Why Are Doctors Giving Toddlers Drugs

Why Are Doctors Giving Toddlers Drugs
You Don’t Need To Be A Genius To Realize That Giving Toddlers Mind-Altering Drugs is a Terrible Idea–So Why Are Doctors Doing Just That? An Alarming Rise In The Frequency Of Prescriptions For Powerful Antipsychotics For…Toddlers? Who On Earth Would Give Mind-Blowing Drugs To A Toddler? A Criminal–Or A Doctor It used to be that, when you were a little kid and you got dragged to the doctor, you at least knew you would walk out of there with a lollipop.… Read the rest

Must See: Robert De Niro Debates Autism’s Link To Vaccines On TODAY Show

Must See: Robert De Niro Debates Autism’s Link To Vaccines On TODAY Show
The Tribeca Film Festival now is celebrating its 15th year and founders, actor Robert De Niro and producer Jane Rosenthal mark the occasion with an interview on TODAY. De Niro, who has an autistic child, comments on the decision to pull the anti-vaccination film “Vaxxed” from this year’s lineup, even though he says, “I think the movie is something that people should see,” and he questions statistics on vaccine-preventable diseases.… Read the rest

Aussie Mom Says Baby Has Whooping Cough Because She Did Not Vaccinate. Wanna Buy a Bridge?

Aussie Mom Says Baby Has Whooping Cough Because She Did Not Vaccinate. Wanna Buy a Bridge?
An Unidentified Mother Hold a Motionless Baby with Pertussis Allegedly Because She Did Not Vaccinate While Pregnant with a Vaccine NOT Tested or Approved for Safety and Associated with Serious Birth Defects and Other Adverse Events. Oh, and Which Affords Precious Little Protection. The Video Appears on the Government Website. Notice Anything Wrong Here? And If Anyone Watching the Video Sees the Baby Take a Breath, Please Let Us Know In the Comments Section.

Interview: Dr. Rima and Meryl Dorey on Vaccination

Interview: Dr. Rima and Meryl Dorey on Vaccination
Streamed live on Mar 30, 2016 http://tinyurl.com/InformedConsentPet… Well, well it took a week, but the Live Stream Archive is now active! Read the story about that here: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/2016/0… Dr. Rima Liabow MD and Ralph Fucetola JD interview Meryl Dorey, one of the founders of the Australian Vaccine Skeptics. http://drrimatruthreports.com/ https://www.facebook.com/meryl.dorey?fref=ts… Read the rest

Do the Math! Vax Adverse Reactions NOT Rare!

Do the Math! Vax Adverse Reactions NOT Rare!
Dr. Rima Replies: Do the Math! Vaccine Adverse Reactions are Not Rare. Do the math. The HPV vaccine is deadly. This one vaccine type alone* was associated not with the often-touted propaganda of “1 adverse reaction in a million” among the 2.59 million Japanese girls vaccinated with HPV vaccines, but a horrifying 1 in 1047 ratio. Now, if the Japanese reporting level is equivalent to that of the US, then we are seeing between 2 and 10% of what should be reported.… Read the rest

Are Vaccines Sacred Cows?

Are Vaccines Sacred Cows?
Dr. Rima Replies: Are Vaccines Sacred Cows? “The irony of vaccine issues is that when there are outbreaks of “vaccine-associated-diseases,” those outbreaks always are blamed on the non-vaccinated population.Really! Of those contracting communicable “vaccine diseases,” the greater percentage always is the partially- or fully-vaccinated. Statistics document those occurrences time and time again. Additionally, vaccine-targeted microorganisms MUTATE, as has happened with Pertussis and Polio, and probably others, I dare say.”… Read the rest

Australian Doctor Group Refutes Claims by Anti-Vaxx Opponents Despite Published Statements Opposing Legislation Before It Was Passed

Australian Doctor Group Refutes Claims by Anti-Vaxx Opponents Despite Published Statements Opposing Legislation Before It Was Passed
“The Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network (AVN) announced this week that they have received a preliminary oral advice from their barrister indicating that at least one avenue has been found to challenge the Federal Government's No Jab, No Pay legislation, enacted in January of this year.” The president of the AVN, Tasha David claims that a hearing before the Senate received over 3,000 submissions opposing the legislation.

From India, With Confusion: How Did Vaccine Truth Film Get Censored?

From India, With Confusion: How Did Vaccine Truth Film Get Censored?
The vaccine battle, like the battle to end nuclear radiation and genetic modification of life forms, is part of a battle for our very survival at the genomic level. We are not facing the adversary of insane science-for-profit. We are facing a far more dangerous adversary which has every intention of “bringing about” what they call “transhumanism” or defiling our very genome for their own purposes.

National Health Services Docs May Face Jail Time over Big Pharma Gifts

National Health Services Docs May Face Jail Time over Big Pharma Gifts
Champagne Jacuzzis and all-expense paid trips for NHS officials—Courtesy of Big Pharma Advisory boards or bribery boards? UK National Health Service (NHS) doctors in trouble over Big Pharma ties In a world increasingly infiltrated by corporate money at every conceivable level, it’s safer to assume that someone somewhere has been paid off in any given situation. The greasing of palms and the bestowing of favors is of course an age-old tradition, and it’s probably not going away anytime soon, But every now and then the greed on the part of those receiving the bribes and the sloppiness of those giving the bribes just becomes too much for the public to stomach, despite the institutionalized nature of the practice.… Read the rest

Robert DeNiro Failed Us All

Robert DeNiro Failed Us All
When the totally-exonerated Dr. Andrew Wakefield teamed up with investigative Reporter Dal Bigtree to tell the story of the CDC Whistleblower William W. Thompson, PhD, in Vaxxed: the Documentary, they were doing a public service and creating a necessary piece of information at the same time. Apparently it must also have some significant merit as a film because it was accepted for showing at the Tribeca Film Festival run by Robert DeNiro and his two partners and supported by American Express and other corporate megaliths.… Read the rest