Government of Congo Declares Yellow Fever Has Reached Epidemic Levels, Implements Measures To Combat It
So far 67 cases of Yellow Fever have been confirmed in Congo, across several provinces and resulting in five dead, driving the government to implement official epidemic control measures. The nation’s capital as well as the provinces of Kinshasa, Kongo Central and Kwango have all been affected.… Read the rest
Category: Uncategorized
Labor MP Kate Ellis & Husband David Penberthy In Bed With Murdoch To Push Mandatory Vaccinations
Shame on you Kate Ellis. Medical records are supposed to be private. Stick a big x on unvaccinated kids foreheads next? Photo courtesy of twitter
Labor MP Kate Ellis mandatory vaccination push in bed with Mudoch
Posted on May 26, 2016
by Freedom of Choice
When a politician starts pushing a vaccine mandate there is usually a Murdoch pulling the strings. … Read the rest
It Might Not Be The Acne After All: Why The Age At Which You Lose Your Virginity Might Be Genetic
Genes Could Be Partly To Blame For Why It Took You Until Sophomore Year Of College To Lose Your Virginity (But Only Partly)
The more we learn about genes the more they get a bad rep. Yes, Jennifer, certainly there are people who have a genetic predisposition to obesity, but that’s an infinitesimally small percentage. I’m thinking the potato chips and lack of motion might have more to do with it in your case than Crick and Watson.… Read the rest
Academy award-nominated director of “Gasland” arrested–but it was a good thing
Protest arrests net one Academy Award-nominated director, lots of pancakes
Sometimes you’ll see a film star or music star making a political statement or a speech about his or her pet project, and you can’t help but think along these lines: after this, that very famous and very rich person is going to go back home to the big mansion, or out to a restaurant where a meal costs more than one of my paychecks, and they are going to forget all about this.… Read the rest
Monsanto’s history is one of pure evil stretching across generations. Seriously.
Today, Monsanto sells RoundUp brand herbicide, containing the known carcinogen glyphosate, causing massive environmental and health problems worldwide.
“And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain,
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.”
–William Shakespeare, Richard III
When you talk to actors who play “bad guy” roles, they will always tell you that they don’t think of themselves that way when they’re in character.… Read the rest
One In Ten Americans At Elevated Risk For Cardiac Disease Simply Based On Geography
Highway Access Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be: One In Ten Americans At Elevated Risk For Cardiac Disease Due To Proximity To A Highway
The great dream of total interconnectedness amongst the majority of the people of the world has largely reached fruition in the internet age.… Read the rest
What The World Might Look Like After A Nuclear Disaster: Chernobyl 30 Years On
Chernobyl Plus 30: What A Nuclear Disaster Looks Like Three Decades After The Fact
It’s obviously a scenario anyone but a madman would dread: dealing with the aftermath of a nuclear accident. Five years after the Fukushima disaster, scientists are still grappling with the long-term consequences.
But as horrific as that catastrophe was–and will likely continue to be for generations to come–we do have one other extant example of what the world or at least a small part of it might look like in the wake of a nuclear disaster.… Read the rest
US Infant Mortality Tracks Vaccines: Coincidence?
The Rate Of Infant Deaths In The US Is Higher Than Virtually All Other Developed Countries–Could Vaccines Play A Role?
Vaccines May Well Be The Culprit In The Appalling Infant Mortality Rate Of US Babies
US Ranks Near The Bottom Among Developed Countries In Infant Mortality–And First In Number Of Vaccines. Coincidence?
You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here:… Read the rest
Becoming a PC Unperson
Privatizing Tyranny: Mind Control for Profit
It’s Not Just Jails and Vax Mandates Being Privatized
Assert your Informed Consent Right here:
Dr. Rima wrote one of her passionate replies to a planted pro-vaccination story that appeared out of Australia. The article was bemoaning a pregnant woman who was not vaccinated during pregnancy for Whooping Cough passing the disease on to her newborn.… Read the rest
The Panama Papers: False Flag Data Leak?
06 April 2016 UPDATE: Iceland’s Prime Minister Resigns!
In a report circulating the Internet today, Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army, Ret.) commented on the release of the Panama Papers, the largest document leak in history, over 11 million records.
“I strongly suspect a False Flag Data Leak. I lived in Panama for several years and am aware of how careful Panamanian professionals can be.… Read the rest