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What Sheriffs Have Sworn To Do: Their Time Is Now – Sheriff Richard Mack
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/12/20
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9pm EST / 6pm PST
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Sheriff Richard Mack ( returns this Sunday to Lost Arts Radio, to remind us all, including the more than 3,000 U.S.… Read the rest
Category: Vaccination
Danger! Truth Ahead!
The above is what I get whenever I try to moderate comments on
The Man thinks OST is a dangerous site! Well, I should certainly hope so!
The Man has all kinds of information it wants to lock away and hopes you NEVER come to realize what ‘he’ has been doing, is doing now and has in store for those of us ‘he’ decides have enough use to ‘him’ to allow us to live, although in teeny-tiny dwellings under the total control of Agenda 20/30, vaccinated and cowed enough to serve ‘his’ every whim.… Read the rest
COVID-19 Martial Law
Martial Law “Drumhead Justice”
Martial Law is “the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.”[1]
There are powerful political forces centered on the World Health Organization (WHO) and its multi-billionaire ‘benefactors’, such as Bill Gates, currently calling for the imposition of what can only be called Martial Law to “control” their declared COVID-19 pandemic, the alleged “novel” coronavirus which, it is said, originated in Wuhan, China.… Read the rest
Can the USA Survive the Plannedemic?
Can the Constitution and the
United States of America Survive the Pandemic?
The Agenda 2020 Plannedemic
At the beginning of 2020 that question would have been just plain crazy. Even those who learned of the December 30, 2019 announcement from China of a “novel” coronavirus popping up in the City of Wuhan would have agreed.… Read the rest
Annual Flu Vaxx Makes You More Vulnerable to Coronaviruses
Dr. Rima Recommends: Nano Silver 10 PPM
Various government spokespersons, as reported on various mass media, are urging people to “Get your flu shot.” and “It isn’t too late to make sure you get the vaccine.” This is presented as part of their “good advice” to addressing the COVID-19 coronavirus, along with washing hands and maintaining social distance.
While ever doctor will tell you that washing your hands and shielding yourself from exposure is good medicine, the good doctors know that the seasonal influenza vaccine will not help at all with the current declared pandemic. … Read the rest
Real COVID-19 Info, No Charge, from Dr. Rima
COVID-19 FEAR & TRUTHTimes Square – Deserted!
COVID-19, like COVID-19 disinformation, is everywhere, flowing from official and unofficial sources like a river of toxic effluent. We need REAL information and REAL solutions. Counsel Ralph and I, along with our good friend Richard Sacks of Lost Arts Radio, have created a powerful, accurate and vitally important seminar for you. And we are giving it away instead of charging $49.95.… Read the rest
Um, Not Really.
But I was Pretending I was the Main Stream Media
Twisting Tacts so You Never, NEVER
Look at the Man Behind the Curtain…
Ready to self-quarantine for an uncertain period because you tried to get help from a doctor and you went to his/her office, where you might have contracted COVID-19?
Ready to stay home if you have flu-like symptoms where a doctor cannot do you any good but certainly cannot harm you?… Read the rest
Lost Arts Radio Show #272 – Special Guest Celeste Solum (Live Broadcast)
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Foundations Of Medical Martial Law – How They Suspend “Unalienable” Rights
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 3/8/20
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Listen via phone: 657-383-1002
9pm EST / 6pm PST
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Celeste Solum, former FEMA insider ( has been a guest on our live Saturday show (Lost Arts Radio Live, Saturdays at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST), talking about how the U.S.… Read the rest
COVID-19 CDC Testing: FAIL!
Look What New York State Told
Dr. Rima About COVID-19!
New York’s medical establishment has written to all NY doctors. Bottom Line: CDC COVID-19 Testing is a failure!
And while you’re at it, “it’s not too late” to get the flu shot!
Yes, you can read that right at the end of the letter! NY’s top allopathic doc thinks an immune-system suppressing vaccine is going to somehow (no science here!)… Read the rest
US Govt Warns “We are on Brink of Pandemic”
US Govt Warns “We are on Brink of Pandemic”
COVID-19 Pandemic Nearly Here
Says Top US Official
“We’re really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don’t, we’re gonna have a global pandemic. We’re teetering right on the line …” — Anthony Fauci, Head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Feb.… Read the rest