SAME, A Pay-what-you-can Café in Denver, Celebrates Tenth Anniversary

SAME, A Pay-what-you-can Café in Denver, Celebrates Tenth Anniversary
Founded on the principle of “Serving good food for the greater good,” the restaurant is Denver’s first non-profit eatery. Patrons decide what they are going to pay. If they are able to pay more than a standard price, they are encouraged to do so. Conversely, if patrons are unable to spring for their lunch, the café’s staff will happily put them to work for an hour, asking them to chop veggies, wash dishes, serve other patrons, or perform routine maintenance. Instead of a cashier, when patrons are ready to leave, they stop by a cash box and leave what they choose.

US Supreme Court: “Lawsuit Against Nestle, ADM, Cargill by Former Child Slaves in Mali Cacao Operations to Proceed”

US Supreme Court: “Lawsuit Against Nestle, ADM, Cargill by Former Child Slaves in Mali Cacao Operations to Proceed”
“The U.S. Supreme Court draws the line at child slavery,” as the website Legal Reader put it so succinctly. “Like most slavery operations, cocoa slavery victims are drawn from nearby poor countries with false advertising promising a good job and enough income to send money home. The slaves are boys who, like all slaves, are immediately “broken”–broken physically and mentally—to make them docile. Boys who are rebellious or are caught trying to escape tend to disappear.”

Antioxidant a Bread Boon to Diabetics: Lower Blood Sugar

Antioxidant a Bread Boon to Diabetics: Lower Blood Sugar
What if bread did not cause blood sugar to rise in diabetics? Although gluten might still be an issue, the opportunity to eat break without an unhealthy rise in blood sugar would be welcome to a lot of people. Professor Zhou Weibiao of  National University of Singapore have created a bread formula that does just that: by adding a plant pigment from black rice,  anthocyanin, they were able to slow digestion rates by 12.8% with just 1% anthrocyanin.… Read the rest

FDA to Monitor Glyphosate in “Certain Foods” [43 Years After Toxicity Discovered]

FDA to Monitor Glyphosate in “Certain Foods” [43 Years After Toxicity Discovered]
The FDA announced that it will develop plans to monitor the presence of glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, in foods sometime soon. Calling the issue “sensitive”, the Agency declined to offer specifics but said that monitored foods would “include soybeans, corn, milk, and eggs among other potential foods” according to FDA spokesperson Lauren Sucher.  More than 92% of all corn grown in the US and 94% of all soybeans are GMO* along with sugar beets, rice, rape (canola) seed, potatoes, cotton (seed oil used in food), papaya, eggplant, okra and more.… Read the rest

Fatigued? Allergic? It Could Be the Sulfites

Fatigued?  Allergic?  It Could Be the Sulfites
In case you need one more reason to avoid processed industrial food and switch to an organic diet, sulfites would be a good one. It’s all about energy and energy is all about mitochondria, the tiny organelles inside your cells that churn out the fuelYour mitochondria produced the energy needed for life.  Cripple them with toxins or damage them with radiation, vaccines or other harmful inputs and your energy will be impaired.… Read the rest

Bizarre New Coca-Cola-Funded Study Claims Diet Coke Is Healthier Than Water

Bizarre New Coca-Cola-Funded Study Claims Diet Coke Is Healthier Than Water
It’s official, Diet Coke is healthier for you than water, well according to a bizarre new study conducted by Coke it is. A new obesity study led by Prof. Peter Rogers, PhD, of the University of Bristol, shows the following conclusion: “Overall, the balance of evidence indicates that use of [low-energy sweeteners] in place of sugar, in children and adults, leads to reduced [energy intake]and [body weight], and possibly also when compared with water.”… Read the rest