History of Forced Vaccinations in Nations Indigenous Children

History of Forced Vaccinations in Nations Indigenous Children
There was a forced vaccination campaign in 1970-1 in the Northern Territory where forced vaccinations had a 50% fatality rate. This was reported by Dr Archie Kalokerinos, who was there during that time. He later wrote a book on it, called ‘Every Second Child’. Originally posted on TreatyRepublic.net Seasonal flu vaccinations have recently been offered free for Aboriginal children aged 5 years and under (the most vulnerable age range for complications).… Read the rest

There Are No Risks In Vaccinating Your Children – Victorian Health Minister

There Are No Risks In Vaccinating Your Children – Victorian Health Minister
Victorian Health Minister says that there are no risks in vaccinating your children and that you should seek advice from a GP not a quack on the internet.  By General Maddox. In what can only be described as one of the worst, most misleading, flat out false statements spoken by a politician has just been uttered in an interview on TV in Melbourne, Victoria.… Read the rest

The Shocking Image Behind Every U.S. Vaccine

The Shocking Image Behind Every U.S. Vaccine
You want cruel, you got it & this is the kind of disgusting & barbaric cruelty that goes on behind closed doors of the vaccine manufacturing industry. The blue blood circulating in horseshoe crabs is vampirically taken from the strapped down creatures in order to test vaccines. Who knew? A tube is inserted into them as a crude siphon that drains them of their life force into clear jars before them.… Read the rest

From one science denier to another

From one science denier to another
            by Brett Smith A memo did the rounds a few weeks back at News Ltd. Ease up on the ‘antivaxxers’. News Ltd. was getting nervous about the pro Bad Pharma, pro vaccine campaign they had been running in tandem with the US Government since the bogus Disneyland measles scare campaign back in 2013. Mission accomplished guys (sorry I mean girls, only poor old Claire Harvey and Jane Hansen had signed on for the mission, no real journalists required), let’s focus our attacks now on the Food Babe or Paleo Pete, acupuncturists and homeopaths, then we’ll move on to the herbalists and naturopaths.… Read the rest

Fully Vaccinated 20 YO Gets Meningitis Despite 2 Shots of Novartis’ Bexsero

Fully Vaccinated 20 YO Gets Meningitis Despite 2 Shots of Novartis’ Bexsero
A 20 year old fully vaccinated boy who had both shots of Bexsero(R) [Novartis], recommended against meningitis for people 10-25 years, has been discharged from the hospital in CA after coming down with the disease which is fatal in 10-15% of those who develop it. Some of the noteworthy absurdities in this story* followed by the comments of Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, www.DrRimaTruthReports.com,… Read the rest

Gardasil: A Dangerous, Contaminated And Ineffective Vaccine

Gardasil: A Dangerous, Contaminated And Ineffective Vaccine
An article released by The Civil Beat on FEBRUARY 8, 2016 makes outrageous claims in order to justify Mandatory HPV Vaccinations. In this sickening article they claim that HPV vaccines are Safe, highly effective & been tested extensively for safety and efficacy. Nothing could be further from the truth but in big pharma’s mad push for mandatory vaccinations, nothing shocks me anymore.… Read the rest