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A Lawsuit To Support Worldwide – Freedom Champion: Joy Garner From The Control Group
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 1/24/21
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As millions of people around us have been successfully brainwashed to believe they are powerless, and just as bad, to believe “health” authorities and others who want to harm them are telling them the truth about the fake “pandemic,” Joy Garner‘s project, The Control Group (,… Read the rest
Category: Vaccination
#Don’tYouDare Product Does Not Work Post Violates ‘Community Standards’ – I Get Sent to FB Jail
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 22, 2021
Censorship by Big Tech is a huge and very, very real problem for our rights and freedoms. Political opinion, medical fact, social commentary all are under attack as We, the People, struggle to keep our balance and our voices.
John Brennan, former CIA Director, said on inauguration day two days ago that “law enforcement, homeland security, intelligence, and even the defense officials are doing everything possible to root out what seems to be a very very serious and insidious threat to our democracy and our republic.”… Read the rest
#Don’tYouDare Basic Questions We All Need to Ask No. 673
Powerhouse social justice advocate Marti Oakley asked one of the basic questions we all should be asking today. [1]
Here’s the simple question:
Will someone please explain to me, how….when Fauci, Gates and these other genocidal maniacs admit that no virus has been isolated or defined…..
How the hell can you report that severe variant strains are cropping up in various places?… Read the rest
Lost Arts Radio Show #317 – Special Guest Dr. Thomas Cowan
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Medical Knowledge Meets Common Sense – Introducing Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D.
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 1/17/21
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9pm EST / 6pm PST
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Modern education seems designed to eradicate that quality of awareness known as common sense, that was once actually common, at least in myths and legends of the old days.… Read the rest
#Don’tYouDare 1/1000 Dead in Norway After Pfizer Vaccine
Dozens Dead in Norway:
Just the Start of the Vaccine Genocide?
Opinion By Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation January 15, 2021
Apparently, we are now in a world where, when Pfizer’s experimental mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” kills just over 1 person in 1.000 — 23 people out of 25,000 vaccinated, and all of the recipients are medically fragile seniors, that is acceptable.… Read the rest
#Don’tYouDare Hilarious Video: I Love My Mask, Important Point. Watch and Share Widely!
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 14, 2021
Let me be quite clear: I do not love my mask. But irony is a great way to make the point clear and this young woman, whomever she is, has done so brilliantly!
When I copied the link to this brilliant video, along came a very important quote by brilliant author and activist, Hannah Arendt.… Read the rest
It’s a Good Thing
COVID EUA Vaccine Roll-Out Failure
We are told that making sure all of us volunteer for the Emergency Use Authorization COVID vaccine is a top priority of the incoming Administration. Why? IMHO, pecause people do not want the jab!
“U.S. distribution of coronavirus vaccines has descended into turmoil. Now, millions of vaccines could expire before they reach people in need (sic).… Read the rest
#DontYouDare Dr. Wakefield Explains mRNA “Vaccine” is NOT a Vaccine, IS Genetic Engineering
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 9, 2021
Dr. Andy Wakefield is a British physician who got caught in the cross-fire of orchestrated pro-vaccine propaganda at all costs to truth. I urge you to listen carefully to the information in this important video in which Dr. Wakefield makes it clear that
The mRNA pharmaceuticals are, in fact, not vaccines since they do not present the body with antigens, stimulating an antibody (protein) response
They are untested genetic alteration devices which capture the body’s immune capacity forcing a response to the inserted material which forever changes the cell
Once inserted, vast numbers of people will face the unknown effects of these untested devices
There is no known way to neutralize, cancel, remove or correct the effects of these untested devices
Fatalities and other serious adverse events are already occurring around the world following the injection of these untested devices
Every country in the world except Brazil has given the makers of these devices full financial and legal indemnity from any liability of any kind, no matter what damage is caused by these untested devices
Dr Wakefield does not point out that the authorization of these dangerous devices in the US on an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) means that the devices are, by definition, experimental and that anyone is free to exercise his or her right of Informed Consent, according the FDA’s information page on this topic.… Read the rest
#DontYouDare Virologist “Masks Provide No Corona Protection” Why Are We Using Them?
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 9, 2021
I am a physician, not a virologist. I can read the scientific literature on masks, listen to the pronouncements of knowledgeable people and, as I have, come to a conclusion about mask wearing to prevent viral transmission and contamination. The conclusion I have reached, available in my ebook [1] and other publications on the topic, is that wearing masks to prevent transmission/contamination is magical thinking dressed up as science dressed up as political and social control.… Read the rest
#DontYouDare Who Is This Man Who Is Telling the Truth About Vaccines In A Hearing?
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 8, 2021
The above video contains completely accurate information according to what I know about heavy metals, inflammation and vaccines. I received the link from a correspondent who was unable to post it because of censorship and could only disseminate it in this fashion.
However, as useful as the information is, I do not know the venue or the identify of the obviously well-qualified speaker.… Read the rest