You Honey May Be Hiding A Dirty Little Secret: What’s Really In That Sweet, Golden Goop?

You Honey May Be Hiding A Dirty Little Secret: What’s Really In That Sweet, Golden Goop?
Your Honey May Be Hiding Something: How Those Jars Of Sticky Sweetness Might Be Sickening You Truth in advertising. If you know that phrase, you’re probably older than you look. (You’re welcome.) Also, you probably know that it is a wildly dated and quaint phrase. By today’s standards, in which virtually anything can be printed on a product label without fear of losing a lawsuit over it, no matter how ridiculous, the concept of “truth” being used to describe what goes into a food product is laughable.… Read the rest

Bureaucrats Fighting Bureaucrats: How One Regulatory Watchdog Is Battling The DEA On Kratom

Bureaucrats Fighting Bureaucrats: How One Regulatory Watchdog Is Battling The DEA On Kratom
Independent Regulatory Watchdog Group Calls Out DEA On Illogical, Heavy-Handed Kratom Ban By now you’ve probably heard about the Drug Enforcement Administration declining to exercise a bit of logic and common sense and change the designation of marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug–meaning most dangerous, and of no medical value–to something more sensible. This, despite the mountains of evidence that have been accumulating over recent years with 25 states now legally selling it for medical use, and thousands of stories out there about how it helps with seizures, chronic pain, and even PTSD.… Read the rest

A Honey Of A Deal: Freaky New Zealand Strain Of Honey Shows Unique Antibacterial Qualities

A Honey Of A Deal: Freaky New Zealand Strain Of Honey Shows Unique Antibacterial Qualities
Uniquely Antibacterial Honey From New Zealand May Hold The Key To Antibiotic Resistance For those of us from the northern hemisphere, often New Zealand is a forgotten cousin of Australia. Many of us have only glimpsed the 200,000 square kilometer nation of nearly 5 million people through Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films, or perhaps the comedy show Flight of the Conchords.… Read the rest

Sci-Fi Mice: Mouse Study Shows How Memory Can Be Manipulated With Alarming Implications

Sci-Fi Mice: Mouse Study Shows How Memory Can Be Manipulated With Alarming Implications
Mousing Over Your Memories: Futuristic Study Shows How Memories Can Be Manipulated In Mice In the Phillip K. Dick short story “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale,” which was later adapted into two film versions of “Total Recall,” an ordinary clerk living in the near future longs to visit Mars, a tony vacation destination he can’t afford on his salary.… Read the rest

Libertarians Line Up: Gary Johnson Is The Only Candidate To Clearly Take A Stand Against Mandatory Vaccines

Libertarians Line Up: Gary Johnson Is The Only Candidate To Clearly Take A Stand Against Mandatory Vaccines
Libertarians Breathe A Sigh Of Relief As Gary Johnson Comes Out Unequivocally Against Mandatory Vaccines There must be some training facility for presidential candidates where they hone their skills at weaseling out of giving straight answers. They make it look so effortless: never before have so many words been said with so little substance underlying them as when we watch a presidential speech or debate.… Read the rest

Sinister Bedfellows: Amid Arizona Marijuana Legalization Fight, Major Opioid Maker Donates To Opponents

Sinister Bedfellows: Amid Arizona Marijuana Legalization Fight, Major Opioid Maker Donates To Opponents
Strange Bedfellows: Maker Of Opioid That Has Killed Thousands Donates To Anti-Weed Lobbying Groups They say “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” but oh boy does that ever make for some weird friends when it comes to politics. And especially when it comes to the politics of marijuana legalization. The landscape around marijuana is already so topsy-turvy, so filled with Alice in Wonderland meets Franz Kafka land mines that it is almost impossible to navigate without losing your mind; the insane things people have been propagandized with for so many decades have calcified brains.… Read the rest

As DEA Announces Plans To Put Kratom On Schedule 1, Big Pharma Locks Down Patents On Constituent Ingredients

As DEA Announces Plans To Put Kratom On Schedule 1, Big Pharma Locks Down Patents On Constituent Ingredients
Kratom’s Chemicals For Big Pharma, Yes; Kratom The Plant For Users, No: Welcome To The DEA’s Mad Hatter Logic “All animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” –George Orwell When is a plant not a plant but a drug, and thus illegal? And when are the constituent chemicals that come from that plant not illegal, but rather patented medicine?… Read the rest

When The Cure Is Worse Than The Disease: Merck Finally Admits Their Shingles Vaxx Causes Blindness

When The Cure Is Worse Than The Disease: Merck Finally Admits Their Shingles Vaxx Causes Blindness
Blinded By The Light: Merck Finally Reveals That Its Shingles Vaccine Can Cause Blindness Sometimes it feels like there’s a cure coming out for everything. There are so many studies, research papers and conferences illuminating this or that disease and some new breakthrough that promises to send it the way of the dodo that it is hard to keep up. That is partly a result of a Wild West mentality with pharmaceutical companies right now; in the U.S.… Read the rest

Passing Up The Pills: In A Nation Overrun With Chemicals, Many Are Turning To Alternative Ways To Treat Pain

Passing Up The Pills: In A Nation Overrun With Chemicals, Many Are Turning To Alternative Ways To Treat Pain
Saying No Thanks To Pain Pills: More People Turning To Alternative Pain Treatments It is hard to describe just how debilitating chronic, unending pain is for those who have never lived with it. We humans are tough creatures, or at least we come from tough stock; we are tougher than our pampered modern existence would lead you to believe. We can take a lot of pain.… Read the rest

Zika News: Mosquito Spraying In South Carolina Kills Millions Of Bees While Vaccine Trials Begin In Puerto Rico

Zika News: Mosquito Spraying In South Carolina Kills Millions Of Bees While Vaccine Trials Begin In Puerto Rico
The Madness Continues: Zika Panic Kills Thousands Of S.C. Bees As Vaccine Testing Begins In Puerto Rico In terms of the Zika virus panic that continues to sweep the U.S., it’s hard to say where you might prefer be: South Carolina, Miami, or Puerto Rico. All three areas have been or are about to be ground zero for various fronts on the Zika/Aedes aegypti mosquito wars that rage across the southeast part of the U.S.… Read the rest