Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 27, 2020
Spotify and Amazon found the original words of this song , which you can hear above, unacceptable. Right. “Do you wanna be a free man or do you wanna be a slave?”, “Do you wanna be a pauper or do you wanna be a prince?”… Read the rest
Category: Vaccination
#DontYouDare Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch on Fauci’s Hands of Death: Bactrim, Hydroxychloroquine, More
Patenting Profits: Anthony Fauci’s Been Practicing Public Ill Health for Decades, Killing Huge Numbers of People
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 26, 2020
Anthony Fauci, MD, is not, as the media have styled him, “America’s Doctor”. He is “America’s Executioner”. head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.… Read the rest
WHO Changes Position On Immunity
Once again WHO — the World Health Organization — is changing its position on how human immunity to disease works. In doing so it is ignoring centuries of medical science and practice and exposing all of us to the dangers of “unavoidably unsafe” vaccines.
Here is the Smoking Gun:
Assert Your Right to Refuse the Vaccine.… Read the rest
Lost Arts Radio Show #314 – Special Guest Julie Wentz
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website
Can A Citizen Help Take Back America? Julie Wentz Starts AZ Stands Up
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 12/27/20
Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio
Listen via phone: 657-383-1002
9pm EST / 6pm PST
Tell Your Friends!
Julie Wentz, Founder of AZ Stands Up and Americans For Truth And Freedom (www.azstandsup.org), is an advocate for Constitutional rights and freedoms for Americans in general and Arizonans in particular.… Read the rest
French Govt Ban Unvaxxed from Public Transport?
Although 59% of the French Oppose the COVID Vaccine
French Government Considers Bill to Ban Unvaxxed
This report from Activist Post [1] —
“People who fail to get a Covid-19 vaccination could be banned from using public transport in France, according to a draft law sparking angry protests from opposition politicians on Tuesday. … According to the text, which will now be submitted to parliament, a negative Covid test or proof of a “preventative treatment, including the administration of a vaccine” could be required for people to be granted “access to transport or to some locations, as well as certain activities”.… Read the rest
Dr Rima Answers Question on “Herd Immunity”
Shrine of the Holy Syringe: Praying for Herd Immunity
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation.com December 23, 2020
I get emails from something called Quora.com where people ask questions about lots of things and get answers from members of the community. For a long time I was blocked from writing answers and then, when questions about the COVID-19 vaccines started showing up, I was suddenly unblocked. … Read the rest
Eminent EU Scientist: CV Could Only Have Come From a Lab in China
Eminent Scientist, Professor Guiseppe Tritto
“COVID-19 Could Only Be the Product of a Chinese Lab”
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 23, 2020
Our friends at LifeSite have reported on a new book by an impecabbly credentials senior scientist, Professor Giuseppe Tritto, who says clearly that the COVID-19 virus was the intentional product of laboratory manipulation in China.… Read the rest
First Study of COIVD Vaccines on Male Fertility – AFTER FDA Approval
Planning on a Family? Fertility Doc Suggests Men Freeze Their Sperm Before Taking Vaxx, Conducting Study
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 23, 2020
While assuring us that he can see no biological reason that the novel, and newly approved COVID-19 vaccine should not damage fertility, Dr. Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, a reproductive urologist with U Health (Miami), secured funding and is examining the vaccines’ effect on sperm and fertility.… Read the rest
#DontYouDare! Apologizes to FaceBook – Hilarious! Must Watch!
Both Counsel Ralph and Natural Solutions Foundation have been banned from Facebook. Comedian JP tells Facebook he’s sorry for “Violating Community Standards”, whatever they were on that particular day, perfectly.
We could not have said it better. Thanks, JP!… Read the rest
#DontYouDare: You Decide. Is Bill Gates Telling Us that mRNA Vaccines Alter Our DNA?
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 17, 2020
What do you think Bill Gates is saying here? Experts tell us that mRNA vaccines and tracking technology will not impact our DNA. Do your own research and decide for yourself.
I, personally, will not allow these vaccines, long referred to as “gene-editing vaccines” into my body.… Read the rest