DON’T DONATE If Your Freedom Is Unimportant
Mandated Gene-Editing Experimental Vaccines ‘could be here by the end of this year,’ opined dangerous lap-dog Fauci today, rejoicing. The only thing worthy of rejoicing about in that statement is that we have a chance to stop it — in the Supreme Court!
If your genes are not important to you, if a Plandemic released upon us does not matter to you and if you are willing to have yourself and the rest of humanity neutered and destroyed for the whims of the globalists ‘elite’, then by all means, breathe in and out through your mind-control masks and do nothing.… Read the rest
Category: Uncategorized
Android / iPhone COVID-19 Tracking Pre-App
Check Your Cell Phone!
What About Your Informed Consent?
Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge — — tells us:
“If you downloaded the latest iOS update back in May, and any following updates, then congratulations…your COVID-19 infection status will likely soon be tracked by state health officials as part of each state’s contact tracing efforts. Many iPhone users across the US have over the past few days started to notice a new setting under the “privacy” subtab of the iPhone health app.… Read the rest
US Supreme Court to Receive Counsel Finn’s Vaccine Freedom of Choice Case
Defund the Police to Militarize the Police?
Defund the Police?
Militarize the Police?
Is There a Middle Way?
Some Random Observations
What are the Hidden Agendas?
Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD
We are, congressperson Cortez tells us, at a moment when radical change can be made to happen. It just takes leadership and political muscle. Mussolini couldn’t have said it better.
In rapid fire succession, the not-to-be-unexpected results of the National Lockdown upended politics in America.… Read the rest
Racism, Reaction and Rights
Racism, Reaction and Rights
Why is it politically correct to say “black lives matter”
And politically incorrect to say “all lives matter”?
Opinion from Rima E. Laibow, MD – Physician and Psychiatrist
Note the absurdity of “political correctness” speech and thought control: Foundation Counsel Ralph tells me I can expect to be savagely attacked for not following the script as to whose lives matter.… Read the rest
No Cataract Surgery for YOU, Resister!
Clinic to Dr. Rima: No Cataract Surgery for YOU, Resister!
Last week I shared the story of my bid to have elective cataract surgery done without inaccurate and socially dangerous COVID-19 testing. “No dice”, said Catalina Surgery Center, believing that they somehow had the right to nullify my protected Right of Informed Consent. They don’t.
After I submitted an Informed Consent refusal letter, with a letter signed by a licensed medical professional (read here:… Read the rest
Resist, Refuse, Raise Your Voice!
Point of No Return: Informed Consent or Medical Tyranny
Resist. Refuse. Raise Your Voice. The Only Other Option is Meek Submission to Slavery.
Sic Semper Tyrannus: Thus is it always with tyrants.
It always comes to this: tyranny always wants not just our minds and our behavior, but our bodies as well.… Read the rest
Don’t Want COVID Vaxx? No Tracking!
Don’t Want COVID Vaxx? Refuse Tracking Apps! continues to exercise Freedom of Speech and Association by reporting about the coming, unsafety-tested COVID mandated vaccine – and how to avoid it. See our companion article, Don’t Want COVID Vaxx? Refuse Testing! HERE.
There are a number of routes into the murky world of COVID mandates. In New York City, for example, you might well find yourself “tested”, “tracked” and forcibly removed from your home, taken to a “COVID Hotel” for mandatory quarantine, in a closed building with other COVID Positives.… Read the rest
Prof. Dershowitz is Absolutely Wrong
Law Professor Alan Dershowitz is
Absolutely Wrong
“States Can ‘Absolutely‘ Mandate Vaccinations”
Professor Dershowitz, abandoning his life-long support for civil liberties, raises erroneous arguments supporting state-mandated vaccination during a declared pandemic. He surrenders to politicians the power to decide when individuals may assert their universal right to refuse Informed Consent to any medical intervention. That vaccination is always experimental and merely preventative adds to the shockingly wrong position taken by the professor. … Read the rest
Gary Null: COVID Vaccine Utterly Futile
Fast-Tracking a CoV-19 Vaccine: Why Should We Worry?
The consequences are that proposals for issuing
certificates or passports would be utterly futile,
an extraordinary waste of funding that would accomplish little.
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, May 21, 2020
The CoV-19 pandemic is now exposing the hidden agendas and motives of the powers that be in government, in the pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street, and in the media.… Read the rest