Another Agenda 2030 Threat: This Time It’s Ostriches

Another Agenda 2030 Threat:  This Time It’s Ostriches
Another Agenda 2030 Threat:  This Time It’s Ostriches Urge President Trump to Save Them! Make Ostriches Safe Again Take Action: Copy/Paste this Appeal Then Send to President Trump Here: Dear President Trump, Pardon These Innocent Ostriches! Research ostriches in the potential 51st State of Canada have been sentenced to die to comply with United Nations Agenda 2030. You must pardon these innocent birds and offer them asylum to Make America’s Immune System Research Great Again!… Read the rest

Informed Dissent: The Book

Informed Dissent: The Book
INFORMED DISSENT During the Years of the Declared Pandemic, On the Way to World War Three: 2019 – 2023 The ‘pandemic’ started in early 2020 but things were already in motion in 2019, with at least one ‘think tank’ running a simulation scenario in October involving a new pandemic disease that would rapidly spread from a lab in a city in China.… Read the rest

Say “No” for the Love of Humanity

Say “No” for the Love of Humanity
A HEART-FELT MESSAGE FROM DR. RIMA Say “No” for the Love of Humanity I have been sitting at my desk feeling sad. Not depressed, but sad. Sad that we are facing the possible success of sub-human monsters who want us all either dead or enslaved from the DNA outward, euthanized, trans-humanized, minimalized, mesmerized, despised. Sad that we have foolishly given them so much authority and power that they have a chance of succeeding.… Read the rest

Super Patches and the 1st Amendment

Super Patches and the 1st Amendment
SUPER PATCH TELEGRAM GROUP! Super Patches and the 1st Amendment Dr Rima’s Super Patch Kids Telegram Group Once I learned about Super Patches, the surgical tape patches enhanced with code that sets up a communication loop between haptic (skin) receptors and the brain, a biofeedback loop encouraging increasing homeostasis (well-being and health) I had to share that information. After trying out several of the patches on myself, and getting Counsel Ralph’s experience, sharing it with a few others and getting their feedback, I was beyond excited: the reports were quite literally, astonishing.… Read the rest

Super Patch: Blow-Your-Mind-Breakthrough in Drug-Free Wellbeing?

Super Patch: Blow-Your-Mind-Breakthrough in Drug-Free Wellbeing?
Blow Your Mind… As you know, I have practiced drug-free medicine and psychiatry for 53 years and I know quite a bit about helping folks get well and stay that way without any pharmaceuticals. But when I was lecturing in Mexico this June, one of the exceptional people I met asked me if I knew about Super Patch technology. I had no idea what she was talking about.… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #421 – Special Guest Dr. Rima Laibow

Lost Arts Radio Show #421 – Special Guest Dr. Rima Laibow
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! Dr. Rima Laibow: The W.H.O. And U.N. ‘Health’ Tyranny Targets Our Kids And How You Can Help Stop It Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 8/6/23 Listen online: Listen via phone (during show time): 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Rima E.… Read the rest

Dr. Koren on ‘Chicken Pox Parties’ & the Vax

Dr. Koren on ‘Chicken Pox Parties’ & the Vax
We reproduce an article from Dr. TeddKoren, a renowned health care professional and noted teacher. A Pox On My House Tedd Koren, DC We went to a chicken pox party a few weeks ago. This is how it works: someone’s child has chicken pox, and they invite people to bring their kids. The idea is for the children to get it now instead of when they’re older when it can be much more uncomfortable and dangerous.… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #418 – Special Guest Joette Calabrese

Lost Arts Radio Show #418 – Special Guest Joette Calabrese
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! Cures Without Harm: The Practice Of Homeopathy – Master Teacher Joette Calabrese Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 6/25/23 Listen online: Listen via phone (during show time): 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! In 1796, Samuel Hahnemann developed a healing art based on two principles he explained as “like cures like” and “dilution increases potency.”… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #417 – Special Guest Dr. Brent Davis

Lost Arts Radio Show #417 – Special Guest Dr. Brent Davis
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! New Dimensions Of Flower Essence Therapy: Energy Medicine Pioneer Dr. Brent Davis Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 6/18/23 Listen online: Listen via phone (during show time): 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Ninety years ago, doctors had a lot more freedom to pursue the healing arts, guided by their own insights, real-life experience, conscience, the golden rule, and the once-respected Hippocratic principle, “Do No Harm.”… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #416 – Special Guest Dr. Bryan Ardis

Lost Arts Radio Show #416 – Special Guest Dr. Bryan Ardis
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! Dr. Bryan Ardis Is Welcomed Back To Lost Arts Radio – And Our Discussion Gets Personal Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 6/11/23 Listen online: Listen via phone (during show time): 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Here’s the way I introduced Dr.… Read the rest