The Vax-Nazis Target Another StateThis Time It’s New Jersey Attacking Vaccine Conscientious ObjectionAn Open Letter to the Legislature of New Jersey Regarding A3818It is imperative that we raise our voices loudly enoughto change the outcome of this disaster-in-the-making.Open Letter HERE.
Here is the situation in a nutshell: Informed Consent is a fundamental human right protected against any diminishment through any denial of philosophical or religious conscientious objections to mandated vaccination.… Read the rest
Category: Uncategorized
Measlezilla is Coming…
Measlezilla Chomping on School Kids…
Be afraid, be very afraid: Measlezilla is coming! The Mass Media is stirring up mass hysteria. Measles emergencies are being decreed in state after state here in the USA, based on a handful of cases. Fox News tells us that just a couple decades ago Measles had been “eradicated” (no, that’s not quite what the data suggests) but now, because Measles Vax rates have “dropped” a bit, the vaccinated are at risk from the unvaccinated!… Read the rest
There is a certain hospital in New Jersey (let’s call it Hack Hosp; all names changed to protect the not-so-innocent) that announced it has a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for vaccines. All Nurses must get all vaccines. No excuses. Ignore that Supreme Court Justice who reminded everyone that the courts have determined vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe.”… Read the rest
Vax Lie Smoking Gun!
Informed Consent Action Network v.
United States Department of Health and Human Services (1:18-cv-03215)
HUGE VICTORY: HHS Affirms ALL Vaccines are Illegal!
Protect Yourself and Your Children
This Informed Consent FOIA case means all vaccine mandates are illegal because the drug companies and the government have failed to obey the law. This means your Informed Consent right to refuse all vaccines is more important than ever before. … Read the rest
Have You Been a Victim of Digital Theft?
Hacker Shows How Easy
To Steal Credit Card Numbers
Criminals use RFID and NFC wireless communication to steal numbers
The readers can be brought online or downloaded to phone via an app
They have to stand six inches away while a transaction is being made
Within a matter of seconds, the technology can pick up and store data
A $300 machine can then replicate the card so it can be used elsewhere
It is estimated 70% cards will soon be vulnerable to digital pick pocketing
Cards can be protected from RFID skimmers by being wrapped in tin foil
For More Information Read Here:… Read the rest
Stop the Bannings! Sue the Deep State Corporate Shills
N. Rockwell – Freedom of Speech
2020 Update:
While some might consider my expressed views* on what happened last month to Alex Jones and, namely, being “banned” [a term that reminds me of the evils of Apartheid] by nearly all the major social media during one 24 hour period, a conspiracy theory, I assert that the evidence does support the theory that these major corporate actors were acting in concert and that their actions violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)[1] and the 14th Amendment[2]. … Read the rest
Dr. Rima’s Hands-On Tool Kit
Foil Pharma – Your Health in Your Hands
Take Control of Your Health or Let Someone Else
Manage Your Illness!DR. RIMA’S HANDS-ON TOOL KIT
Print and Save The Handy Guide Below
Natural Solutions Foundation is dedicated to the concept that you own your own body. That means that your health decisions are yours to make. The printable guide linked below provides a wealth of tools you can use for yourself and your loved ones – four powerful pages.… Read the rest
Four Prime Ministers Question Fukushima Denial
Our correspondent in Japan, Murata-san, sends us this message:
Dear Friends,
As you know, the current political situation in Japan that can be characterized as irresponsible and immoral allows us to foresee a new change,awaited by the majority of the Japanese people.
4 Former Prime Ministers, (Koizumi, Hosokawa, Fukuda, Hatoyama) are now publicly expressing their serious concern about this.… Read the rest
Proposition 65: California Ratchets Up Cancer/Repro Harm Warning Rules
Proposition 65: Carcinogenic Chemicals Notification
California Increases Regulation Controls
In 1986 California voters adopted Proposition 65,
“That initiative became the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, better known by its original name of Proposition 65. Proposition 65 requires the State to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.… Read the rest
GLOBAL EMERGENCY! Resistant Germs Killing 50 Million by 2020!
Global Emergency: Resistant Germs — 50 Million Dead!
Solution? Nano Silver!
Medical Opinion by Rima E. Laibow, MD
Antibiotic Resistance is real and a growing problem of epidemic proportions all around the world, says a new article in The Guardian*. Antibiotic resistance is caused exclusively by the use of … WAIT FOR IT….. antibiotics.
While trying to pin the problem on reckless antibiotic use in developing countries, the fine print later in the article admits that developed countries like the EU, UK and US, use these dangerous – and, if you know what to do instead, unnecessary – drugs, far more than the 3rd World.… Read the rest