Nuts To Statins: Mediterranean Diet Better For Your Heart Than Pricy, Ocnrtoversial Statins
If you are facing heart problems and wondering if there’s anything you can do to stave off the Grim Reaper a while longer, you might want to consider trading in that statin prescription for a nice plate full of fish and vegetables.
A new study has found that for people already suffering from heart problems, a Mediterranean style diet–one rich in vegetables, nuts, fish and leaning more on olive oil than butter–can reduce their chances of an early death by 37 percent.… Read the rest
Category: Uncategorized
Breastfeeding Rates Continue To Grow
Breastfeeding Rates Continue To Grow: CDC Cites Latest Report Card Statistics, Showing More Women Choosing To Breastfeed
Usually these days if you reads a story about breastfeeding, it involves some benighted busybody fussing over a woman who has the temerity to care for her baby in the way that mammals have done for millions of years–in public.
That’s always the kicker, isn’t it?… Read the rest
Hearing Loss Reversible? Loss Of Crucial Hairs In The Ears May Be Reversible Using Treatment Derived From Sea Anemones
Sea Anemones And Hearing Loss: How One Creature’s Hair-Like Protrusions May Reverse Human Hearing Loss
They say that hearing loss isn’t something that is reversible–just ask Pete Townshend of the legendary rock band The Who. After decades of playing before huge audiences surrounded by massive stacks of amplifiers–and one famous mid-1960s incident in which the band’s drummer Keith Moon set off an explosive charge that was triple what it was supposed to be while Townsend was standing right next to it–the singer has battled hearing loss nearly as long as he has been playing music.… Read the rest
Preventing Dementia: Tips For Keeping Your Brain Sharp That Can Help You Stave Off Mental Decline That Comes With Aging
Preventing Dementia And The Mental Ravages Of Aging Is Possible: Some Ways To Keep Your Mind Sharp And Focused
The bad news is we’re all getting older. And with aging, it has long been believed, mental decline is inevitable.
But the good news is that we learn more about how to alleviate these effects every day. And the more we learn, the more scientists are coming to believe that there is something to the idea that exercising the mind as if it were muscle is vital to keeping a fully functioning brain–and that it is possible to keep your mind healthy and lucid far into the golden years.… Read the rest
Drug Warriors Run Amok: How An 81-Year-Old Cancer Patient Growing His Own Pot Got Raided By The DEA
Reefer Madness In Mass: 81-Year-Old Growing Four Pot Plants Brings Out DEA Helicopters, State Police, And Even The National Guard
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Just when you think the flailing idiocy of the drug warriors who rightly feel their last battle is imminent couldn’t get any stupider, you read a story like this one.… Read the rest
Why Are You Pushing, Doc? Eight Reasons Your Doctor Insists On Giving Your Child Vaccines
Some Common Reasons Your Doctor Pushes For Vaccines–And Some You May Not Know About
We are taught from a young age to trust doctors. Like the images of friendly policemen and noble firemen, doctors are usually portrayed in our collective consciousness as kindly, benevolent characters who only went into medicine out a strong desire to help humanity.
Unfortunately, while there are of course many doctors who fit this stereotype, they are just as human as the rest of us.… Read the rest
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener: Those Lush, Green Lawns Come At A Hefty Environmental Price In Terms Of Not Only Water, But Herbicides Too
Green Grass And Glypho Forever: How Monsanto Has Locked Down Lawn Treatments, Locking Suburbanites In A Destructive Environmental Spiral
It’s hard to believe, but there was a time in the not so distant past when newly settled Americans had to bring their own grass seed over with them from Europe. Longing for hominess of the England’s green, settlers would bring grass seed with them, jealously guarded and tied in sachets they wore around their necks like precious jewels.… Read the rest
Alabama Is One Of Several States Advancing The Ball In The Fight To Legalize The Use Of CBD Oil In Treating Seizures And Other Ailments
Alabama Shakes No More: Traditionally Conservative Southern State Making Great Strides In Research On Treating Seizures With CBD Oil
Of the many U.S. states where progress toward a sane policy on medical and recreational marijuana use is ongoing, one surprisingly progressive state is Alabama. Researchers in the conservative southern bastion have been making great strides in showing how CBD oil can be used to treat seizures.… Read the rest
Japanese Lawsuits Filed Over HPV Vaccine Cases: Merck And Glaxosmithkline Named As Defendants
Women And Girls Sue In Japan Over Bad HPV Vaccine That Sickened Them: Merck And Glaxosmithkline Named As Defendants
A group of 63 women and girls in Japan who claim to have been sickened after they received the human papilloma virus have filed suit there, naming the government of Japan as well as vaccine manufacturers Merck and GlaxSMithKline as defendants.
The plaintiffs, who range in age from 15 to 22 filed in district courts in Okyo, Nagoya, Osaka and Fukuoka, seeking compensation of 15 million yen each.… Read the rest
Fighting Germs Through Reward Stimulation: How Feeling Good May Help Boost The Immune System
Immune System May Be Linked To Feeling Good: Rewarding Stimulation Found To Cause Heightened Immune Response To Germs
Feeling good may actually help you to…well, feel good.
Scientists looking at how the body fights germs when nerve cells in the brain that signal reward are lit up say that positive feelings may be linked to a supercharged immune system based on a study conducted on mice but which may have broad implications for how humans treat illness in the future.… Read the rest