Dr. Rima vs the Pharmacy Witches
www.TruthAboutCoronavirus.comA Ditty for a Time of Declared Pandemic
No Witches’ Brew These —
Dr. Rima has sourced the highest quality Hemp Extracts prepared specially by a Naturopath using only pure, low temperature extraction processes. These Hemp Extracts do not include THC (the ingredient that can get you “high”) but do contain the Terpenes that are responsible for Hemp’s well-known health benefits.… Read the rest
Category: Uncategorized
Justin Amash: Support Informed Consent
Justin Amash was a (G)OP member of the House of Representatives until he changed his party affiliation to Independent in 2019 and to Libertarian earlier this year. He is the first sitting member of Congress to serve as a Libertarian Party member and has announced his candidacy for the LP nomination for President. The LP is the only “third party” which will appear on all, or nearly all, state ballots this coming November.… Read the rest
Nobel Doctors Warn COVID Virus Weaponized?
Do Leading Nobel Laureates Say COVID Disease from Weaponized Coronavirus?
Two leading Nobel Laureates are reported to have warned that the coronavirus alleged to be responsible for the COVID-19 declared pandemic is the result of bioweapon research which reached its conclusion at the Wuhan China biolab. But is one report just disinformation? And whose disinformation?
First, Dr. Honjo, from Japan, a 2018 Nobel honoree [This may be an erroneous report; see Comments].… Read the rest
Gates’ Operative, Fauci, Lies Again!
Is COVID-19 — the Wuhan Virus — Engineered or Natural?
COVID News: www.TruthAboutCoronavirus.com
Ben Garrison Gets It — Do You?
Assert Your Right of Informed Consent
Who is in charge of US response to the coronavirus pandemic?
President Trump or Bill Gates and his cronies, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci? [1]
Friday night, during President Trump’s daily pandemic briefing, after the President said that the US Government was investigating whether the pandemic coronavirus known variously as the Wuhan Virus or COVID-19 was released from the Chinese government biolab in Wuhan. … Read the rest
The End of the Sovereign United States and All Governments is Upon Us
Should You and Your Family Submit to Being Tested, Chipped and Vaccinated?
Are You Ready to Surrender Control Over Your Own Life to WHO?Or, are you ready to resist?
WHO Has Taken Control!
Doesn’t Matter if Trump Complains
Tests, Chipping and Vaccines…
But Where is the Pandemic?
Dr. Rima warned us in 2009 during the H5N1 flu outbreak: in the event of a world-wide pandemic the World Health Organization (WHO) was poised to take-over world governance.… Read the rest
COVID-19 Statistics are Unintelligible
Our COVID Estimate of Situation Web Page:
A couple of days ago we posted an OST article questioning the accuracy of COVID-19 statistical reporting. You can see that article HERE. We talked with several experts and came back… confused!
My colleague Robert Goodman, PhD (Biochemistry), pointed out serious inconsistencies in the way COVID cases are being reported which make current statistics, future projections, public announcements and official responses pretty close to absolutely meaningless. … Read the rest
Has the COVID Curve Peaked?
Occam’s Razor: the preference for simplicity in the scientific method [1]
Occam’s Mallet: the preference for convoluted conspiracy, rather than coincidence, in the political method.
Our COVID Estimate of Situation Web Page:
“Official narratives strain credulity in the same way that science for hire propaganda asks us to believe irrational, unscientific “facts” simply because they are often repeated.… Read the rest
Dr Rima “Masks Available Now!”
Save Health Workers Lives Today!
New Link to Brochure on the Masks:
Hospitals, Testing Sites and Centers are out of FDA approved masks. Through a special connection, we can supply literally any number of FDA approved disposable or N-95 face masks ending the shortage NOW.
Natural Solutions save lives. We all know about the cataclysmic shortages of masks for medical personnel.… Read the rest
Unnecessary Blue State Lock Down Imperils Us All
Real COVID-19 Info, No Charge, from Dr. Rima
COVID-19 FEAR & TRUTHTimes Square – Deserted!
COVID-19, like COVID-19 disinformation, is everywhere, flowing from official and unofficial sources like a river of toxic effluent. We need REAL information and REAL solutions. Counsel Ralph and I, along with our good friend Richard Sacks of Lost Arts Radio, have created a powerful, accurate and vitally important seminar for you. And we are giving it away instead of charging $49.95.… Read the rest