As Monsanto states on its website: “There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans.” Well, sure. If you are a giant multi-billion dollar conglomerate bent on taking over the world’s food supply so you can profit from it.

Acad of Sci: High Background Radiation Linked to 10-14x Higher Cancer Risk. You Think?

Acad of Sci: High Background Radiation Linked to 10-14x Higher Cancer Risk. You Think?
National Institutes of Science Notices the Unsurprising: Denied for Decades, Now Confirms: People Living in Areas of High Background Radiation are at Higher Cancer Risk, Downs Syndrome Increased 300%, etc. Why Did It Take Decades? For years, “official’ scientists have insisted that the risk of cancer or birth defects while living in areas with high radiation levels was negligible.   In an example of bought-and-paid-for science, they refuted, ignored or distorted the independent and contradictory science that thwarted their assurances that radiation was not bad for you, it was fine for you and in fact, was actually good for you. … Read the rest

Modern Day Slavery: For Profit Prisons Make Huge Profits But Degrade Us All says Whistlebloser Kiriakao

Modern Day Slavery: For Profit Prisons Make Huge Profits But Degrade Us All says Whistlebloser Kiriakao
There used to be a time when the aim of prisons was rehabilitation. They still use that word sometimes. But how closely focused on rehabilitating the sources of their profits can a private for profit prison There is a sickness at work here at the heart of this very ugly twist on capitalism, and it is appropriate that Kiriakou comment on it, considering the sickness he personally exposed at the heart of the CIA torture program, and the price he paid for that bravery. Thank you, Mr. Kiriakou.

Every Man in Iranian Village Executed on “Drug Charges” Gov’t Admits by Accident

Every Man in Iranian Village Executed on “Drug Charges” Gov’t Admits by Accident
Iran’s Vice President for Women and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Molaverdi, admitted that every man in Sistan andBaluchestan (province) was executed on drug charges. was arguing for increased provision for convicts’ families when she made the admission to the Mehr news agency saying, “Today their children are potential drug traffickers; either because they will seek revenge for the deaths of their fathers or because they will need to financially provide for their families, as a result of lack of support by the government.”… Read the rest

Congress Threatens State GMO Labeling Laws with Vote this Week

Congress Threatens State GMO Labeling Laws with Vote this Week
Washington DC – In a surprise move, US Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman, Sen. Pat Roberts, is pushing the anti-GMO labeling bill, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 (called by its opponents, the DARK Act — the Deny Americans the Right-to-Know Act) to a vote this Thursday, February 25, 2016. The Senate bill, companion to a bill (HR 1599) which passed the House last year, languished in the Senate as more state governments considered requiring Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) food labeling.… Read the rest

New Study Proves Advanced Docs Right: Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Increases Risk of Serious Disease

New Study Proves Advanced Docs Right: Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Increases Risk of Serious Disease
New JAMA Study Proves What Integrative Docs Have Said for Decades: Proton Pump Inhibitors are Dangerous, Unnecessary and Lead to Potentially Lethal Conditions In another case of “Do NOT Mess With Mother Nature Because She REALLY Knows Best, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) have been linked to yet another serious consequence: chronic kidney disease. Frequently recommended by allopathic medicine (and TV commercials!)… Read the rest

CDC WHO HPV Vax Viral DNA Contamination Cover-Up

CDC WHO HPV Vax Viral DNA Contamination Cover-Up
CDC WHO HPV Vax Viral DNA Contamination Cover-Up January 15, 2016, Milford, CT:  World-Renowned Physician and Researcher Sin Hang Lee, MD Submits Formal Complaint to World Health Organization. “It is my opinion that Dr Pless [GACVS], those whose names appeared in the emails attached to this complaint, and all who blindly dismiss the potential toxicity of the newly created HPV L1 gene DNA/AAHS compound in order to continue to promote HPV vaccinations should be held accountable for their actions.… Read the rest