#DontYouDare Was 1918 Pandemic Caused by a Virus? What About COIVD-19?

#DontYouDare Was 1918 Pandemic Caused by a Virus? What About COIVD-19?
Opinion By Dr Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation January 1, 2021 Everything about the COVID-19 “Pandemic” is off. Masks are now worn, according to Joe Biden, not as a matter of science, but patriotism, despite the scientific back up for mask wearing, which is neither safe nor effective. Social distancing is now practices as if it had some scientific basis in disease transmission reduction. … Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #307 – Special Guest Mark Steele

Lost Arts Radio Show #307 – Special Guest Mark Steele
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website The Science Of EMF Weapons – Understanding 5G With Mark Steele Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 11/8/20 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio Listen via phone: 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Mark Steele (www.saveusnow.org.uk) has a background in frequency weapons development. He understands 5G not as a communications technology but as a weapons system, being rolled out across America and the world, for use against humanity.… Read the rest

Atomic Olympics Cancelled?

Atomic Olympics Cancelled?
Herewith the latest report from our correspondent in Tokyo, Murata-san: Subject: The cancellation of the Tokyo Olympic Games Date: 10:53 AM EDT, 10/24/20 From: “mitsu” Dear Friends,The youtube of October 20 disclosed the information that President Thomas Bach had decided to cancel the Tokyo Olympic Games, and that the decision will be conveyed to Prime Minister Suga, while his expected visit to Japan in November — https://youtu.be/thtzBZ04Bw8… Read the rest

COVID, Fukushima and the Atomic Olympics

COVID, Fukushima and the Atomic Olympics
We have Received an Important Update from our Correspondent in Tokyo Subject: Message to President Thomas Bach of the IOC [International Olympic Committee] Date: 05:10 AM EDT, 07/26/20 From: “mitsu” Dear Friends, I am sending you my message sent to President Thomas Bach of the IOC. With warmest regards, Mitsuhei Murata Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland (My message to President Bach) Dear President Thomas Bach, An outstanding Indian statesman, an old friend of mine, has sent me the link to a brief editorial in “The Indian Express” dated July 25th, on the occasion of what would have been the first weekend of the Tokyo Games.… Read the rest

Fukushima Radiation Danger Continues Through COVID and Olympics

Fukushima Radiation Danger Continues Through COVID and Olympics
A Message from Murata-san, the “Conscience of Fukushima” Dear Friends, Prime Minister Abe remains still attached to the holding of the Tokyo Olympic Games next year. It is increasingly suspected as the very cause for the abnormally low numbers of the PCR tests. Professor Shinya Yamanaka, Nobel Laureate, had a talk with Prime Minister Abe in a YouTube program on May 6, and expressed his pessimistic outlook on the possibility of holding the Tokyo Olympic Games next year.… Read the rest

Pandemic and Olympic: Message from Murata-san

Pandemic and Olympic: Message from Murata-san
COVID ESTIMATE OF SITUATION HERE: www.TruthAboutCoronavirus.com Our correspondent from Japan, Hon. M. Murata, former Ambassador, sent us a cogent message in response to a note from me: Ralph Fucetola JD Tue, Mar 24, 12:18 PM to mitsu, Rima Dear Murata-san, We just heard, with mixed feelings, of the temporary postponement of the Olympics. Surely holding the games in a radioactive environment during a pandemic would have been an invitation for disaster.… Read the rest

Another Rad Water Release Planned for Fukushima

Another Rad Water Release Planned for Fukushima
An Important Message from Our Correspondent in Japan, Murata-san MORE RADIOACTIVE WATER RELEASE AT FUKUSHIMA 06 February 2020 Dear Friends,       We are already witnessing strong reactions both at home and abroad, against the approaching decision to release contaminated water into the sea. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/japan-set-release-12-million-tons-radioactive-fukushima-water-ocean-causing-immeasurable       On February 4, Governor Ooigawa Kazuhiko of Ibaragi Prefecture expressed his strong reserve as regards the decision.       I am attaching my message addressed yesterday to Prime Minister Abe, asking him to study a  new timely proposal of Dr.Takumi… Read the rest

The Amazon at a Tipping Point

The Amazon at a Tipping Point
Call for a World Ethics Summit Our correspondent in Tokyo, Hon. Mitsuhei Murata, “Murata-san” to those of us who appreciate his wisdom, issues this powerful Call for  World Ethics Summit.  It is true that the arbiters of risk in our society, the insurance actuaries have determined Nuclear Power to be an “uninsurable risk” — they cannot calculate an insurance premium that would clear the market and protect the public. … Read the rest

Tokyo 2020 – The Radioactive Olympics

Tokyo 2020 – The Radioactive Olympics
“Tokyo 2020 – The Radioactive Olympics” Another in Our Series of Reports from Murata-san Dear Friends, I am sending you an important message from Dr. Alex Rosen,head of the German Branch of the IPPNW. The Tokyo Olympic Games is expected to have 20 million visitors from abroad.If any of them should suffer later radioactive health damages,the world could not forgive it.This… Read the rest