The Plot Thickens: Who Weaponized the Chinese Coronavirus?

The Plot Thickens: Who Weaponized the Chinese Coronavirus?
Who (WHO?) Weaponized the Chinese Coronavirus? The Plot Thickens. Coronavirus Information Page By Ralph Fucetola JD  While doing my Saturday chores, the car radio news and my cell phone were both a-buzz about the Coronavirus outbreak in China. Over a couple of hours the claimed death toll rose an astonishing 14% (from 259 to 296) while those infected shot up to over twelve thousand.… Read the rest

Good Health Lawyer Gains TRO in Forced Vaccine Case

Good Health Lawyer Gains TRO in Forced Vaccine Case
VACCINE FREEDOM VICTORY! Medically Fragile NY Child Back In School WITH NO VACCINES Thanks to Attorney Patricia Finn! Counsel Patricia Finn, The Good Health Lawyer [1] has saved a medically fragile child from what his pediatrician says is “certain damage” following vaccination, by arguing successfully in the New York Supreme Court that New York State does not have the power to substitute a bureaucrat’s decision for a patient’s physician.… Read the rest

Deadly Coronavirus from China… or is it from the CDC?

Deadly Coronavirus from China… or is it from the CDC?
Deadly Coronavirus from China… or is it from the CDC? Update:  Coronavirus Information Aggregation Page While the news is filled with dire warnings about the Coronavirus (CoV) Outbreak in China which has resulted in scaling-back the Chinese New Year celebration and the total quarantining of at least one major city, the question remains: how does this new outbreak relate to existing coronaviruses, namely SARS and MERS?… Read the rest

Blue State Legislatures Need to Rethink Their Push for Forced Vaccination

Blue State Legislatures Need to Rethink Their Push for Forced Vaccination
When Will “Blue State” Legislators Realize Their Forced Vaxx Laws Violate Fundamental Rights? “Rethink” Means “Repent” Perhaps the “High Tide” of Forced Vaxx (Vaccination Mandates) has been reached, with New Jersey not joining Big Blue States of New York and California in abrogating long-standing religious conscientious objections to vaccination. The Forced Vaxx Bill failed to pass the State Senate on Monday, January 13th by one vote; the Bill previously was “pulled” from the Senate floor on 16 December 2019 as there were not enough votes to adopt it. … Read the rest

Gov. Murphy: Call to Veto!

Gov. Murphy: Call to Veto!
Governor Murphy: Veto Medical Tyranny in New Jersey! As the Year Ends NJ’s Legislature Passes More Big Pharma Bills Contact Gov. Murphy Here 609-292-6000 / CALL FOR GOVERNOR TO VETO TWO HEALTH CHOICE RESTRICTION BILLS This past Monday, 16 December 2019, we watched the mass demonstration in Trenton supporting religious conscientious objections to forced school vaccination that stopped Senate Bill S2173.… Read the rest

Another State About to Abrogate Religious Liberty

Another State About to Abrogate Religious Liberty
URGENT NJ HEALTH FREEDOM ADVOCATES! **NEW JERSEY URGENT ACTION ALERT** Bill S2173 will be amended to remove religious exemptions for vaccinations in its entirety. If this bill passes, NJ law will deny education to an estimated 14,000 NJ students (from daycare to graduate school) based on their religious beliefs. The bill is on the agenda for the Senate Health Committee on THURSDAY December 12th.… Read the rest

Moloch Killing Children in New York

Moloch Killing Children in New York
MOLOCH KILLING CHILDREN IN NEW YORK Ritual Child Abuse: New York State’s Forced Vaccination Program In a single day, without a single public hearing or comment, the single-party-controlled New York State legislature and Governor Cuomo abolished decades-old religious exemptions to school vaccine mandates. Gone. Just like that! And, in so doing, abolished parental rights and the entire doctrine of Informed Consent.… Read the rest

Scholars Hear Informed Consent Plea

Scholars Hear Informed Consent Plea
LIBERTARIAN SCHOLARS CONFERENCE Just Say NO! to ‘Unavoidably Unsafe’ Vaccines! The Libertarian Scholars Conferences were held once or twice yearly in New York City or Princeton during the 1980s and 1990s.  After a hiatus from the time of Prof. Murray Rothbard’s death until 2018 the tradition has been restarted by the Mises Institute – It was my pleasure and honor to present a paper on Informed Consent to the 2019 Conference held on September 28th at Kings College in Manhattan. … Read the rest

“Might as Well Be a Yellow Star”

“Might as Well Be a Yellow Star”
NURSES TO BE FORCED TO WEAR “YELLOW STAR” MASKS FOR REFUSING VACCINES Not only “No!” but “Hell NO!” “Might as well be a Yellow Star.” – Dr. Rima Why We Need an Informed Consent President in 2020 #VoteInformedConsent Unless you assert your right to just say “No!” Your right to Informed Consent (whether grounded in religious beliefs or no beliefs) May be legally deemed “waived.”… Read the rest

An Open Letter to Vaxx Freedom Advocates

An Open Letter to Vaxx Freedom Advocates
We Have the Means for Vaccine Victory In Our Hands But We Are Presiding Over Total Defeat An Open Letter to All Health Freedom Advocates From the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation Advance Vaccine Directive: Dear Health Freedom Advocates: Our side is losing the Vaccine Battle and therefore, whatever else we might succeed at, our side is losing the entire Health Freedom Battle. … Read the rest