#DontYouDare Virologist “Masks Provide No Corona Protection” Why Are We Using Them?

#DontYouDare  Virologist “Masks Provide No Corona Protection” Why Are We Using Them?
Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 9, 2021 I am a physician, not a virologist. I can read the scientific literature on masks, listen to the pronouncements of knowledgeable people and, as I have, come to a conclusion about mask wearing to prevent viral transmission and contamination. The conclusion I have reached, available in my ebook [1] and other publications on the topic, is that wearing masks to prevent transmission/contamination is magical thinking dressed up as science dressed up as political and social control.… Read the rest

#DontYouDare Who Is This Man Who Is Telling the Truth About Vaccines In A Hearing?

#DontYouDare  Who Is This Man Who Is Telling the Truth About Vaccines In A Hearing?
Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 8, 2021 The above video contains completely accurate information according to what I know about heavy metals, inflammation and vaccines.  I received the link from a correspondent who was unable to post it because of censorship and could only disseminate it in this fashion. However, as useful as the information is, I do not know the venue or the identify of the obviously well-qualified speaker.… Read the rest

#DontYouDare UNVERIFIED, CRUCIAL IF TRUE: Russians Identify Pfizer Vaxx Nanochip

#DontYouDare  UNVERIFIED, CRUCIAL IF TRUE: Russians Identify Pfizer Vaxx Nanochip
Schematic Diagram of NanoBot Allegedly Isolated and Identified by Russians in Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 Vaxx  Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 5, 2021 NOTE: The information here has been presented to me by a reader but remains to be vetted.  If you have valid information about the schematic or other aspects of this topic, please email me immediately at Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com.… Read the rest

#DontYouDare WinCo (Salem OR): “No Mask in Store, Mask @ Checkout or No Food for You, Old Lady!”

#DontYouDare  WinCo (Salem OR): “No Mask in Store, Mask @ Checkout or No Food for You, Old Lady!”
Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 4, 2021 I would like to say that this is as bat poop crazy as it can get.*  Sadly, I do not believe we have reached the pit of irrational tyranny by the insanely fearful. Judge for yourself. In Salem, OR, there is a store called WinCo [1] whose policy is that while shoppers are not required to wear masks in store, once they reach the sacred zone of self-checkout, masks are required.… Read the rest

#DontYouDare Did Virologist/Immunologist Robert Osward Write “There is No COVID-19”?

#DontYouDare  Did Virologist/Immunologist Robert Osward Write “There is No COVID-19”?
Robert Oswald, PhD Virologist and Immunologist Cornell University School of Veterinary Science Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 2, 2021 On December 31, Project Camelot published a statement purportedly by Dr. Robert Oswald, immunologist and virologist at Cornell University stating that the COVID 19 virus does not exist. [1] That statement is reproducer below.… Read the rest

#DontYouDare How to Read the Vaxx News – Decoding the Disinformation

#DontYouDare  How to Read the Vaxx News – Decoding the Disinformation
How to Detect Vaxx Disinformation: A Primer DID PLACEBO VACCINE VIALS RUN OUT? Vaccine Syringe “injecting” Vaccine Into Speaker Pelosi’s left arm has the orange safety cap on.  Either no vaccine was being injected or the physician to the US House is incompetent. Opinion by Dr. Rima| Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, January 2, 2021 The March of the Vaccine Lies is here, perhaps the theme song of the year.… Read the rest

#DontYouDare Was 1918 Pandemic Caused by a Virus? What About COIVD-19?

#DontYouDare Was 1918 Pandemic Caused by a Virus? What About COIVD-19?
Opinion By Dr Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation January 1, 2021 Everything about the COVID-19 “Pandemic” is off. Masks are now worn, according to Joe Biden, not as a matter of science, but patriotism, despite the scientific back up for mask wearing, which is neither safe nor effective. Social distancing is now practices as if it had some scientific basis in disease transmission reduction. … Read the rest

#DontYouDare OOPS! Can’t Find the Pandemic! But we can find the Post Vax Deaths!

#DontYouDare OOPS! Can’t Find the Pandemic! But we can find the Post Vax Deaths!
[1] Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 30,2020 “PANDEMIC ALERT! People are dropping dead like flies! Dead bodies everywhere? Gotta flatten the curve!” Wait! The real mortality rates are going down, while the UN mortalities PROJECTIONS are going up! Show me the numbers, Dude! If we have a pandemic, then we have excess deaths over the average, expectable death rate, right?… Read the rest

#DontYouDare: Dr Rima’s New Year’s COVID Prediction

#DontYouDare: Dr Rima’s New Year’s COVID Prediction
2020 Deaths Lower than Previous Years Prediction:  COVID Vaxx Injuries and Deaths, Mislabeled “COVID-19” will Lead in 2021 Opinion by Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD, Medical Director, Natural Solutions Foundation, December 30, 2020 “For the first time in 4 years, Americans are living longer lives”, according to recent data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. [1]  Life expectancy for Americans increased by 0.1 year, from 78.6 years in 2017 to 78.7 years in 2018.… Read the rest