Lost Arts Radio Show #167 – Special Guest Harry Rhodes

Lost Arts Radio Show #167 – Special Guest Harry Rhodes
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website Weather and Chemtrail Solutions: Think Outside The Box and Meet Harry Rhodes Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 3/4/18 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio Listen or talk with us: 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends! Many of us tend to just get used to the deteriorating condition of life on our planet and the spread of every kind of atrocity we can imagine.… Read the rest

Proposition 65 Regulation Upgrade for 2018

Proposition 65 Regulation Upgrade for 2018
Proposition 65: Carcinogenic Chemicals Notification California Increases Regulation Controls www.ProfessionalSafetyDossier.com In 1986 California voters adopted the Proposition 65 Initiative, “That initiative became the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, better known by its original name of Proposition 65. Proposition 65 requires the State to publish a list of chemicals known to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.… Read the rest

Population Disaster Thinking Is Usually Wrong

Population Disaster Thinking Is Usually Wrong
Population Disaster Thinking Is Usually Wrong Jobs in the Asteroid Belt? It is predicted that up to hundreds of millions of people [1] world-wide will become environmental, economic or political refugees over the next few decades. That number is far greater than the few million refugees who have fled the new millennium’s all too many wars and corrupt government economic disasters.… Read the rest

Geoengineered Winter Weather, The Chemical Ice Nucleation Factor

Geoengineered Winter Weather, The Chemical Ice Nucleation Factor
The climate engineers have the power to chemically cool-down surface temperatures when enough atmospheric moisture is available to them. The more heavily and extensively the geoengineers utilize chemical ice nucleating materials, the more extreme the surface cooling that they can create. This is not speculation, but verifiable fact proven by patented processes. One example is below. Click the image to view highlighted patent Mainstream media covered the fact that Chinese scientists are engineering snowstorms, are we to believe that the US government and others aren’t doing the same?… Read the rest

Geoengineering, Climate Collapse, Dead Leaves, And Defoliants

Geoengineering, Climate Collapse, Dead Leaves, And Defoliants
Visible signs of biosphere collapse can be seen everywhere, but how many seem to notice? What would our world be like without trees? We would never know, because without trees, we would not be here. Why are leaves now dying on DECIDUOUS trees after specific rains in the fall season (even without cold temperatures present) and hanging on many trees all winter long? … Read the rest

The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie And Climate Engineering Denial, Both Are Breaking Down

The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie And Climate Engineering Denial, Both Are Breaking Down
Until recently official sources have pushed the patently false narrative that Earth’s ozone layer was recovering, that blatant lie is now becoming impossible to maintain. Our planet’s ozone layer is disintegrating, climate engineering is the single greatest causal factor (though no “official” source is yet willing to admit to the ongoing covert climate engineering atrocities). Ozone layer is NOT recovering over some of Earth’s most highly populated areas putting billions at risk of exposure to cancer-causing UV rays… … scientists have now discovered ozone is failing to recover at lower latitudes It is likely not recovering at latitudes between 60°N and 60°S Researchers believe climate change is altering atmospheric circulation (The UK Daily Mail, 2/6/2018) Though some sources still claim there is limited ozone layer recovery over the polar regions, front line data from some of the same sources does not support such a conclusion.… Read the rest

CNN’s “Beme” News Comes To California To Cover Climate Engineering Issue

CNN’s “Beme” News Comes To California To Cover Climate Engineering Issue
Mainstream media’s near total failure to tell the truth on any subject is a primary reason populations are still so completely disconnected from reality on countless issues with climate engineering at the top of the list. The short on-air morning news interview below covering the climate engineering / geoengineering issue was recently recorded in Northern California at the KQMS radio station.… Read the rest

What the Hell Are They Spraying? Lionel Interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch

What the Hell Are They Spraying? Lionel Interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch
Lionel Nation is an extremely important voice that has fully joined the battle to expose and halt climate engineering. Lionel, from Lionel Nation, has always shown great courage in addressing and exposing the most dire issues on the horizon. In regard to the most critical issue of the global geoengineering assault, Lionel has truly helped to expand awareness. GeoengineeringWatch.org wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Lionel for conducting this interview.… Read the rest

Geoengineering: Waging Weather Warfare On World Populations

Geoengineering: Waging Weather Warfare On World Populations
Humanity’s attempt to manipulate Earth’s climate and life support systems is the absolute epitome of unbridled hubris. The ongoing global geoengineering assault has placed our planet under a state of siege. The thriving world we have formerly known is no more, we are accelerating at blinding speed toward a completely new and unimaginably challenging reality. What can we do to expose and halt the weather warfare assault?… Read the rest

Geoengineered Christmas Cool-Down

Geoengineered Christmas Cool-Down
The weather makers continue to manufacture winter weather whiplash in an ever more desperate attempt to confuse and divide populations regarding the true state of the climate disintegration. “Winter Storm Dylan”  is the latest creation of the climate engineers that is being orchestrated to coincide with the Christmas holidays. How much of a “storm” will “Winter Storm Dylan” actually amount to once this completely engineered mainstream media hyped “winter weather event” is all said and done?… Read the rest