We are re-posting excerpts from this disturbing article by
M. Whitney as a warning to all peoples.
What’s going on in Israel? Has anyone figured it out yet?
Isn’t Israel the most vaccinated country in the world?
It is.
Haven’t half of all Israelis already been vaccinated?
Yes, they have.
Haven’t 90% of all Israelis over 60 (the age-group most likely to die from Covid) already been vaccinated?… Read the rest
Category: Vaccination
#Don’t You Dare Moderna’s Top Doc Says in TED Talk, mRNA Jabs “Are Hacking the Software of Life”
mRNA Jabs? If You Don’t Care About Your DNA, Step Right Up!
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, March 10, 2021
When some mRNA ‘vaccine” advocate tells you that it does not alter the genetic code, show him/her this 2017 TED Talk. In it, Tal Zaks, Moderna’s Top Doc, crows that mRNA jabs are “rewriting the Genetic Code of Humanity”.… Read the rest
More COVID Vaxx Nurse Death & Injury
The Toll Continues to Rise
While Austria Suspends Vaxx
We repost another important article from Health Impact News
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News [1]
Corporate news sources are reporting that Austria has suspended their roll-out of the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccines after a 49-year-old nurse has died “as a result of severe coagulation disorders,” and a 35-year-old nurse developed a pulmonary embolism following the COVID injections.… Read the rest
Don’t You Dare! Must See, Must Share: Rothschilds Patented COVID 19 Test Starting in 2016
Commentary by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation March 9, 2021
Lest anyone think that the supposed pandemic we are suffering under was a surprise to anyone, look at the patented “System and Method for Testing for COVID-19” following on the heels of similar patents and patent applications staring in 2015. Note the date. It is several years before the alleged COVID-19 virus came into supposed existence.… Read the rest
Learning How to Kneel
The resistance to illegitimated power in the era of Declared Pandemics and society lockdowns takes many forms. Given our hyper-linked, mediated culture, the satiric video is among these “Memes” [1] that define our era. This video juxtaposes images and situations that have become far too familiar.
Through ridicule we find freedom…
Israeli Vaxx Deaths Soar
‘Orders of Magnitude Higher Deaths
in the Vaccinated’:
Israel’s Vaccine Data Reveals a
Frightening Picture
Assert Your Right to Informed Consent
As reported by Green Med Info [1]:
In the article republished from Nakim.org, research is presented indicating orders of magnitude increases in death rates during the 5-week long vaccination process analyzed in Israel, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccination process.… Read the rest
#Don’tYouDare Very Mini Film Festival – Must Watch, Must Share Videos
A Small Selection of Important Videos
About the So-Called Pandemic
Watch, Share Widely
Only Have 2 Minutes for COVID Truth? Here You Go!
WHO Insider Blows the Whistle on Bill Gates and GAVI: They Have Total Immunity From Everything
Another Victim of the “Perfectly Safe” Jabs – Young Woman Collapses in Spanish Hospital After Jab
Is This How You Want “Normal” to Look, Sound and Feel?… Read the rest
A Warning to Doctors and Health Care Workers
With our thanks to the health freedom advocates who suggested a warning that you can download, print and post, or otherwise share on social media, we offer the following image:
Right click on the image and save it to your computer.
Share this widely on social media. Our choice of social media is Telegram.org: … Read the rest
Lost Arts Radio Show #322 – Special Guest Matt Landman
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website
The Twin Assaults Of 5G & Geoengineering: “Frankenskies” Creator, Matt Landman
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 2/21/21
Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio
Listen via phone: 657-383-1002
9pm EST / 6pm PST
Tell Your Friends!
Matt Landman (www.actualactivists.com | www.speroprotectionclothing.com | www.frankenskies.com) is a globally-known speaker, educator, activist and documentary creator. He has been a leader in the movement to raise public awareness of 5G and geoengineering as serious threats to humanity and all life on Earth.… Read the rest
General Bert: Estimate of Situation
Two Transmissions from General Bert
Shopping the FAO Schwartz of Events and
The Larger Issues
Estimates of Situation from the Other Side
25 January and 24 February 2021
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army)
February 6, 1930-February 6, 2017
General Bert has been transmitting messages to Dr. Rima and a few others “from the other side” since his untimely death on his 86th birthday in 2017. … Read the rest