Autism eBook Press Release
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Autism is a relatively new disease caused by environmental assaults like vaccines. The science is settled.
The propaganda is like jelly but ask the parents of the autistic children around you.
IF the globalists were to admit the causes of the autism pandemic, they would have to clean up the environment and, worst of all, stop vaccinating.… Read the rest
Category: Uncategorized
Fluoride – It’s The Bomb! The Atomic Bomb!
Fluoride Reduces Tooth Decay? Not If You Live in Europe
Advance Vaccine Directive Exemption Card
Tell President Trump: Stop Vax Mandates!
Like vaccines, fluoridation is an “obvious good” [sic] bringing vast public health “benefits” to enormous numbers of people. Except that, like vaccination, fluoridation is neither safe nor based on real science, despite the vast propaganda efforts which have been so successful at creating public irrational knee-jerk support for both of of these examples of pseudo-science in support of crony corporate profits.… Read the rest
FTC Wants Disclaimers on Homeopathy Products; DEA Says No to CBDs
The lame duck administration in Washington continues to overreach. Where will it end?
It is the law that “truthful and not misleading” commercial speech is protected by the First Amendment. That includes what are known as “Traditional Use Claims.” Back in 2003 I wrote about traditional use claims for natural products. *
This past November the Federal Trade Commission had more to say about traditional use claims, in this case, about such claims for homeopathic products.… Read the rest
Finally Feeding General Bert!
Video from His Hospital Bed:
Judge Again Allows Nutritional Feeding After 22 Days
Support YOUR Health Freedom by Supporting the Lawsuit
Middlesex County Judge Orders JFK Hospital to
Allow Nutrients for General Bert
Link to this Announcement
On Monday, December 19th a Complaint with request for a Temporary Restraining Order was presented to Hon. Ann McCormick, a Superior Court Judge in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on behalf of General Stubblebine, President of the Natural Solutions Foundation, by his counsel, Neil Grossman, Esq.,… Read the rest
Contacting the Trump Transition Team
Here is how vaccine choice advocates are reaching the President-elect’s Transition Team. The media release below was issued by the Natural Solutions Foundation on November 15th.
For Immediate Release
Trump Transition Team Urged to Endorse
Briefing Paper on Vaccine Safety and Mandates
Filed at
November 15, 2016, Newton, NJ: Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army, Ret.), Natural Solutions Foundation President, issued the following statement today:
“This is a strategically opportune moment to influence the President-elect in good ways.… Read the rest
Going Green For Your Health: How Green Tea Benefits Your Body And Your Mind
The Benefits Of Green Tea Just Keep Coming: How A Five Thousand-Year-Old Beverage Can Help Heal Your Body
Green tea is on the rise, still. The plant that originated in China and was first used as a beverage thousands of years ago continues to make inroads in the west, infiltrating grocery store tea and coffee aisles as well as the sweetened beverage aisle.… Read the rest
In The Age Of Peak PR, Pepsi And Coca-Cola Sponsor An Absurd Number Of ‘Health’ Organizations
Muddying The (Sugar) Water: Coke And Pepsi Sponsored Nearly 100 ‘Health’ Organizations
We had the Pleistocene Age, the Jurassic Age, and now what some are calling the Anthropocene Age, the one that has been marked most distinctly by humans altering the planet.
But we may be entering a new era right now, even as we speak–that is if big multinational food and beverage companies have anything to say about it.… Read the rest
Sickening, Literally: Over Half A Million U.S. Schoolchildren Attend School Within A Mile Of A Fracking Site
Mom, I Don’t Feel So Good: 650,000 U.S. Children Attend School Within A Mile Of A Fracked Well
Of all the things we do to our children as a matter of course in the U.S., some are worse than others.
We batter them with video and audio noise from birth, ply them with giant sodas and fried “chicken” nugget-things practically from birth, thus dooming them to lives battling obesity and type 2 diabetes, pollute their air, destroy their future climate–hell, destroy their future.… Read the rest
The DEA Has Lost Its Damn Mind: Now Kratom Ban Is NOT Happening Immediately, But Likely Soon
Will Someone Please Test The DEA For Use Of Banned Substances? Now Kratom Ban NOT In Effect.
It is a sad thing to witness, when someone’s mind starts to go. When logic and linear thinking seem to be too much, and complex thoughts go unfinished.
It’s even sadder when it happens to an entire government agency.
That’s what many observers are saying about the Drug Enforcement Agency these days, as the agency has had a series of weird and disjointed and poorly thought-out announcements that have left many scratching their heads.… Read the rest
What Do We Mean By Big Pharma And What Exactly Have They Done Wrong? Where to Begin?
So What’s So Bad About ‘Big Pharma’ Anyway? Why Are They So Hated? Let Us Count The Ways
On websites like this one you often run across the term Big Pharma.
And granted, it is a bit of a catch-all phrase, one that is used pretty casually, and one that likely has different significances for different people.
But that doesn’t mean it is without meaning–nor that the loathing with which most people use the term is misplaced.… Read the rest