Can You Handle COVID Truth?

Can You Handle COVID Truth?
THE LESSONS OF COVID-19 WHO DIED — WHO LIVED “What no one would have predicted in advance of Covid19 is that the extreme lockdown response has produced a natural experiment that actually calls into question the very actions—widespread, mandated vaccines for all‐‐that the infectious disease and public health community have been pushing for years. We should mourn the deaths of the elderly Manhattan nursing home residents but also take heed of the hundreds of avoided infant deaths.… Read the rest

DON’T DONATE If Your Freedom Is Unimportant

DON’T DONATE If Your Freedom Is Unimportant
DON’T DONATE If Your Freedom Is Unimportant Mandated Gene-Editing Experimental Vaccines ‘could be here by the end of this year,’ opined dangerous lap-dog Fauci today, rejoicing. The only thing worthy of rejoicing about in that statement is that we have a chance to stop it — in the Supreme Court! If your genes are not important to you, if a Plandemic released upon us does not matter to you and if you are willing to have yourself and the rest of humanity neutered and destroyed for the whims of the globalists ‘elite’, then by all means, breathe in and out through your mind-control masks and do nothing.… Read the rest

Americans Do Not Believe in Authority or Science Says Fauci

Americans Do Not Believe in Authority or Science Says Fauci
“Americans… just don’t believe science and they don’t believe authority…” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases criticised Americans, asserting that the country suffers from what he described as an “anti-science bias.” Fauci told the Learning Curve podcast, which is produced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): “One of the problems we face in the United States is that unfortunately, there is a combination of an anti-science bias that people are — for reasons that sometimes are, you know, inconceivable and not understandable — they just don’t believe science and they don’t believe authority…” “So when they see someone up in the White House, which has an air of authority to it, who’s talking about science, that there are some people who just don’t believe that — and that’s unfortunate because, you know, science is truth,” Fauci continued, referring to the White House coronavirus task force’s once-daily briefings.… Read the rest

Vaxx SCOTUS Case Sabotaged?

Vaxx SCOTUS Case Sabotaged?
Vaxx SCOTUS Case Sabotaged? Apparently! Health Freedom Lawyer Patricia Finn will shortly present a case to the US Supreme Court that could end Vaxx Mandates in the US (they are already in violation of US Law, but this case could nail that coffin shut – with a lot of syringes inside!) BUT the plaintiff, the “Doe”” in Counsel Finn’s Doe v.… Read the rest

No Vaxx Exemption Card? FFS, Why Not?

No Vaxx Exemption Card? FFS, Why Not?
No Vaxx Exemption Card? FFS, Why Not? Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation Most people in anything approaching their right minds do not want a vaccine that has not been tested. Most of the sensible people that I know don’t want one that has. And nobody in even their semi-right minds would want a gene-editing vaccine loaded with nano particles as both intentional ingredients and contamination.… Read the rest

New York Lawyers Need a Lesson in the Law

New York Lawyers Need a Lesson in the Law
NEW YORK LAWYERS NEED A LESSON IN THE LAW November 2020 Update: June 2020: New York’s Bar Association wants to force people to be vaccinated “against” COVID-19. [1] Those New York lawyers need a lesson in law. Forced vaccination is a crime against humanity. The universal right of Informed Consent has been the law for well over a century, starting with a famous New York case in 1914 (decided by Judge, later Justice Cardoza) holding that it is an assault and battery to engage in a medical intervention without Informed Consent, even if the intervention was intended to benefit the recipient.… Read the rest

The Secret Controllers

The Secret Controllers
The Secret Controllers It’s Always Conspiracy Theory Until It’s Conspiracy Fact Let’s imagine a secret conversation a couple of weeks ago between two of The Secret Controllers. We don’t know who they are but let’s call them Ghee and Sorrows just to have some names. One says to the other, “Well the pandemic didn’t get the results we expected, western civilization didn’t collapse.… Read the rest

Resist, Refuse, Raise Your Voice!

Resist, Refuse, Raise Your Voice!
MASKS + TESTING + TRACKING = FORCED COVID VAXX RESIST + REFUSE + RAISE YOUR VOICE = INFORMED CONSENT Point of No Return: Informed Consent or Medical Tyranny Resist. Refuse. Raise Your Voice. The Only Other Option is Meek Submission to Slavery. Sic Semper Tyrannus: Thus is it always with tyrants. It always comes to this: tyranny always wants not just our minds and our behavior, but our bodies as well.… Read the rest

Don’t Want COVID Vaxx? No Tracking!

Don’t Want COVID Vaxx? No Tracking!
Don’t Want COVID Vaxx? Refuse Tracking Apps! continues to exercise Freedom of Speech and Association by reporting about the coming, unsafety-tested COVID mandated vaccine – and how to avoid it. See our companion article, Don’t Want COVID Vaxx? Refuse Testing! HERE. There are a number of routes into the murky world of COVID mandates. In New York City, for example, you might well find yourself “tested”, “tracked” and forcibly removed from your home, taken to a “COVID Hotel” for mandatory quarantine, in a closed building with other COVID Positives.… Read the rest