India COVID Vaxx Deaths Surge

India COVID Vaxx Deaths Surge
TAKE THE KILL JAB AND DIE… The Northern Truth Seeker Blog posted the above astounding chart with this warning: Please note in the chart above WHEN the widespead ‘inoculation’ via the KILL SHOTS starts on November 2nd, 2020… And realize that today is now May 2nd, 2021, which is exactly 6 full months after those initial jabs.. And the facts do not lie, as we are now seeing a SKYROCKETING amount of deaths starting nearly ‘right on cue’ as I and so many others have predicted..… Read the rest

International tribunal wants government to stop vaccinating residents

International tribunal wants government to stop vaccinating residents
International tribunal wants government to stop vaccinating residents By Elesha George A group of 25 judges in four continents around the world have formed a Tribunal of Conscience that has issued an immediate cease-and-desist order on the Government of Antigua and Barbuda. The Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice comprises doctors and health practitioners who claim that the Covid-19 vaccine somehow alters the immune system and that exposure to the vaccine is detrimental to others.… Read the rest

India’s “Covid Crisis” has been hijacked – The Mainstream Media are lying to you

India’s “Covid Crisis” has been hijacked – The Mainstream Media are lying to you
BY THE DAILY EXPOSE ON APRIL 25, 2021 Do you remember the scenes broadcast on the mainstream news channels, and plastered across the front pages at the start of 2020? Infamous images of Chinese medical officials in hazmat suits collecting bodies off the pavements of Wuhan, where we were told they had collapsed and died in the street because of a new strain of coronavirus, now knows as COVID-19.… Read the rest

Miami school bars vaccinated teachers from seeing students

Miami school bars vaccinated teachers from seeing students
  IMAGE COPYRIGHT GETTY IMAGESSome 141 million people have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine in the United States A Miami school has discouraged teachers from getting the Covid vaccine, saying any vaccinated employees will be barred from interacting with students. Centner Academy leadership cited debunked claims of non-vaccinated people being “negatively impacted” by contact with vaccinated people.… Read the rest

Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021

Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021
An authorisation by the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorise relevant Australian Defence Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine. Documents Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021 PDF (12.5MB) Source:… Read the rest