What if HIV/AIDS is a Huge Hoax – Drugs Cause Illness, Kill Patients

What if HIV/AIDS is a Huge Hoax – Drugs Cause Illness, Kill Patients
IS HIV/AIDS a DELIBERATE HOAX? IS THE HIV TEST A JOKE? WHAT IF THAT’S TRUE? Nobel Laureate and other credible scientists are not convinced – even a little bit – by the well-work dogma that the HIV virus, “discovered” by Robert Gallo and announced in 1984 as the “probable cause of HIV” is the real cause of anything except a vast and deadly deception.… Read the rest

Church, State & Trump

Church, State & Trump
CHURCH AND STATE IN TRUMP’S AMERICA The Constitution says Congress has no power to legislate restrictively about religion.  By linking religion with speech, communication (“the press”), assembly and redress, the First Amendment creates what the Supreme Court has come to refer to as “Expressive Association.” “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”… Read the rest

Where is Timmothy Cunningham?

Where is Timmothy Cunningham?
Cunnignam's disappearance is very troubling in light of the many missing and murdered doctors who have told the truth about vaccines, autism, vaccination spreading diseases and other medical atrocities. Did Cunningham find himself uncomfortable with what he, as a high-level insider was finding out about the viruses he was supposed to address policy for?

Gen. Bert Honored for Career of Exceptional Service

Gen. Bert Honored for Career of Exceptional Service
My friend and mentor, Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III was honored, a year after his passing, with the Knowlton Award, given to those members of the Intelligence Services who served with exceptional skill and commitment.  Here is the award, held by his widow, Rima E. Laibow, MD: And here, the narrative of his career as perceived by the Deep State: What would Bert say about all this?… Read the rest

Save Natural Remedies

Save Natural Remedies
FDA ATTEMPTING TO KILL HOMEOPATHY [HERBS NEXT!] IN ILLEGAL ACTION WE MUST STOP! Click to Register to Comment The UK’s National Health “Service” used to run special homeopathic hospitals and herbal dispensaries. Not any more, now the “one payer” will no longer pay for either and they are being closed. [1] ————————— Unsurprisingly, the FDA is following suit, despite the fact that Homeopathy and the US Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (USHP) are protected by specific statutes in the US.… Read the rest

Here Comes Plaguezilla – for Real!

Here Comes Plaguezilla – for Real!
Here Comes Plaguezilla – for Real! Crazy PhD Weaponizes Plague, Releases It. https://www.NSFmarketplace.com/mainstore Months ago, we predicted that plague, the Black Death, would be the new Plaguezilla.  Sadly, we may have been right. A highly virulent form of pneumonic plague (much deadlier than bubonic plague) is, according to WHO [1], spreading from Madagascar, off the coast of Africa. WHO says, “The outbreak started following the death of a 31-year-old male from Ankazobe District in the Central Highlands … as of 30 September, 10 cities have reported pneumonic plague cases and … during the Coupe des clubs champions de l’océan Indien (a basketball championship …), a Seychellois basketball player, died in a hospital in Madagascar by pneumonic plague.”… Read the rest

Obamacare Chopped: Natural Options Emerge

Obamacare Chopped: Natural Options Emerge
BREAKING NEWS! Executive Order Opens Door To Natural Health Solutions http://tinyurl.com/obamacarealternative Today the President issued an Executive Order (EO) overriding Congress today on the elusive Obamacare “fix”. This EO tells Federal bureaucrats under his control that they MUST conform to a new public policy while continuing to act within the restrictions of the law. First, exposing the continuing failures of the so-called “Affordable Care Act”, generally called ‘Obmacare,’ the EO rips into premium costs: “The average exchange premium in the 39 States that are using www.healthcare.gov… Read the rest

Share This Graphic and Letter to Support Childhood Vaccine Moratorium

Share This Graphic and Letter to Support Childhood Vaccine Moratorium
http://TinyURL.com/VaccineMoratorium Rima E Laibow, MD – August 6, 2017 Every vaccine in the US is illegal since not one of them has met the statutory requirements that they be shown to be safe and effective before they can be licensed. Every vaccine dose causes demonstrable harm to the recipient. Every one. Yet the fraudulent myth persists that vaccines are safe (they are not) and that they are necessary (they are not).… Read the rest

Radioactively-Hot Particles in Japan: Spreading

Radioactively-Hot Particles in Japan: Spreading
UPDATE FROM MURATA-SAN REGARDING FUKUSHIMA AND THE 2020 OLYMPICS Subject: Press Release: Radioactively-Hot Particles in Japan Spreading Date: 10:27 AM EDT, 08/06/17 From: “mitsu” Dear Friends, The Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 continue to belittle the aggravating consequenses of the Fukushima nuclear accident. Recent frequent earthquakes in Fukushima and around make us worry about the collapsing of the unit 2 building that could bring about another uncontrollable disaster.… Read the rest

The Summer of Lyme: 2017 Unprecedented Lyme Risk

The Summer of Lyme: 2017 Unprecedented Lyme Risk
Dr. A.S., ND, PhD Issues Warning about the Summer of Lyme Unprecedented Outbreak of Lyme Disease Predicted for 2017/2018 Borrelia burgdorferi   [Note from Ralph Fucetola, JD: “I received this warning from a naturopathic nutritionist of my acquaintance, compiling information from several sources. I asked him to let me pass on the warning, and he graciously allowed me to do so.”] It’s an old but true saying: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.… Read the rest