COVID Vaxx “Safety” Demo Uses Empty Syringe!
Opinion from Rima E. Laibow, MD
Just how stupid do the would-be controllers think we are? The above “safety” propaganda piece showing us how “safe” the experimental COVID-19 is uses a syringe with no liquid in it. Why?
Because the person receiving it does not want anything so quickly rushed into production, with so little testing in his body?… Read the rest
Category: Informed Consent
COVID Vax: the Empty Syringe
Is the COVID Vaccine So Hot They
Cannot Demonstrate Safety in Public?
#DontYouDare… Read the rest
FDA Admits Your Right to Refuse COVID EUA Vax
“FDA must ensure that recipients of the vaccine under an EUA are informed… of the known and potential benefits (sic) and risks, the extent to which the benefits and risks are unknown, that they have the option to accept or refuse the vaccine, and of any available alternatives…”
“21 U.S.C.… Read the rest
#DontYouDare: RFK Lays the Fauchi Evil Bare in 7 Min! Share, Share, Share #DontYouDare
Faucism, Medical Tyranny Named After
Its Most Successful Modern Proponent: Anthony Fauci, MD
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation December 16, 2020
Thirty six years ago, Anthony Fauci, MD, took over the reins of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on November 2, 1984.
In that time, he has brought hundreds of drugs to approval and presided over the most staggering decline in public health since the black death, watching as chronic disease in the US steadily climbed from 12.8% to a staggering 54%. … Read the rest
An Open Letter to Mr. Biden
An Open Letter to Joseph R. Biden on the COVID Vaccine
Link to An Open Letter to Donald J. Trump on the COVID Vaccine
Don’t You Dare, Mr. Biden.
Your Vaxx Commands are Unlawful
[Please note: OST is neither pro- nor anti- either Trump or Biden. Our concern is #DontYouDare]
You may be about to become President, Mr.… Read the rest
Dr. Weeks on the COVID Vax
“Dr. Weeks, What is are your thoughts about the COVID vaccine which some legislators propose be mandatory?”
I get this question multiple times each day so I want to clarify my thoughts now for your and your loved ones’ consideration.
The more one studies the science of vaccinations, the more one is suspect of the current offering, the COVID-19 mRNA.… Read the rest
#DontYouDare! Major DK Mask Study Rejected
Major DK Mask Study Rejected by
Medical Journals Because
They Don’t Like the Results, Not the Science
Opinion by Dr Rima, Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 12, 2020
The difference between science and religion is that science is required to question any and all assumptions and beliefs while religion attempts to stifle anything that contradicts its tenants.… Read the rest
COVID and the Vaccine: Be Afraid.
The Mass Media Continues to Put a
Panic Spin on Declared Pandemic News
In an article this afternoon USA Today [1] reports on Pfizer Company’s efforts to obtain an “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) for its COVID vaccines amid fears of side-effects [2] while dire, alleged COVID statistics continue to pile on:
The U.S.… Read the rest
#DontYouDare: Protest Art Pops Up in Multiple Cities in Europe
#DontYouDare: Guerilla Artists Protest Pandemic Deception in
Dramatic Flash Performances in
Germany, Denmark, Netherlands and More.
Well Done!
Saying #DontYouDare, are the three most important words a free person can say, through art. More! We need much more!
Send your #DontYouDare art to us at so we can share it at!… Read the rest
#Don’tYouDare: 250 M Person Strike in India, World Media Silent?
250 Million People Strike in India
Largest Strike in Human History
Goes Totally Unmentioned in the World Press
Opinion by Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions, December 8, 2020
250 Million – MILLION – Indian farmers, workers, students, women’s activists and others joined together for a single day strike making this the largest coordinated social protest in human history.… Read the rest