called “free public education” promised by the California Constitution, or, their family exercising the universal right to Informed Consent by interposing their conscientious objection to vaccines.
The California governor violated basic norms of civilization. He enlisted not just the government’s schools, but even private and religious schools in his plan to force children to receive dozens of “unavoidably unsafe”, uninsurable vaccines. The state pretends to recognize our traditional right to freedom of choice, but it actively seeks the complete elimination, the total abrogation of that right.
This strict social control dominated human society for most of its existence through the use of what early freedom theorists such as the American abolitionist Lysandor Spooner saw as the great monopolies created by political power.. These included the monopolies over conscience embodied by state religions, over the bodies of certain people (e.g., chattel slavery; prisoners, war captives, caste system members, etc.), or the property rights of approximately half of the species (the legal “infirmities” of women, etc.) and over all property through royal claims to “own” the land and economic activities of a territory (feudalism and mercantilism).
Now we see the same process at work with the incessant demands for ever more vaccines, and for forcing adults and children to receive all the vaccines that crony corporatist-tainted science can concoct without regard for either scientific validation, evidence of safety (both are required by law and totally lacking in the US!) or personal rights (protected by international and national law and totally ignored unless we, the owners of our bodies take the trouble to assert it correctly) .
Back to that 2009 Swine Flu Vax Panic: the would-be tyrants, who planned to vaccinate every American “starting with the volunteers” with unsafety tested vaccines (with the supply “stretched” by adding the dangerous and equally unsafety tested adjuvant Squalene, at levels shown to cause irreversible infertility in Patents held by the US government!) found themselves stymied by a population that refused to cooperate and who, in the millions, told their “representatives” so. Their mandate was announced to Congress by then Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius on September 15, 2009.
Secretary Sebelius did not ASK Congress for approval of her plan. She announced that the plan was already fully funded, that $4.5 BILLION dollars had been spent on the unsafety tested squalene adjuvant and billions more on the unproven vaccines. She announced that 90,000 vaccine administration centers would be set up around the country and that the mercury-squalene-aluminum mix would be administered to every man, woman and child in the US starting with “those who want it first”.
Congress listened and assented by its silence, maintaining the appearance and forms of governance, but, in reality surrendering that governance to the bureaucratic operatives of the Deep State, doing absolutely nothing to protect either the health or the bodies of the citizens they are, in fact, sworn to protect and the constitution they are sworn to protect and defend.
Popular outrage, mediated by internet tools available to share the information led to the collapse of the plan and even the first responders were able to escape state vaccine mandates unharmed, though that required a law suit. There was no mass vaccination so there was no pandemic.
I am proud to have been, as a Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation, one of the architects of that mass refusal in which millions of people told these cowardly constitutional failures, “Don’t you dare!” And they didn’t because, with that mass opposition, they couldn’t,
Yes, the incipient tyrants learned an important lesson from the power of our Push Back: overt Federal mandates CAN be resisted and, if the information is available, WILL be resisted.
The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) which approves vaccines is so completely corrupted by crony corporate interests that they actually had to change the rules to allow the conflicted members to vote nonetheless, or there would never be a quorum because they ALL have serious conflicts of interest.
One example: Paul Offit, MD, a so-called “ethicist” and physician from a famous children’s hospital, was allowed to vote to “recommend” a vaccine in which he had a Patent interest; his vote netted him tens of millions of dollars in the first year of its “recommendation” alone. Meanwhile the US government, deeply involved in approving and disseminating vaccines, through mandates and sponsored propaganda, owns financial interests in over 50 vaccine Patents.
After the CDC “recommendation” is voted the privatization of the mandate starts, with some local governments issuing mandates, but with private hospitals requiring staff to be vaccinated, even staff members who never have patient contact. Similarly, schools join in the rush to increase their vaccine levels (as higher vaccination rates translate into more Federal and State money for the institution) – in one particularly egregious example from 2007, Prince Georges County, Maryland revaccinated hundreds of children literally at gun point to prevent the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in Federal subsidies. The school system claimed it had lost the vaccination records of nearly a thousand children.
This is, in fact, a less known form of human trafficking, selling children’s bodies for money to the agency of the State required by law to protect these same children, body and mind. Their vaccination-mandate-for-pay damages those same children, body and mind, while abrogating their fundamental rights. But the pay is great and maybe the basketball team sees some of it.
We now see a disturbing trend where private employers join the mandate madness although the businesses have nothing to do with health care.
This trend is building despite the fact that the courts have clearly held that people retain their right to Informed Consent even where governments are restricting religious and philosophical conscientious objections to vaccination.
Several years ago, an Administrative Judge in New Jersey held that it was illegal to fire a nurse for refusing vaccines for philosophical reasons while the people were permitted to assert a religious conscientious objection to refuse the injection.
As recently as 2013 the US Supreme Court upheld Informed Consent, stating,
Even a “…diminished expectation of privacy does not diminish the… privacy interest in preventing a government agent from piercing the… skin. And though a blood test conducted in a medical setting by trained personnel is less intrusive than other bodily invasions, this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests…” Missouri v McNeely 133 SCt 1553.
As a side note, McNeely teaches us that unless you assert your right to Informed Consent, it will be deemed waived. Assert your conscientious objection to forced vaccination with the Advance Vaccine Directive card, http://tinyurl.com/AVDcard – an advance medical directive that must be respected by ethical health care professionals.
Our Freedom of Speech is under a world wide web of attack.
While various authoritarian states make no effort to hide direct censorship of speech, the “advanced democracies” are more subtle. Germany, with no absolute constitutional protection for Free Speech, is contemplating empowering Internet Service Providers to refuse service to “hate groups.” At the same time the large international corporate controllers of the Internet, such as YouTube, Facebook and Google, are already escalating content controls to enforce “political correctness” – if you don’t follow the Party Line, you cannot be heard.
First they came for the Neo-Nazis and banned them from Facebook. No one protested. Then they came for Alex Jones and banned him from YouTube and Facebook. No one protested. Then they came for… You know the rest… they came for you and me, and no one was left to protest.
These supposed private Social Media Companies are actually exercising government authority. Just as much as if they had been the “private” Tax Farmers of Ancient Rome.
They are the privatized agents of Deep State control and censorship. They exercise this control on several levels. Each of these mega-corporations is, in fact and in law, “a creature of the state.” It is created by registration with government that gives it authorities (such as limited liability to third parties) which it could not exercise as a truly private association.
If the same Rule of Law that applies to truly private actors applied to government and its crony corporations, “content control” efforts would be understood to be exactly what they are: censorship. Real free market competition and technological progress would rapidly make the near-monopoly power of Google and Facebook irrelevant. If the same Rule of Law that ought to apply to Government Censorship – that there can be no such law – applied to the crony corporations, YouTube, Facebook etc. “private” censorship could not remain.
What can you do about it?
- Assert your right to Informed Consent: http://tinyurl.com/AVDcard
- Join the Health Freedom USA email list to continue to receive Dr. Rima’s Truth Reports, even when we are banned by the Social Media Giants. Do that here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/action/step1/
- Patronize Alt Social Media such as the uncensored Minds.com
- And don’t forget what Dr. Rima Recommends: DrRimaRecommends.com
Yours in health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
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