Lost Arts Radio Show #237 – Special Guest Leo Zagami

Lost Arts Radio Show #237 – Special Guest Leo Zagami
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website Illuminati Expert Escapes Persecution In Italy – The Full Leo Zagami Interview Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 7/7/19 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio Listen via phone: 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Leo Zagami (www.leozagami.com) is the author of a series great books, detailing in extraordinary depth his insider’s knowledge of the Illuminati and secret societies.… Read the rest

Facebook’s Libra: Virtual Fiat

Facebook’s Libra: Virtual Fiat
Facebook sponsored the Libra Consortium which consists of a couple dozen of the most powerful internet players, like Google, PayPal and Uber. The article re-posted here, written by yours truly, explores the idea that the Libra is the antithesis of market-generated currency, and was just published at Mises.org:  “It’s No Bitcoin: Facebook’s Libra Currency Is Tied to Government Currencies” “Nobel laureate F.A.… Read the rest

NY School District to Parents: Vaxx or We Call Child Protective Services

NY School District to Parents: Vaxx or We Call Child Protective Services
THIS IS WHAT TYRANNY LOOKS LIKE NY Mad Vaxxers Threaten to Seize Vaxx-Free Children No More Vaxx-Free Children So No One Can Compare Their Health to the Vaxx-Injured This article* from Big League Politics implies that government agencies are at work to get more children brought to the attention of Child Protective Services. Is this so they can be forced into the foster care system so that the children can more easily be preyed on by human traffickers?… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #236 – Special Guest David Noakes

Lost Arts Radio Show #236 – Special Guest David Noakes
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website Healing People With Autism and Cancer? No Wonder David Noakes Is Facing Prison! Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 6/30/19 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio Listen via phone: 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! David Noakes (www.mhracorrupt.st  |  www.gcmaf.se  |  www.cjs4.se) did his own research on the action of a compound called GCMAF.… Read the rest

The Coasts Have Gone Mad

The Coasts Have Gone Mad
  Syringes are the New Yellow Stars. New Yorkers and Californians are the New Jews. So are you. https://tinyurl.com/stopillegalvaccines New York and California have committed themselves to a degree of medical fascism not seen since the forced sterilizations by “doctors” supported by the Rockefeller Eugenics program, including the Eugenics-mad Nazis. Rockefeller, in fact, brought Eugenics to Germany and personally sponsored the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes for the “scientific study” [sic, and sick] of that insane idea in Munich and Berlin.… Read the rest

The Persecution of Vaccine Conscientious Objectors

The Persecution of Vaccine Conscientious Objectors
THEIR VACCINE SYRINGE IS YOUR NEW YELLOW STAR YOUR AVD CARD IS YOUR PROTECTION #StopIllegalVaccines https://tinyurl.com/stopillegalvaccines  Over the past few weeks, claiming to respond to what is clearly a minor outbreak of measles, various New York state, county and city authorities have banned primarily Jewish vaccine-free children from public places and have heavily fined some parents for resisting. Below is my contribution to a recent private email exchange among members of the New York Jewish Community concerned with asserting religious conscientious objections to vaccination, where various religious authorities disagree as to what religious law requires.… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #232 – Special Guest Ilana Rubel

Lost Arts Radio Show #232 – Special Guest Ilana Rubel
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website Hemp Truckers Wrongfully Accused: Idaho State Legislator Ilana Rubel Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 6/2/19 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio Listen via phone: 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Recently, there have been three separate incidents of young truck drivers arrested and their trucks and cargos stolen (polite term: “civil asset forfeiture”) by state authorities in Idaho.… Read the rest


#StopIllegalVaccines REVISED WHITE HOUSE VAXX FREEDOM PETITION NEEDS YOUR ACTION AGAIN https://tinyurl.com/StopIllegalVaccines DR. RIMA’S AUTISM BOOK FEATURED ON THE BOLEN REPORT https://bolenreport.com/autism-is-not-the-new-normal/  Please Post, Share, and Like! Get Your Copy Here: https://tinyurl.com/DrRimaAutismEbook  … Read the rest

Techno-Censorship Hits Open Source Truth

Techno-Censorship Hits Open Source Truth
THIS IS WHAT TECHNO-CENSORSHIP LOOKS LIKE Our New Facebook Fan Page https://tinyurl.com/DrRimaFacebook Privatized Censorship. Strike Down the TruthTelling Sites. After a While No Will Notice. THE SLAVES WON’T EVER KNOW! The war against our MINDS is the war against our FREEDOM. If they take away our ability to know, lock up knowledge and truth in their “knowledge vault” [Google] or cripple our social media pages it is the same as de-platforming truth.… Read the rest