Another Agenda 2030 Threat: This Time It’s Ostriches

Another Agenda 2030 Threat:  This Time It’s Ostriches
Another Agenda 2030 Threat:  This Time It’s Ostriches Urge President Trump to Save Them! Make Ostriches Safe Again Take Action: Copy/Paste this Appeal Then Send to President Trump Here: Dear President Trump, Pardon These Innocent Ostriches! Research ostriches in the potential 51st State of Canada have been sentenced to die to comply with United Nations Agenda 2030. You must pardon these innocent birds and offer them asylum to Make America’s Immune System Research Great Again!… Read the rest

Is the UN Charter a Treaty Binding the United States of America?

Is the UN Charter a Treaty Binding the United States of America?
LEGAL MEMORANDUM Is the United States in a Treaty Relationship with the United Nations? Questions: Is any participation and funding of the United Nations (and its subsidiary and/or associated organizations) legal? Did the 1945 signing of the United Nations (UN) Charter and the US Senate vote authorizing the President’s signature create Treaty obligations binding on the United States? Was the UN Charter ratified as a Treaty by the US Senate or is it merely a contract between the United States and an international association?… Read the rest

C’Mon, Guys! We Have to Do Worse!

C’Mon, Guys! We Have to Do Worse!
From Dr. Rima’s Substack: C’Mon, Guys! We Have to Do Worse! By: Rima E. Laibow, M.D. January 24, 2024 International Rankings for implementation of the misnamed – and deadly – Agenda 2030 “Sustainability” [sic] “Development” [sic] Goals shows that we are a distressingly high 38th out of 193! Sustainable Development Report 2023 ( Look, according to the UN’s own assessment of what percentage of compliance a country has achieved with the ghastly “Sustainability” [sic] “Development” [sic] Goals upon which Agenda 2030/The Great Reset rests, the US is shockingly, shamefully high on the list: And Canada, New Zealand?… Read the rest

We Have Until Monday to Object to Global Health Tyranny

We Have Until Monday to Object to Global Health Tyranny
TELL THE GLOBALISTS: DON’T YOU DARE! I WILL NOT COMPLY! URGENT! EVERYONE ON EARTH is invited to submit your written comments via email to before 5pm Eastern time on Monday, January 22, 2024 with the subject line: “Written Comment Re: Implications of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Commitments/Regimes and Other Proposed Commitments in the WHO Pandemic Agreement” The most recent Negotiating Text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement (Negotiating Text) can be found here:… Read the rest

Will YOU Survive 2024?

Will YOU Survive 2024?
Dr. Rima Truth Reports Newsletter and Podcasts OUR GUEST: BILLY T’K FROM NZ PROGNOSTICATING 2024: THE GREAT CULLING HAS BEGUN SIGN UP TO LISTEN LIVE! TUESDAY 6 PM EST Act Here Now: Getting and Giving… Please Remember Us During This Giving Season IF YOU DO NOT SUPPORT YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM WHO WILL? We Urgently Need Your Support This Week!… Read the rest

Congress: Get US Out of UN/WHO

Congress: Get US Out of UN/WHO
Push Congress to Do the Right Thing: Get US Out of UN/WHO/Etc! Tell Congress to Pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act TAKE ACTION NOW: Three US Congressmen just introduced companion bills to get the US out of the UN, WHO and all associated organizations and entanglements (which would include the utterly disastrous – and legally binding – International Health Regulations (IHR).… Read the rest

Informed Dissent: The Book

Informed Dissent: The Book
INFORMED DISSENT During the Years of the Declared Pandemic, On the Way to World War Three: 2019 – 2023 The ‘pandemic’ started in early 2020 but things were already in motion in 2019, with at least one ‘think tank’ running a simulation scenario in October involving a new pandemic disease that would rapidly spread from a lab in a city in China.… Read the rest

Foundation and Institute Opt Out of WHO IHR

Foundation and Institute Opt Out of WHO IHR
WE WILL NOT COMPLY WITH HEALTH TYRANNY You can support the Foundation and the Institute here: The following email was sent today to the WHO, opting out of the International Health Regulations. 30 November 2023 National Solutions Foundation Tucson AZ 85716 Unted States of America Email: World Health Organization Att: Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Avenue Appia 20 — 1211 Geneva, Switzerland… Read the rest