Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E Laibow, MD Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, October 18,2020
We owe a public thanks to the many brave doctors, nurses and scientists now coming forward, via lawsuits,, public declarations, videos, studies, lectures and interviews to confirm what those of us looking closely at the issues have said for quite some time: the COVID-19 “Pandemic” is nothing of the sort.… Read the rest
Category: Vaccination
Vaxx Me Not! How About YOU?
Vaxx Me Not! How About You?
Operation Warp Speed is nearly upon us. And Faucism, full medical tyranny, is about to reach new heights of horror with compelled, not forced, vaxx, as recommended by the [formerly] respected New England Journal of Medicine. [1]
‘No forced vaxx,’ misstate the Faucists. ‘You won’t HAVE to take the vaxx, but if you don’t you may not ever be allowed to leave your home again.… Read the rest
Will SCOTUS Decide to Hear Vaccine Mandate Case This Year?
For the First Time in Over a Hundred Years
SCOTUS Receives a Vaccine Mandate Petition
Patricia Finn, The Good Health Lawyer from Rockland County, NY has worked with Natural Solutions Foundation and the health freedom movement for decades. We are therefore pleased to announce that she has just filed a ground-breaking Petition for Certiorari with the US Supreme Court.… Read the rest
Lost Arts Radio Show #302- Special Guest Dara Berger
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website
What Kids Face In Today’s Insane World – With Author, Educator, & Health Coach, Dara Berger
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 10/4/20
Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio
Listen via phone: 657-383-1002
9pm EST / 6pm PST
Tell Your Friends!
Since Dara Berger (www.daraberger.com) was on our show last time, discussing her book How To Prevent Autism (www.howtopreventautism.org),… Read the rest
New Jersey Rallies Against Forced Vaccination
Protest Against A4576 And S2907
Requiring Mandatory Flu Vaccinations
Held At Statehouse in Trenton
Over 1,000 attended a rally today at the NJ State House to protest against bills pending in the state legislature requires students and certain other children to be annually vaccinated for influenza as condition of enrollment at public and private K-12 schools, preschools, child care centers, and institutions of higher education.… Read the rest
CDC: Politics + Science = Disaster, Every Time
Opinion: Dr Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, September 21, 2020
CDC is regarded as a reliable source of information and health direction. It is not, and has not been for a very long time. But the current COVID-19 fiasco makes the corruption and failings of that supposedly “science-based” organization painfully, perhaps lethally, obvious.
First of all, the US Government, through CDC and its sister organizations, arms of the industries it is trusted to regulate through corruption, conflict of interest and the odious “revolving door” policy in which industry and regulators are, quite literally, one and the same cast of characters.… Read the rest
Do I Really Have Informed Consent Rights?
Mark Your Calendar: September 26, 2020 7 PM EST: Unmasked Crusader Livestream. Bring Your Friends and Your Questions https://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions/live
Opinion: Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, September 21, 2020
I received an interesting email today that asked a bunch of questions about the Advance Medical Directive Cards. By the way, the cards are available at www.NSFMarketplace.com… Read the rest
Meme Me Up, Scotty: Conspiracy Theorist, Defined
You Are Invited: Livestream with the Unmasked Crusaders!
Join Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph for a
YouTube Livestream Discussion
You Are Invited – 7 PM EST
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel Now
To Join the Livestream
Click on “Subscribe” and Choose “All Notices”
To Mask or Not to Mask … Is That Your Question?
No charge to attend and you’ll receive access to our complimentary “Masking Unmasked” eBook for joining us, just as soon as it’s published.… Read the rest
It’s No Secret: Advance Directive Card Users Protect Each Other – and Us!
Advance Medical Directive Cards Here:
Don’t Miss Our Complementary Saturday September 26th Livestream “Masking Unmasked”
Opinion: Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, September 18, 2020
As the Medical Director of one of the world’s largest Health Freedom organizations, I get a lot of emails. I recently received this excellent question that I want to answer because I think it raises an issue that a lot of people are wondering about: Do we want everyone to know about the Advance Directive cards, or should it be our secret?… Read the rest