Idaho: Let Pharmacists Give Vaccines to Kids as Young as 6. Dangers? Not Important

Idaho: Let Pharmacists Give Vaccines to Kids as Young as 6. Dangers? Not Important
Backers of the bill note that Idaho has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, and they argued that by allowing pharmacists to perform the procedures on younger children, rural families would be better served. One of the dissenting Senators, Republican Sherry Nuxoll argued that she wasn’t comfortable with the depth of the language contained in the bill regarding the content of the consent forms parents would be signing. She worried that there wasn’t going to be enough information regarding possible health risks caused by vaccinations and immunizations.

Debate: Are Vaccines Safe and Effective or Deadly and Unnecessary?

Debate: Are Vaccines Safe and Effective or Deadly and Unnecessary?
THE GREAT VAX DEBATE Dr Rima Debated Pro-Vax Skeptic – Live! Are Vaccines Safe and Effective or are they Dangerous and Unnecessary? Dear Nicholas, I am writing an after-action report on the live stream 2 hour debate that we just concluded. Nick, you seem like pretty much a “Joe Regular” [see below] but I have to wonder if you have some problems that we should take into account or if you are just deeply duplicitous and disingenuous, perhaps a liar or, sadly, an unscrupulous person as I understand at least some of the Australian [so-called] Skeptics to be.… Read the rest

Psychiatric Drugs: Unproven, Unsafe, Unnecessary? Yes, Yes, Yes.

Psychiatric Drugs: Unproven, Unsafe, Unnecessary? Yes, Yes, Yes.
Psychiatrists and other doctors were "trained" to dispense dangerous, unfounded and ineffective medications like Pez, somehow believing that since they were used with tremendous frequency, they must somehow both work and be a reasonable substitute for safe, effective, less profitable, but more time-consuming treatment of depression, obsession, panic, anxiety, grief and both normal and disturbed childhood.

Vaccines Good! Truth/Freedom Bad! Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph Propaganda Machine Working Overtime to Smear Anti-Xaxxers

Vaccines Good! Truth/Freedom Bad! Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph Propaganda Machine Working Overtime to Smear Anti-Xaxxers
There is, of course, a seriously important piece of information missing here: Vaccinated people shed viruses. They infect both the vaccinated (because vaccines don’t really provide protection (check out the CDC websites on the various vaccines and the package inserts for confirmation of that) and the unvaccinated. Parents who do not vaccinate their kids or themselves are actually promoting health.

CDC Statistics: Measles Vaccine MUCH More Deadly Than Measles

CDC Statistics: Measles Vaccine MUCH More Deadly Than Measles
Official CDC data and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) show that nobody has died from measles in the US in over 10 years, whereas there have been at least 108 deaths reported to VAERS during the same period linked to measles vaccines. It is generally acknowledged by public health experts that VAERS reports represent between 1-10% of all cases so we are talking about anywhere from 1080 to 10800 measles vaccine deaths in the US per year against 0 measles deaths!