AstraZeneca Admits Vaccine Efficacy Based On “Interim” Data, Vows To Release Update Within 48 Hours

AstraZeneca Admits Vaccine Efficacy Based On “Interim” Data, Vows To Release Update Within 48 Hours
BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, MAR 23, 2021 – 08:26 AM Update (0800ET): As the media (and the rest of the world) tries to figure out what exactly is going on with the AstraZeneca trial data, and whether the vaccine’s ability to protect the population from COVID truly does outweigh the risks, the company has just released a statement promising to release up-to-date results from the final phase of the trial within 48 hours.… Read the rest

Miracle! Vaxx Cures Disease, Not!

Miracle! Vaxx Cures Disease, Not!
Two Centuries of Vaccine Pseudo Science Overturned! New Gene Altering Jab Now Claimed to “Cure” — Not Just “Prevent” — Disease! We are reposting this comment from our Chat —  Have you joined Telegram uncensored social media yet? Can you believe this is on the front page of the ABC today? So the vaccine not only lessens symptoms if you get covid, it now clears up long covid almost instantly.… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #326 – Special Guest Shai Danon

Lost Arts Radio Show #326 – Special Guest Shai Danon
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! Educating Parents To Protect Their Kids – Serving Freedom & Life On Earth, Shai Danon Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 3/21/21 Listen online: Listen via phone: 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! I learned of Shai Danon and his work ( only recently, when I saw him interviewed in a great discussion with David Icke on… Read the rest

#Don’t You Dare! Israel Gov’t Signs Contract w/Pfizer, Destroys Informed Consent to Use Entire Population for “Vax” Experiment

#Don’t You Dare! Israel Gov’t Signs Contract w/Pfizer, Destroys Informed Consent to Use Entire Population for “Vax” Experiment
Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, March 20, 2021 Ilana Rachel Daniel is an Israeli woman speaking out, and challenging the unthinkable crime being perp[etrated on the people of Israel and the rest of the world by the purveyors of the so-called “va((ines” against the so-called “pandemic”. She states, clearly and correctly, that this totally uncontrolled experiment is not science.… Read the rest

Warning from a Virologist

Warning from a Virologist
Virologist Warns “Circulating variants …turning into a wild monster…” PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN Why mass vaccination amidst a pandemic creates an irrepressible monster Warning from Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD “As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists (sic).… Read the rest

US Govt Funded Study Shows COVID Vaxx Risks Not Adequately Disclosed

US Govt Funded Study Shows COVID Vaxx Risks Not Adequately Disclosed
US Govt Funded Study Shows COVID Vaxx Risks Not Adequately Disclosed Dr. Rath’s Foundation has posted this important information [1]. U.S. Government-Funded Study Concludes Risks Of COVID-19 Vaccines Not Being Adequately Disclosed Published by Paul Anthony Taylor at March 12, 2021 A recent study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice examines whether sufficient literature exists to require clinicians to disclose the risk that receiving COVID-19 vaccines could sensitize people to more severe viral disease than if they were not vaccinated.… Read the rest

COVID Vaxx Are Weapons of Mass Destruction

COVID Vaxx Are Weapons of Mass Destruction
Dr. Vernon Coleman: COVID Vaxx Could Wipe Our Human Race THE UNVACCINATED NOW AT RISK FROM THE VACCINATED! The Mad Vaxxers Failed to Understand the Risks? #DontYouDare We reproduce this urgent warning from scientist Vernon Coleman: “Well, I think I know what is going to happen. We all know that the evil elite, the Agenda 21 and Great Reset promoters, have all along intended to kill between 90% and 95% of the world’s population.… Read the rest