The Unmasked Crusaders Podcast: Tuesday, Nov 3rd.

The Unmasked Crusaders Podcast: Tuesday, Nov 3rd.
Since you won’t know who won the election on election night, you might as well join Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph on our regular Tuesday evening podcast, 6 to 8 PM EST.  Guests:  Maryam Henein and Dr. Brent Davis.  First half of the program will discuss the Google/YouTube Purge Lawsuit with Maryam and the second half will discuss Dr. Davis’ extraordinary hemp terpene products. … Read the rest

MUST WATCH 5 MIN VIDEO: COVID-19: You’ve Been Intentionally Misled

MUST WATCH 5 MIN VIDEO: COVID-19: You’ve Been Intentionally Misled
Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation October 28, 2020 COVID-19 Rules: We are all going to die! COVID-19 is the BIG ONE that will kill us all! Pray for the arrival of a vaccine – any vaccine! Shut down your business! Keep your kids at home! Wear a mask and, most important, don’t ask if any of this makes a single bit of sense!… Read the rest

Pandemic Madness: The Government Only Wants to Help

Pandemic Madness: The Government Only Wants to Help
Pandemic Madness: The Government Only Wants to Help Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation October 23, 2020 I live in Tucson’s Ward 6, where the University of Arizona is located. My local City Councilman, Steve Kozachik, who seems to be a genuinely nice guy, as far as I can tell, wants to protect us out of our liberties by forcing, FORCING, all U of Arizona students and faculty to be tested for COVID-19 before they leave for Thanksgiving break WHETHER THEY TAKE ARE IN PERSON OR VIRTUAL MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY. … Read the rest

Free from Facebook Shadow Banning and Mind Control

Free from Facebook Shadow Banning and Mind Control
The Great Facebook Purge of 2020 Redux #FacebookPurgeFree At Last! From Shadow Banning and Mind Control I reported earlier this week how I was among the thousands banned from Facebook, without warning.  You can read about that here: What I didn’t realize was just how addicted to Facebook I had become.  I really appreciated being able to connect with my large and widespread family. … Read the rest

Drs Sue Netherlands for Plan/Scamdemic Harm

Drs Sue Netherlands for Plan/Scamdemic Harm
Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E Laibow, MD Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, October 18,2020 We owe a public thanks to the many brave doctors, nurses and scientists now coming forward, via lawsuits,, public declarations, videos, studies, lectures and interviews to confirm what those of us looking closely at the issues have said for quite some time: the COVID-19 “Pandemic” is nothing of the sort.… Read the rest

Why I Cannot Sign The Great Barrington Declaration

Why I Cannot Sign The Great Barrington Declaration
Why I Cannot Sign The Great Barrington Declaration Over the past several decades health freedom advocates have repeatedly called upon the public to stand for health freedom through a series of Health Freedom Declarations.  Natural Solutions Foundation and I are proud to have been among those advocates and we have helped to create and to propagate such declarations enthusiastically. [1]  I was therefore intrigued – and hopeful – when I heard about The Great Barrington Declaration [2] stating that the the signing physicians and scientists “have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies…” I expected to be able to whole-heartedly join them. … Read the rest

Natural Solutions Livestream Expanding!

Natural Solutions Livestream Expanding!
Subscribe to Our BitChute Channel Now Our Podcasts will be Archived on BitChute We are pleased to announce that our weekly livestream is being picked-up by the People for People Network (PFP).  People around the world will be able to see and hear Dr. Rima, Counsel Ralph and their guests. Our program airs every Tuesday, 6 to 8 PM Eastern.… Read the rest

Vaxx Me Not! How About YOU?

Vaxx Me Not! How About YOU?
Vaxx Me Not! How About You? Operation Warp Speed is nearly upon us. And Faucism, full medical tyranny, is about to reach new heights of horror with compelled, not forced, vaxx, as recommended by the [formerly] respected New England Journal of Medicine. [1] ‘No forced vaxx,’ misstate the Faucists.  ‘You won’t HAVE to take the vaxx, but if you don’t you may not ever be allowed to leave your home again.… Read the rest

Will SCOTUS Decide to Hear Vaccine Mandate Case This Year?

Will SCOTUS Decide to Hear Vaccine Mandate Case This Year?
PETITION TO THE US SUPREME COURT FILED! NO FORCED VACCINATION For the First Time in Over a Hundred Years SCOTUS Receives a Vaccine Mandate Petition Patricia Finn, The Good Health Lawyer from Rockland County, NY has worked with Natural Solutions Foundation and the health freedom movement for decades.  We are therefore pleased to announce that she has just filed a ground-breaking Petition for Certiorari with the US Supreme Court.… Read the rest

New Jersey Rallies Against Forced Vaccination

New Jersey Rallies Against Forced Vaccination
Protest Against A4576 And S2907 Requiring Mandatory Flu Vaccinations Held At Statehouse in Trenton Over 1,000 attended a rally today at the NJ State House to protest against bills pending in the state legislature requires students and certain other children to be annually vaccinated for influenza as condition of enrollment at public and private K-12 schools, preschools, child care centers, and institutions of higher education.… Read the rest