Why I’m Suing the California Medical Board – Dr. Ron Kennedy, M.D.

Why I’m Suing the California Medical Board – Dr. Ron Kennedy, M.D.
Why I’m Suing the California Medical Board – Dr. Ron Kennedy, M.D. | Richard Sacks Ever since the passage of S.B. 277 in California, parents who want their children to be able to attend school, public or private (a right guaranteed unconditionally in the California state Constitution) must have their children vaccinated whether they want to or not. Personal beliefs are now irrelevant, as far as this new law is concerned.… Read the rest

Media Madness and Vaccines

Media Madness and Vaccines
MEDIA MADNESS AND VACCINES Some Disturbing Questions Arising from Recent Headlines It’s the New Year and the Annual Flu Madness is upon Us! . Did Fox News Just Kill 20,000 People? Did Vaccines Kill the Migrant Children? Do You Have to Submit to the Shot? What If You are a Nurse or Doctor? . Fox News Monday morning featured Dr. Marc Siegal, a physician who pushes vaccines on the media.… Read the rest


“ZERO VAX TOLERANCE” VIOLATES YOUR RIGHTS http://tinyurl.com/AVDcard There is a certain hospital in New Jersey (let’s call it Hack Hosp; all names changed to protect the not-so-innocent) that announced it has a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for vaccines. All Nurses must get all vaccines. No excuses. Ignore that Supreme Court Justice who reminded everyone that the courts have determined vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe.”… Read the rest

Vaxx Cancer Viruses Get Big Laffs from Scientists

Vaxx Cancer Viruses Get Big Laffs from Scientists
The Problems Exposed in this Horrific Video Have Only Gotten Worse Since it was Made Vaccines Damage and Kill But You Have a Choice! . Please take 10:37 minutes to watch this bone chilling video. [1] In it, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, chief of vaccine development at Merck, reveals, to the delighted laughter of his colleagues, that it was well known that the Polio vaccine contained a Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer-causing virus. … Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #205 – Special Guest Terri LaPoint

Lost Arts Radio Show #205 – Special Guest Terri LaPoint
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website Medical Kidnapping, What’s Really Going On? Terri LaPoint, Investigator for Health Impact News Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 11/25/18 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio Listen or talk with us: 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! I recently saw Terri LaPoint (www.medicalkidnap.com) (@terrilapoint) do an excellent job of explaining what “medical kidnap” really means, on Alex’s show a few days ago.… Read the rest

FL Hosp Drumming Up Business – Making Sick Kids Sicker!

FL Hosp Drumming Up Business – Making Sick Kids Sicker!
FL Hosp Drumming Up Business – Making Sick Kids Sicker! https://fundly.com/support-natural-therapies Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in FL needs a new name. How about John Hopkins Some Children’s Hospital? This shameful institution announced that they will will refuse to admit all unvaccinated kids — those who are immune compromised or sick already! [1] The violations of the standard of care, informed consent, any version of the Hippocratic Oath, rational thought or scientific sophistication just flew out every window in the hospital.… Read the rest

Every Choice Counts Podcast with host, Dara Berger and Special Guest Ted Kuntz (PART 2 of 2)

Every Choice Counts Podcast with host, Dara Berger and Special Guest Ted Kuntz (PART 2 of 2)
Every Choice Counts Podcast with host, Dara Berger and Special Guest Ted Kuntz (PART 2 of 2) http://www.everychoicecounts.org http://www.facebook.com/everychoicecountspodcast https://peacebeginswithme.ca/ https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Ted+Kuntz&search-alias=books&field-author=Ted+Kuntz&sort=relevancerank… Read the rest

Every Choice Counts Podcast with host, Dara Berger and Special Guest Ted Kuntz (PART 1 of 2)

Every Choice Counts Podcast with host, Dara Berger and Special Guest Ted Kuntz (PART 1 of 2)
Every Choice Counts Podcast with host, Dara Berger and Special Guest Ted Kuntz (PART 1 of 2) http://www.everychoicecounts.org http://www.facebook.com/everychoicecountspodcast http://www.daretoquestionvaccination.com/ (Short link): http://amzn.to/2oigXZA https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Ted+Kuntz&search-alias=books&field-author=Ted+Kuntz&sort=relevancerank… Read the rest

Every Choice Counts Podcast with Guests Hillary Simpson, Jamie Lynn Juarez, and Brandy Vaughan

Every Choice Counts Podcast with Guests Hillary Simpson, Jamie Lynn Juarez, and Brandy Vaughan
Every Choice Counts Podcast with host, Dara Berger and Special Guests Hillary Simpson, Jamie Lynn Juarez, and Brandy Vaughan discuss the recent ACIP meeting. http://www.everychoicecounts.org http://www.facebook.com/everychoicecountspodcast Hillary Simpson: http://www.facebook.com/crazymothersorg http://www.instagram.com/crazymotherscommunity http://www.crazymothers.info (website coming soon) Jamie Lynn Juarez: http://www.hopeincacademy.org http://www.hopeforautism.com Brandy Vaughan: http://www.learntherisk.org http://www.facebook.com/learntherisk… Read the rest