New EPA Study: Two Most Widely-Used Pesticides Will Harm Nearly All Endangered Animals

New EPA Study: Two Most Widely-Used Pesticides Will Harm Nearly All Endangered Animals
The Most Widely Used Pesticides Will Harm Nearly All Animals Currently On The Endangered Species List A recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency has revealed that the danger facing animals on the endangered species list from pesticides is much graver than previously thought. The EPA analysis found that nearly all the 1,700 most endangered plants and animals in the United States are likely to be harmed by two common and ubiquitous pesticides, malathion and chlorpyrifos.… Read the rest

Former CDC Head Cashes Out A Cool $2 Million In Pharma Stock–After Approving Merck’s Gardasil On Her Watch

Former CDC Head Cashes Out A Cool $2 Million In Pharma Stock–After Approving Merck’s Gardasil On Her Watch
And Behind Revolving Door Number One–Former CDC Head Cashes In A Cool $2 Million of Merck Stock After Approving Gardasil You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: Some stories just write themselves: Child Celebrity In Trouble With The Law Government Lies Pious Politician/Preacher Caught Cheating On His Wife With Mistress/Male Prostitute/Farm Animal. And then there’s this one: Corrupt Public Official Cashes In On Government Post After Tenure Ends, Taking Lucrative Job In The Private Sector.… Read the rest

You Don’t Need To Be A Genius To Realize That Giving Toddlers Mind-Altering Drugs is a Terrible Idea–So Why Are Doctors Doing Just That?

You Don’t Need To Be A Genius To Realize That Giving Toddlers Mind-Altering Drugs is a Terrible Idea–So Why Are Doctors Doing Just That?
Who On Earth Would Give Mind-Blowing Drugs To A Toddler? A Criminal–Or A Doctor It used to be that, when you were a little kid and you got dragged to the doctor, you at least knew you would walk out of there with a lollipop. No matter how horrible the rest of the experience was, at least you had that going for you.… Read the rest

You Know What They Say About Doctors And Apples–Turns Out They Were Onto Something

You Know What They Say About Doctors And Apples–Turns Out They Were Onto Something
An Apple A Day–How Humble Fruit May Aid In Heart Health Even More Than We Thought We all remember that nagging rhyme from when we were young and desperate for candy: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away…” Yes, I can practically hear my 10-year-old self saying, but what about chocolate? Does that keep anything away? Well, it turns out your mother was right about this one.… Read the rest

Not Satisfied Yet! Oncology Group Calls For Even More HPV Vaccinations

Not Satisfied Yet! Oncology Group Calls For Even More HPV Vaccinations
The Indoctrination Has Just Begun: Oncology Group Calls For More HPV Vaccination Push Vaxx Freedom Action Item, USA: There’s nothing like having a captive market. When you control a commodity that everyone needs–or better yet, one that everyone is forced to buy–you are sitting in the catbird seat, as they say. That’s why monopolies were outlawed: cartels like Standard Oil and their partners controlled the entire market and could thus dictate prices and conditions to the world.… Read the rest

Buy Organic: Here Are Ten Foods You Should Never Skimp On

Buy Organic: Here Are Ten Foods You Should Never Skimp On
Avoiding Pesticides and Herbicides: Ten Foods You Absolutely Must Buy Organic By now we have all heard about Monsanto and its anti-environmental, genetically-modified crops. And as horrible as Frankenfood is, what’s possibly even more dangerous about the agri-chem company is the wild overuse of its signature herbicideRoundup. The main ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate, which the World Health Organization has listed as probably cancer-causing.… Read the rest

A new study shows an increased cancer risk for talcum powder users

A new study shows an increased cancer risk for talcum powder users
A new study shows that there is strong evidence that women who use talcum powder are at an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Published on the heels of a $72 million lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson over a woman’s death due to ovarian cancer after using their baby powder for years, the landmark study shines a light on what many in the medical community have been saying for years.… Read the rest

Study accidentally shows the increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to statin use

Study accidentally shows the increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to statin use
  A recent Swedish study seems to show that the use of statins, found in commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs like Lipitor, can actually increase the chances of a person suffering cardiovascular disease or even a cardiovascular event. The study, conducted at The Institute of Environmental Medicine in Stockholm, Sweden was looking at a possible relationship between the levels of PCSK9, An enzyme found in the blood, and cardiovascular disease in older individuals.… Read the rest

Bright street lights can affect sleep

Bright street lights can affect sleep
A new study seems to indicate that people with higher exposure to bright street lights in their neighborhoods have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep than people in less brightly lit areas. Of course, anecdotally most everyone probably suspected that something like this might be the case. Excess light has long been suspected of interfering with sleep, as anyone who has ever worked the third shift can tell you.… Read the rest

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval
France and a growing chorus of other EU countries are preparing to just say no to Monsanto and its toxic herbicide Roundup in a way that could make a real dent in the agrichem corporation’s bottom line. A recent vote set to determine whether the EU would re-approve the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, on crops throughout the union has been postponed.… Read the rest