Emerging Nuclear Scandal Shaking Japan as Atomic Olympics Approaches

Emerging Nuclear Scandal Shaking Japan as Atomic Olympics Approaches
REPORT FROM MURATA-SAN Two Messages from Our Correspondent in Japan [1] 09 October 2019 Dear Fucetola-san, It started with the following press report. OSAKA (Kyodo) September 27– Kansai Electric Power Co. said Friday 20 people, including its top executives, received a total of 320 million yen ($3 million) in money and goods over a seven-year period from 2011, from an official of a central Japan town that hosts one of the company’s nuclear power plants.… Read the rest

An Open Letter to Vaxx Freedom Advocates

An Open Letter to Vaxx Freedom Advocates
We Have the Means for Vaccine Victory In Our Hands But We Are Presiding Over Total Defeat An Open Letter to All Health Freedom Advocates From the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation Advance Vaccine Directive: https://tinyurl.com/AVDcard Dear Health Freedom Advocates: Our side is losing the Vaccine Battle and therefore, whatever else we might succeed at, our side is losing the entire Health Freedom Battle. … Read the rest

This is What Tyranny Looks Like

This is What Tyranny Looks Like
Assert Your Right of Informed Consent:  https://tinyurl.com/AVDcard New York Parents Who Question Vaccines  Viciously Attacked by School Bureaucracy NOTE: This article contains vitally important information for you and your family and friends.  Please share as widely as possible now. http://www.opensourcetruth.com/this-is-what-tyranny-looks-like Every parent, has the right – and the responsibility – to make health decisions for his/her children. Every person has the right to refuse ANY medical intervention for him/herself or his/her minor child(ren).… Read the rest

Deutsche Bank ‘Run’ and Barclay Hedge Fund ‘Poaching’

Deutsche Bank ‘Run’ and Barclay Hedge Fund ‘Poaching’
Deutsche Bank, one of the biggest banks in Europe, just laid off 20% of it’s work force. It posted a second quarter loss of 3.5 billion dollars (USD) and possibly worse yet, is experiencing “a run on the bank” — depositors pulling their money from the bank — of up 1 billion dollars a day presently. The CNBC Report indicates: The British bank, run by ex-J.P.… Read the rest

NY School District to Parents: Vaxx or We Call Child Protective Services

NY School District to Parents: Vaxx or We Call Child Protective Services
THIS IS WHAT TYRANNY LOOKS LIKE NY Mad Vaxxers Threaten to Seize Vaxx-Free Children No More Vaxx-Free Children So No One Can Compare Their Health to the Vaxx-Injured This article* from Big League Politics implies that government agencies are at work to get more children brought to the attention of Child Protective Services. Is this so they can be forced into the foster care system so that the children can more easily be preyed on by human traffickers?… Read the rest

Autism: Not New Normal

Autism: Not New Normal
https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/product-category/ebook/   I say this as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with a nearly half-century of clinical perspective… By Rima E. Laibow, M.D. . Dr. Rima is a psychiatrist and physician who does not prescribe pharmaceutical drugs.  The book excerpt below is from The Definitive Autism Action Plan: Healing Your Autistic Child: Guide for Families, Educators and Health Professional for Healing Autistic People.… Read the rest

Chaos, Canute and the Measles “Outbreak”

Chaos, Canute and the Measles “Outbreak”
#VaxxFreeWorld Tell the King to Stop Vaxx Madness https://tinyurl.com/stopillegalvaccines We all know the ancient story of King Canute who was so displeased by his courtiers excessive praise, likening him to a powerful god, that he brought them all to the seashore where he had a throne placed at the water’s edge.  There he sat and commanded the tide to stop.  It, of course, did not. … Read the rest

White House Vaxx Petition Needs 100,000 Signatures by May 19th

White House Vaxx Petition Needs 100,000 Signatures by May 19th
THOUSANDS SIGN WHITE HOUSE & FDA VAXX PETITIONS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! #VaxFreeWorld Video:  https://youtu.be/phefFQ3P9mM Action: http://tinyurl.com/vaxxfreeworld Where’s Your Name? Your Friends? All Vaccines are Illegal FDA Knows They are Breaking the Law Forcing Puss and Poison into Us and our Children WE CAN STOP THEM Sign here: http://tinyurl.com/vaxxfreeworld Share this: https://tinyurl.com/stopillegalvaccines Even a “…diminished expectation of privacy does not diminish the… privacy interest in preventing a government agent from piercing the… skin… this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests…” US Supreme Court – Missouri vs McNeely, 569 US 141 (2013)… Read the rest