Don’t You Dare!

Don’t You Dare!
“DON’T YOU DARE!” Campaign to Defend Your Universal Right of INFORMED CONSENT Three Words That Can Save Your Life! USE HASHTAG #DONTYOUDARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA JOIN THE #DontYouDare MOVEMENT HERE: [New Sign-up Link to be Provided Mid-February] Free:  Dr. Rima’s The Facts Are Clear eBook When You Join Learn More About Your Informed Consent Rights at: No Vax? No Mask?… Read the rest

AstraZenica Vaxx May Damage, Kill. Never Mind: Approval Moves Swiftly Forward

AstraZenica Vaxx May Damage, Kill. Never Mind: Approval Moves Swiftly Forward
Operation Warp Speed: The Syringe of [Liability Free] Death? Opinion by Dr Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 2, 2020 The UK has today approved Pfizer’s dangerous, poorly tested COVID-19 vaccine for “emergency use”. The other neck-and-neck  vaccine candidates are all racing for the brass ring of billions of doses over and over again for all of humanity. … Read the rest

Giving Tuesday Unmasked Crusaders Podcast

Giving Tuesday Unmasked Crusaders Podcast
$$ Can’t Buy Happy, Can Buy Health Freedom, Give $$ Tuesday First Amendment FDA Case In Federal Court: Important Tuesday Podcast What if you did have real Health Freedom and you could make your own health decisions freely, without interference from FDA or any other part of the government? “Impossible! We live in a rapidly emerging medical totalitarian global state.”,… Read the rest

Two Emails About COVID Vaxx

Two Emails About COVID Vaxx
Two Emails from Opposite Ends of the Earth One Message: COVID Vaccine is Dangerous Our correspondent in Japan, Hon. Mitsuhei Murata provides information on COVID vaccine, echoed by another email from Cycles Research. The warning is the same:  do not volunteer for the COVID vaccine. Subject: The questioned safety of the Covid-19 vaccine Date: 01:08 AM EST, 11/27/20 From: “mitsu” Dear Friends, Concerning the questioned safety of the Covid-19 vaccine, reactions are noteworthy.… Read the rest

Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests As Unreliable & Unlawful To Quarantine People

Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests As Unreliable & Unlawful To Quarantine People
Positive COVID-19 Test 97% Likely to Be Wrong, According to Portuguese Court of Appeals Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, November 18, 2020 According to a Portuguese Court of Appeals, a positive Corona Virus PCR test carries a false positive likelihood of 97%, making the test far less than just useless. Corona Virus hype and propaganda breathlessly reports ever-growing numbers of “cases” as if they were equivalent to disease or death. … Read the rest

The Global Reset Scenario

The Global Reset Scenario
WILL WE REMAIN HUMAN? The good folks at Zero Hedge continue to provide deep insight into deep state manipulation of our potential futures.  This article by Tessa Lina on the so-called “Great Reset” is a must-read. [1] Here are some salient points from the article: “the Great Reset is an extremely ambitious plan of restructuring both the world’s economy—and the very notion of what it means to be alive.… Read the rest

Thinking About Taking COVID-19 Vax? Think Again – Hard

Thinking About Taking COVID-19 Vax? Think Again – Hard
Do not miss our urgent Podcast Tuesday November 17th, 6 PM EST DO NOT ACCEPT THE COVID-19 VACCINE IF YOU VALUE YOUR DNA The Malign Influence of Mr. Gates and the Depopulationists Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima W. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions, November 14, 2020 Bill Gates is the man who famously stated “properly used, vaccines can reduce the world’s population by 12-15%” [1] Mr.… Read the rest

Cooking the Books: COVID Death Definition Makes No Sense

Cooking the Books: COVID Death Definition Makes No Sense
Cooking the Books: COVID Deaths Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, November 10, 2020 Let’s play a little COVID game.  It’s a quick thought experiment that requires only a moment of your time and no special knowledge.  But I think you will find the results illumination. I know I do. First, let’s assume that any one of the COVID-19 tests out there, PCR, antibody, quick response test or other is totally accurate and that all positive results are actually indicators that there is a disease caused by a particular organism, that we know what that organism is and that the test can identify it accurately.*… Read the rest

Faucist Coup in Motion? Whistleblower Interview

Faucist Coup in Motion? Whistleblower Interview
Unmasked Crusaders Podcast + Livestream Tuesday – November 10th – 6 PM ET Excerpts from the Zach Vorheis Interview URGENT MESSAGE FROM DR RIMA Whose Revolution Will It Be? Are We on the Verge of the Great American ‘Color Revolution’? Tuesday 6 PM EST Listening Details Below Red… Orange… Yellow… Green… Blue… Since the Fall of the Soviet Union a series of ‘Color Revolutions’ have challenged, even overthrown, globalist tyrants. … Read the rest