Vaccines Are the New ‘Purity Test’

Vaccines Are the New ‘Purity Test’
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola April 06, 2021 Just How Powerful Is Big Pharma? STORY AT-A-GLANCE The Biden Administration is seriously looking into establishing a vaccine passport system that will allow unvaccinated individuals to be legally treated as second-class citizens In Israel, vaccine certificates are already required for entry into many public spaces. Activists warn it’s become a two-tiered society where the unvaccinated are ostracized The public narrative is not only building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, but is also using healthy people as scapegoats from the very beginning, blaming the spread of the virus on asymptomatically infected people With the rollout of vaccine certificates, we are stepping firmly into discrimination territory.… Read the rest

French drug agency links AstraZeneca vaccine with blood clots

French drug agency links AstraZeneca vaccine with blood clots
‘The very atypical nature of these thromboses, their similar clinical pictures and the homogeneous delay of occurrence lead the Monitoring Committee to confirm the very rare occurrence of this thrombotic risk in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca vaccine.’ Thu Apr 1, 2021 – 11:35 am EST SHUTTERSTOCK By Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent April 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Less than two months after its conditional marketing authorization by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) at the end of January, the controversial AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine was linked last Friday with cases of thrombosis, by the French Drug Agency (ANSM, Agence nationale de sécurité du medicament).… Read the rest

Gov. DeSantis says vaccine passports would be ‘completely unacceptable’ in Florida

Gov. DeSantis says vaccine passports would be ‘completely unacceptable’ in Florida
‘We will not have COVID vaccines mandated in Florida … we are not going to have you provide proof of this just to be able to live your life normally.’ Tue Mar 30, 2021 – 5:07 pm EST TALLAHASSEE, Florida, March 30, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) –– Following reports from New York state detailing the roll-out of its newly developed [1] “Excelsior Pass” vaccine passport scheme, Florida Gov.… Read the rest

Fully Vaccinated People Testing Positive for COVID – So How Does the “Benefit” of Experimental Vaccines “Outweigh the Risk”?

Fully Vaccinated People Testing Positive for COVID – So How Does the “Benefit” of Experimental Vaccines “Outweigh the Risk”?
  by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Earlier this week, [1] investigations in Europe found that the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccines have caused fatal blood clots. The European Medicines Agency (EMA), the government body in Europe that approves emergency use for the experimental vaccines, even admitted that they saw blood clots develop “in a few cases” and even saw blood clots develop in the brain.… Read the rest

J&J Vaccine Error Traced To Company With History Of Quality Control Violations

J&J Vaccine Error Traced To Company With History Of Quality Control Violations
(AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) J&J used a supplier that has been cited repeatedly by the FDA for poorly trained employees, cracked vials, and mold at one of its facilities, AP – The company at the center of quality problems that led Johnson & Johnson to discard an unknown amount of its coronavirus vaccine has a string of citations from U.S. health officials for quality control problems.… Read the rest

Congratulations Kentucky! SB8 passed protecting the right of persons to immunizations required during Epidemics

Congratulations Kentucky! SB8 passed protecting the right of persons to immunizations required during Epidemics
National Health Freedom Action Congratulations to [1] Kentucky Medical Freedom Coalition for their win on securing into law the religious and conscientiously held belief exemption for any vaccine that might be mandated by the state due to an epidemic! The Governor did not sign the bill, but also did not veto it so it became law on Saturday, March 22nd 2021.… Read the rest

EXCLUSIVE: Per the CDC There Are Nearly Twice As Many Vaccine Related Deaths SO FAR in 2021 (1,755) Than All the Vaccine Deaths this Past Decade (994)

EXCLUSIVE: Per the CDC There Are Nearly Twice As Many Vaccine Related Deaths SO FAR in 2021 (1,755) Than All the Vaccine Deaths this Past Decade (994)
By Joe Hoft Published March 29, 2021 at 4:52pm There are more US deaths related to vaccines in 2021 in less than 3 months than there were the entire past decade.  The number of deaths related to vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed.  According to the CDC’s own data, in 2021 in less than 3 months, we have already seen over 1,750 deaths due to vaccines in the US.… Read the rest

Green Pass: Letter of Children’s Health Defense to the European Parliament. TAKE ACTION

Green Pass: Letter of Children’s Health Defense to the European Parliament. TAKE ACTION
Dear Member of the European Parliament, Re: Green Pass Requires Debate, Not Emergency Adoption, COM 2021 130 We write to oppose the Parliament’s adoption of the “Green Pass” (Digital Green Certificate, introduced March 17, 2021 with proposal #COM 2021 130) without thorough, vigorous debate. While the intent of the Green Pass is to facilitate travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, we fear it will do the exact opposite: it will stifle travel and human interaction.… Read the rest

Vax Collapse: Vaccine Mandates are Causing Catastrophic Logistics Failures in International Shipping

Vax Collapse: Vaccine Mandates are Causing Catastrophic Logistics Failures in International Shipping
Thursday, March 25, 2021 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) A new requirement that forces all seafarers to be injected with experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) gene therapy cocktails before entering shipping ports is causing major “delays and disruptions” throughout the global supply chain. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) says reports are flooding in about entire payloads being denied due to their shipping crews not being 100 percent injected.… Read the rest